There are many ways to play Cyberpunk 2077, whether it's through bombastic violence or sneaking around, and one fan decided that the latter needed a tweak so has released a stealth mod that takes inspiration from Dishonored and Deus Ex. Stealth games are very popular among players, and there are plenty of games and franchises to choose from. While CD Projekt Red's dystopian sci-fi RPG is known for its gritty violence, it still caters to those who like to be more clandestine.

While the game itself got off on the wrong foot, with a disastrous launch that caused an immediate backlash, the studio has continued to improve on the 2020 release. These days it's in a much better shape and in fact, Cyberpunk 2077 is improving all the time with a new coat of paint in the guise of Nvidia's RTX Path Tracing Overdrive mod coming in April. As well as that, the modding community continues to release its own improvements, some of which take cues from already existing IPs.

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As seen by DSO Gaming, Nexus Mods user RMK brings the world "Stealth Runner," a mod for Cyberpunk 2077 that has been inspired by Arkane Studios' Dishonored series as well as the Deus Ex games from Eidos/Ion Storm. What it does, according to the description, is implement a new "stealth-focused perk tree" which can unlock additional abilities. There are new objectives, labelled Ghost, Shadow, Pacifist, No-Touch, and Hero. The mod tracks these objectives for main story and side quests, as well as gigs, aiming to motivate players through rewards achieved by being more stealthy during missions. RMK makes it clear that this is not an overhaul of the vanilla mechanics, just an expansion of it.

It's interesting how this mod takes cues from Arkane's steampunk franchise, as it turns out that Dishonored may be inspiring the Cyberpunk 2077 sequel. CDPR says the next installment in the series could do better when it comes to stealth, particularly in treating paths as special in order to give players more of a reason to choose different routes. Essentially, it sounds like the developer is interested in making different approaches more rewarding.

There are plenty of Cyberpunk 2077 mods available already, and more are coming out all the time. Anyone who's familiar with the game, particularly on PC, knows the value of having an enhanced version of the standard experience. While there's nothing inherently wrong with the vanilla release, especially since major patches have fixed a lot of the initial problems and bugs, there is something to be said for turning to the modding community to give players a better version of a game.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: DSO Gaming, Nexus Mods