While Cyberpunk 2077 has only been released for a few years, some franchise fans are already ready for the sequel. Developer CD Projekt Red has confirmed that a Cyberpunk 2077 sequel is in the works, but gamers will probably have to wait until the upcoming Phantom Liberty DLC is released. Although more full-length adventures in the world of Cyberpunk might be far in the future, Cyberpunk 2077 leaves quite a few lore threads open to follow in future installments. That said, it's a great time to think about potential titles for the Cyberpunk 2077 sequel and how they could shape the game.

Although the Cyberpunk 2077 sequel may expand the world of Night City and give players new areas and stories to explore, Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty will be centered around V and Johnny Silverhand. According to the Phantom Liberty release trailer, a potential military incursion has come to Night City, and V makes a fateful allegiance to them. There are rumors that this mysterious group could be the military of the New United States of America (NUSA), making this a potent connection for V. Given Johnny's apprehension at the decision and the expansion's confirmed spy-thriller themes, the DLC is sure to have ramifications for the Cyberpunk sequel as well.

RELATED:How Cyberpunk 2077's Sequel Could Pan Out

Cyberpunk: The Free States Could Take The Sequel Outside of Night City

zen master in the badlands in cyberpunk 2077

Although the lore of Cyberpunk 2077 somewhat touches on it, some players may be unaware that other areas outside of Night City govern themselves. Known as the "Free States," The Republic of Texas, including Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Washington, Idaho, and others, are fully autonomous or semi-autonomous from NUSA.

Throughout the tumultuous history of the United States in the Cyberpunk TTRPG, NUSA and the Free States have constantly struggled for power, control, and freedom. Given that Cyberpunk 2077 explores the autonomous Night City - and Phantom Liberty might upset that privilege - it makes sense for a sequel called "Cyberpunk: The Free States" to explore other areas of the country fighting that same battle.

Cyberpunk: Mikoshi Might Give The Sequel A Chance to Explore The Net

Alt Cunningham in cyberspace in Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is an incredible lore-dense RPG, making capturing the gravity of particular choices and moments sometimes challenging. For instance, the mysterious "Mikoshi" data fortress, which is critical to V's survival, is also a way for V's engram to be forever preserved until a later date. While only players who sided with Hanako Arasaka would have the option to store V's engram, there is a chance that the Cyberpunk 2077 sequel will use this ending as canon. If so, the upcoming game could occur inside a Matrix-influenced Mikoshi world or see V exploring the wild west of the Net with Alt Cunningham and Johnny Silverhand. This hypothetical sequel would aptly be called "Cyberpunk: Mikoshi."

Cyberpunk: The Badlands Would Have Panam Find A Cure For V's Condition

panam palmer in cyberpunk 2077

It's incredible to think that due to the expansive nature of Cyberpunk 2077, certain elements are missed entirely depending on player choice. This includes the nomad storyline, which focuses on V and Panam working with the Aldecaldos to survive. Remarkably, hanging out with the Aldecaldos gives players a sense of community rarely experienced in Cyberpunk 2077. Siding with the Aldecaldos means forging a deep connection with Panam Palmer, arguably the most popular NPC from Cyberpunk 2077. At the game's end, V can escape from Night City into the badlands with Panam. A potential sequel called "Cyberpunk: The Badlands" could pick up after this and focus on V finding a cure for their terminal condition.

RELATED:Why Cyberpunk 2077's Sequel Will Likely Stay in Night City

Cyberpunk: Unification Could Explore The Implications of Arasaka's Downfall

Cyberpunk 2077 Hanako Arasaka

The events of Phantom Liberty may drastically impact the future of Night City. While the Cyberpunk 2077 sequel will likely stay within Night City, players may experience an entirely different version of the location. Some Cyberpunk 2077 players may have received an ending that culminates in the destruction of Arasaka Tower.

Unbeknownst to many - including V - Arasaka is one of the key players in keeping Night City safe. If NUSA and Militech attempt to bring the city under government control in Phantom Liberty, the upcoming sequel might explore a second Unification War. Given Cyberpunk 2077's focus on Arasaka, exploring Militech would be interesting, and the sequel could be called "Cyberpunk: Unification."

Cyberpunk: Trauma Team May Put Players In The Shoes of A Night City Medic

Cybepunk 2077 Trauma Team

Although this potential sequel is a notable departure from V's story, there is ample possibility in exploring the various organizations that operate in Night City. One of the most fascinating is Trauma Team International, which partners with other companies to provide rapid-response medical care. The company's pricey tiered service for medical care is an immediate issue within Cyberpunk 2077, as V often encounters Trauma Team squads during missions. Not only could a potential sequel called "Cyberpunk: Trauma Team" focus gameplay around medical care and extraction versus direct combat, but there is a powerful and poignant moral quandary within the Trauma Team's work. It would be awesome to see the Cyberpunk 2077: Trauma Team comic series come to life.

Cyberpunk: Samurai Could Tell Johnny's Story Pre-Cyberpunk 2077

Johnny Silverhand Cyberpunk 2077

While a confirmed Cyberpunk 2077 sequel is on the horizon, it's not yet known if this game will be set in the future or the past. Given the popularity of Keanu Reeves' Johnny Silverhand, and his fateful presence in the main game, there's a chance that the next Cyberpunk game may explore Johnny's life before 2077. During Cyberpunk 2077, players can play as Johnny throughout the game, but there are only glimpses of his music career and relationship with Alt Cunningham. It would be incredible to play as a young Johnny Silverhand and experience the rise and downfall of Samurai - and Johnny's life - as Night City becomes progressively more cyberpunk. As such, the sequel could be called "Cyberpunk: Samurai."

Cyberpunk 2077 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: The Unwritten Rules of Cyberpunk 2077 Explained