Gamers love crossovers, and ahead of Cyberpunk 2077's release, there were a number of theories regarding Ciri's possible appearance in the game. CD Projekt Red recently outlined its future plans alongside the new Witcher saga, which include a brand new IP codenamed Hadar and a sequel to Cyberpunk 2077.

Nothing is certain in the gaming industry, but a betting man would put Cyberpunk 2077's sequel in Night City. It's the iconic, de facto setting of the brand at large, and if it shifted just a few years or whatnot, it's easy to explain any major changes to the setting. And if Cyberpunk 2077's sequel remains in the iconic city, players should be able to see Ciri at some point.

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Ciri Not Appearing in Cyberpunk 2077 Was a Missed Opportunity

Ciri from the Witcher games

During The Witcher 3, Ciri will talk about her travels across various universes, stating at one point that she visited a place where "people had metal in their heads, waged war from a distance, using things similar to megascopes. And there were no horses, everyone had their own flying ship instead." By ships, it's likely she means cars, and it's pretty clear this is a reference to Night City. Ever since fans put two and two together, they had begged to see Ciri in Cyberpunk 2077. There is an Easter egg of her appearing on a magazine, but that was mostly inconsequential. Fans wanted substance.

Indeed, a Cyberpunk 2077 sequel gives fans the chance to do right by Ciri. It's not likely she plays any major role in the story, though fans would be happy if that were the case, but a simple side quest related to Ciri would be all that it takes. Encountering Ciri, however briefly, would no doubt excite CD Projekt Red fans.

Of course, it should be noted that both The Witcher and Cyberpunk are licensed materials, and while the company certainly has some free rein within its project, this crossover likely has more complications behind the scenes than many anticipated. Ciri does appear in Cyberpunk 2077 to some degree, at least, and that means something bigger may just require more on the table.

It's hard to speak to any of that, but what's important is simple: fans want to see Ciri in crossovers. A Ciri crossover in Night City has already been teased to some degree. It didn't happen to the magnitude fans wanted in the first game, but the potential is certainly there for Cyberpunk 2077's sequel.

Cyberpunk 2077's sequel is in development.

MORE: What the Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel Could Be About