The Nomads are a group of people belonging to the world of Cyberpunk 2077 that abide by their own rules, moving about from place to place using heavy-manufactured cars and fast motorcycles, akin to those you see in Mad Max movies. They look rugged, they're tough, and they rule the highways outside of Night City.

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A Nomad life path is one of the options given to the players at the beginning of the game. As a Nomad, V begins at the Badlands and works his way into Night City as a mercenary. The Nomads obviously play a massive role in the development of this world and there are a lot of interesting nuances to them not everyone will know about if they simply play the game once or just stick to the main story.

10 How The Nomads Were Formed

The Badlands from Cyberpunk.

Back when an event called "The Collapse" happened, millions upon millions of Americans lost their livelihoods and savings due to the economy's intense collapse. When this happened, the major cities became unsafe to live in because corporations started taking over the lands and gangs saw the event as an opportunity to wreak havoc.

Due to this, many families decided it would be safe to leave the cities and roam around for safer havens. However, traveling proved to be unsafe as well. This is when people decided to stick together. One family would stick with another family for the sake of survival until a group became bigger and bigger.

9 A Nomad Nation

aldecaldos from Cyberpunk

When families started rolling out of major cities and into the highways, packs started forming as more numbers would ensure higher survivability. Eventually, as groups got bigger and bigger, Nomad families became clans, clans became tribes, and tribes grew to become nations.

A Nomad family consists of no more than a hundred. A clan can go up to over a thousand members. When several clans band together, this forms a tribe and that consists of tens of thousands of individuals. Finally, when a Nomad group becomes large enough and they reach a hundred thousand to over a million, they become a Nomad nation.

8 They Used To Be More Feared

Cyberpunk 2077 Delivery Car

During the Nomad's earlier days, when their numbers began to increase more and more, they started garnering a reputation of being lawless and wild. They roamed the streets and claimed whatever they could for their own. Due to this, a sort-of prejudice and stigma were imparted upon the Nomads.

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The media would portray them as terrifying and ruthless and many were instructed to stay as far away from the Nomads as possible. In 2077, though, the fear of the Nomads dissipated, not because they became more prudent, but because many realized the Nomads were essential to the growth of Night City.

7 The Scouts

A Nomad car.

A Nomad Scout is someone who's considered to be the most visible member of the pack. They usually ride swift motorcycles or heavy yet speedy muscle cars, wearing armored leather suits.

The role of a scout is innumerable. When the Nomad group is mobile, they have to protect the convoy and ride ahead to look for safe campsites, all the while surveying for any potential trouble that may befall upon the group—and trouble is aplenty. This makes the job of a scout extremely dangerous, but one considered to be highly honorable.

6 The Cogs In The Machine

Panam on Bike in Cyberpunk 2077

Within every efficient Nomad group are Nomad Packs. The Nomad Packs are a group of individuals who work closely together, eventually forming a close bond with each other, making them even more efficient and symbiotic towards one another.

A Nomad Pack consists of a few Fixers, these are the ones responsible for discovering opportunities and connections in the city. There's at least one Netrunner, responsible for intelligence work. There are techs for vehicle repairs among others. A handful of scouts, and finally a couple of Nomad individuals and Solos, responsible for keeping the pack safe.

5 Moving Into Night City

cyberpunk 2077 northside

August 20, 2023, is a noteworthy day in the world of Cyberpunk. It was this fateful day that Johnny Silverhand and Morgan Blackhand, along with their incursion team, decided to infiltrate Arasaka HQ in Night City. This incursion ultimately failed and led to the apparent death of Johnny Silverhand, and the premature detonation of a nuclear device which caused widespread destruction.

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This event came to be known as the Night City Holocaust. The Nomads saw this opportunity to band together and move into the city to seize control of transportation and repairs. They eventually succeeded and became the city's largest builders and repairers.

4 The Seven Nations

cyberpunk bakkers

There are a total of seven Nomad Nations in the world of Cyberpunk. When the numbers of Nomads rose to the millions, the Seven Nations were formed via unofficial treaties and conferences. These nations consist of various tribes, packs, and families, all sharing a common interest, and sometimes a common enemy.

The Snake Nation is the largest of the Seven. The Jodes is a Nomad Family hailing from Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas. The Blood Nation arose out of the ash heap of Miami's drug trade. The Aldecaldos, featured in the game, are considered to be the first official Nomad family to come together. The Thelas Nation, more acquainted with the ocean than land, consisting of marine, sea, and water nomads. The Folk Nation, the successors of the old gangs that once dominated America. Finally, The Meta, the youngest Nomad Nation.

3 Transportation Service

Cyberpunk 2077 Porsche 911 II 930 Turbo In Garage

If someone wishes to get in or get out of Night City, the most reliable option would be to seek out the Nomads. The services offered by the Nomad clans will ensure a client's safety as the Nomads will spare no expense in getting someone from point A to point B securely.

The Nomads are even capable of sponsoring heavily armed convoys to get someone or a group of people wherever they wish to, from cities to cities to the edges of the New United States.

2 Sea Nomads

Cyberpunk 2077 Talking With Rogue During Chippin In

Those who wish to travel by water can also seek out the Nomads. Sea-based Nomad clans have access to almost anything that can run on the ocean, from luxury liners, abandoned yachts, to massive container ships.

Seeking out the help of sea-based Nomad clans is considered to be the only reliable nautical transportation mode. This is highly preferred by those who wish to avoid the harshness and uncertainty of America's roads.

1 Air Nomads

Cyberpunk 2077 Saul Bright Arms Folded In The Desert

Aside from ruling the highways of America and controlling sea travel, many Nomad Clans also hold access to modern cargo blimps. Those who wish to travel faster to another region, or even overseas, can turn to the Nomads for this particular service.

If that's not enough, the Nomads are also able to move cargo and people around using jets. They are even willing get involved with tangled legal affairs that most would frown upon, especially the government and corporations of Night City, for the right price, that is.

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