It’s probably going to be a whole year, if not more, until the console versions of Cyberpunk 2077 are fixed. Just look at The Witcher 3 between its launch and the final product before the first big DLC pack. The start and end result are hugely different so it will be interesting to see how this game shapes out in 2021 and beyond. 

RELATED: Cyberpunk 2077: The 10 Biggest Fixes The Game Needs

What about after the fixes? Surely CD Projekt Red has DLC planned for this game as well. No one knows when any of that will launch. Plus there is also multiplayer in the works. To get the ball rolling, here are some ideas that are worth exploring in DLC and may even answer some lingering questions. 

10 Jackie And V: The Early Years

Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay screenshot

There is an unknown time gap between what the player chooses as their opening and the first mission involving the rescue of Sandra. Jackie and V’s friendship is shown blossoming in a montage which is a great device for narratives. That said, it would be cool to see some of these early missions. Although it would sort of diminish the majesty of the montage so this is a low DLC wish for the game

9 To The Moon

Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay screenshot

There are hints dropped throughout the game that there is a colony of people living on the moon. If there is going to be a sequel that might make the most sense as a setting.

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Although this colony is never mentioned in size. If it’s small enough maybe it would make more sense to visit in a DLC pack. A dance moon party would even be interesting to see. 

8 Corpo Wars

Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay screenshot

There are also numerous wars mentioned through the game’s narrative. One of them being the Corpo Wars which Mitch and Scorpion were supposed to be apart of. Since Scorpion died in the game it would be great to let fans see him more in a younger state. The same goes for Mitch who is one of the best characters in the game. Seeing more of them would be awesome but how this would play out as DLC would be a mystery. 

7 The Rise Of Johnny Silverhand

Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay screenshot

It might make more sense to theme some DLC around Johnny’s time as both a “terrorist” and a soldier in the wars. There is already a precedent for this as there is multiple flashbacks allowing players to assume his role. Who wouldn’t want more time with Keanu? He’s a big selling point of the game. Getting him back for development might be tricky though. 

6 Cyber Japan

Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay screenshot

Besides the moon, setting the sequel in Japan might also be a good idea. Fans of Grand Theft Auto have wanted a game set in a Tokyo like city for ages now. Since this game is basically a more futuristic take on that franchise it would fit. Plus it doesn’t seem like Rockstar is interested. It would be nice to get a taste of Japan though in some form through a DLC mission or something. 

5 Alt’s Cyberspace

Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay screenshot

In one of the endings in the game, players can separate themselves from Johnny and leave him in the care of Alt. What happens after that? This could be another way to not only showcase more cyberspace but to get more Johnny Silverhand in the game. Maybe Alt and Johnny are after attack post ending by Corpo breachers and need to fend them off.

4 Boss Arena

Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay screenshot

Some of the cooler, but more hidden missions in the game, involve going after psychopaths. These play out like mini bosses, usually tucked away in small areas allowing for close quarters encounters. There is one in a back alley involving a psychopath with electricity that felt very reminiscent of Ghost in the Shell. So, that being said, it would be interesting to implement an arena to fight more bosses like the psychopaths or the brawler encounters too. 

3 The Netwatch Agent

Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay screenshot

Before going to Cyberspace there is a big decision players have to make. Once they catch up to the Netwatch agent in the mall they can either let him go or kill him. Letting him go insures that his team will zap Maman Brigitte and her gang later.

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It is never said what happens to his team after that though but one can presume he is at least alive. It might be interesting to take on some more missions for him. Maybe a Western themed one in VR since he loves those movies. 

2 The Arizona Wastes

Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay screenshot

There are many alternate endings in the game but there is one that stands above all others as one of the better outcomes. It involves the aforementioned separation  of Johnny followed by V going with Panam and her family to the Arizona wastes. The ending is hopeful which points more toward a sequel game rather than DLC. However, there is definitely precedent for CR Projekt Red making huge areas for DLC. Just look at the packs for The Witcher 3 which were more like full blown expansions. 

1 Braindance Investigator 

Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay screenshot

To end on a small note, giving players more Braindance missions could be intriguing. Playing the detective was somewhat surprising in this game but it worked. There frankly wasn’t enough of these missions in the game but maybe that’s because CD Projekt Res already knew they were going to make more for DLC. Become the Batman of Night City. 

NEXT: 10 Unresolved Mysteries & Plot Holes Left Hanging In Cyberpunk 2077