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Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty DLC gives players the opportunity to experience a new story, explore a new district, and much more. That said, some fans may be unclear about how they are to go about accessing this new content. Fortunately, it is not particularly difficult to start Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty DLC, and this guide contains details on two options that players can pursue.

To note, while Cyberpunk 2077's 2.0 update is available to everyone that already has the base game, Phantom Liberty must be purchased. As such, fans should make sure that they bought and installed the DLC before continuing to read this guide, as the information below will not be applicable until those actions has been performed.

RELATED: How the Cyberpunk 2077 Base Game Sets the Stage for its Phantom Liberty DLC

Cyberpunk 2077: How to Start Phantom Liberty DLC

The simplest way to play the Phantom Liberty DLC is to start a new game and then select Skip Ahead to Phantom Liberty. Indeed, this option will give players immediate access to the DLC's first mission, Dog Eat Dog, and they will even receive a brief summary of the events that they have skipped from Johnny Silverhand himself.

Additionally, players that pursue this option will start with a Level 15 character that has access to a variety of Tier 2 Uncommon Weapons and even some Cyberware. This character will also come with their attribute and perk points already allocated, allowing fans to get into the action without any delay. That said, players that prefer to create their own build can reset the character's attributes and refund their perk points as soon as they load into the game.

cyberpunk 2077 start phantom liberty dlc

The other way to start Phantom Liberty is to play through the base game until the Transmission mission has been completed. This Act 2 mission marks the conclusion of a player's business with the Voodoo Boys, and players that ignore the game's vast optional content and rush its main story should be able to reach that point in around 11 hours of gameplay.

With respect to which of these two options is recommended, that must be determined on a player-to-player basis. Indeed, if the player would simply be rushing through the base game in order to reach Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty DLC content as quickly as possible, they might as well skip ahead and read an online story recap to get a refresher on the preceding events. However, if the player wanted to fully immerse themselves in Night City, and get familiar with the various gameplay systems, before entering Dogtown, then they should absolutely consider taking the longer path to the DLC.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.