CD Projekt Red recently announced another delay for Cyberpunk 2077, though the new release date is only 21 days away from the previous launch day of November 19. While the latest delay is very brief and is purely centered around creating a more polished Cyberpunk 2077 experience for all platforms, one fan suffered heavily from the shocking release date change.

Cyberpunk 2077’s move to December 10 is unlikely to affect many gamers, though Twitter user PoshPenguino is certainly an exception. Yesterday, Penguino asked the official Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter account if CD Projekt Red could confirm that the game would indeed meet its November release date. Penguino wanted to “book the 19th off work” to celebrate the game’s release and play the RPG all day, and with the Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter account giving the go ahead via a reply, Penguino took the time off work.

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CD Projekt Red announced the delay just a day after promising the fan that they would be riding Keanu Reeves’ motorycles on November 19. Twitter was quick to call out this major mistake, with Penguino giving a screenshot of the original comment a funny caption of “images taken moments before disaster.” Players were quick to reply to Penguino’s tweet and the original release date assurance, causing a storm of Tweets regarding the slipup.

With fans already questioning Cyberpunk 2077’s team over “missing” content like dual wielding, CD Projekt Red was quick to comment on the situation before it got out of hand as well. It seems like the studio feels just as sorry for Penguino’s work mishap, though, as it replied once again to his original tweet with a censored F-bomb and a frown face. While the release date change will likely be for the best and ensure a better game, it would be hard to blame Penguino for getting upset.

Luckily, this previously tragic story received a happy ending thanks to the Twitter user’s boss. In a follow-up tweet from the Cyberpunk 2077 fan, Penguino shares that he is “getting the days holiday back” after showing his boss the tweet. Fans were quick to reply and shout out how nice this was of Penguino’s boss, with many gamers seeming just as interested in the drama as Penguino himself. Through this positive turn of events, it now seems like the fan will be able to take off December 10 instead to battle gangs and hunt down NSFW Witcher easter eggs within Night City.

While this Twitter interaction was a rollercoaster, it is nice to see that no harm was ultimately done by the latest Cyberpunk 2077 delay. With CD Projekt Red “warmed up” by The Witcher 3 and the experience it gave the team, Cyberpunk 2077 certainly has potential to deliver on the immense hype when it finally releases.

Cyberpunk 2077 launches December 10 for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One, with PS5 and Xbox Series X versions also in development.

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