Cyberpunk2077 officially launched on December 10. Not only was Cyberpunk 2077 an instant success, turning a profit based off of pre-orders alone, but became the fastest-selling PC game of all-time, too. In this case, however, success comes alongside heavy criticism. While Cyberpunk 2077 may be getting impressive reviews, in its unofficial Reddit community is being hammered relentlessly. Cyberpunk 2077 players are very unhappy with the stability and condition of the game.

The current top post on the  sureddit is a list of features missing from Cyberpunk 2077. It has over 20,000 upvotes and over 4,000 comments from the community. The list itself is over 50 features long with criticisms ranging from important, like the lack of key accessibility features, to silly, like the lack of a way to make the player character smoke. Regardless, it just goes to show how many details, small and large, Cyberpunk 2077 players are frustrated with while playing the game.

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Another highly upvoted post on the subreddit, with over 16,000 upvotes and nearly 3,000 comments, focuses purely on Cyberpunk 2077's AI for NPC drivers. Cyberpunk 2077 is compared to Grand Theft Auto 5, which features some of the most robust NPC driving AI in the industry. Cyberpunk 2077,'s AI for drivers is described as severely lacking, in comparison. Examples are how drivers minimally react to gunshots or fights, will stop behind a parked car and never go around it, and how police NPCs spawn around the player.

The subreddit is full of these specific types of criticism, with robust active conversations within each thread. Topics like arcade machines not being interactive, PS4 and Xbox One versions of Cyberpunk 2077 having poor performance, accidentally getting into sexual encounters due to confusing dialogue options, and more. Clearly, Cyberpunk 2077 players had very high expectations for the game, a lot of which has gone unmet. And while those expectations are often unfair, there's also a variety of valid criticisms.

Criticism of Cyberpunk 2077 has gotten to a point on the subreddit where it's becoming a meta topic, where there are quite a few discussions and jokes revolving around the criticism rather than just criticism itself. For example, a thread with almost 30,000 upvotes points out that Cyberpunk 2077 uses the wrong types of manhole covers based on ID numbers. There's also a very popular meme going around tied to how the player character V awkwardly lays on their bed when going to sleep. Video game fans often make their own fun, despite frustrations.

To its credit, CD Projekt Red is making improvements to the state of Cyberpunk 2077 as fast as its able. The team just issued another hotfix that improves stability and performance, among other things. CD Projekt Red's CEO also just apologized to the development team, guaranteeing them bonuses regardless of the game's review scores. There's still a lot of work to be done, but it appears to be getting done.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One, with PS5 and Xbox Series X upgrades coming in 2021.

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