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While playing through Cyberpunk 2077, players may find their character begins to overheat occasionally. Though this may seem strange, it's actually due to the cybernetic enhancements the character makes use of. Enemies that have a line of sight on the player can hack them, causing their components to overheat, and even cameras can cause this effect on players.

Cyberpunk 2077's big theme is that the only limit to what players can do is what they're willing to become. In layman's terms, this means that cybernetic implants and enhancements are a major part of the gameplay. As with all good things, there's a price,and enemies can actually use the player's cybernetics against them.

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It's vital that players figure out how to stop overheating, and perhaps more importantly, how to prevent it from happening in the first place. When a player is overheating, they take constant damage, and if it isn't addressed quickly, it can easily cause the player to die and have to reload.

Cyberpunk 2077 how to stop overheating

In order to hack the player, a netrunner needs to have line of sight. This includes the usage of cameras, so players should always try and make a mental note of any camera locations. If the player is in the process of getting hacked, the best way to stop it from happening is to take cover and break line of sight from all enemies. If it's still happening even then, odds are there's a camera trained on the player's position. Shooting or hacking the camera should prevent the hack from taking effect.

Blocking line of sight like this is really only a temporary fix, however, as the overheating will begin again once the player leaves cover. Instead, players will need to kill whichever enemy hacked them in the first place. Though this sounds simple enough, it can be difficult to tell who did it. Players that want a little bit of help with this should consider investing in the I Spy perk, as it lets the player know exactly who on the enemy team is hijacking them. Additionally, scanning enemies before each fight can help players narrow down who is capable of hacking and who isn't.

It should also be said that some players are having some problems with this mechanic, claiming that certain enemies are able to hack them through walls. It's unclear if this is a Cyberpunk 2077 bug or glitch that needs to be fixed as it hasn't been tested enough yet to say for certain, but players should watch out for it regardless.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

MORE: Cyberpunk 2077: Can You Change Appearance?