
  • Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty offers a heavy storyline exploring betrayal and personal honor, but the Waiting For Dodger gig provides much-needed comedic relief.
  • The Waiting For Dodger gig in Cyberpunk 2077 features inept police officers, humorous dialogue, and an escort mission that turns into a hilarious adventure.
  • Players have the choice to either back up the officers' lies or expose them, leading to either an action-packed showdown or a comedic resolution to the quest.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty makes it very clear that it aims to be a spy-thriller adventure throughout it's run, and it features a heavy storyline that goes into betrayal, personal honor, and what goes on behind people's backs. It's certainly a lot to take in, and the side jobs offered in Phantom Liberty may only add to this load. With how the DLC extends the reach of Night City, it's understandable if fans may wish for something to lighten the mood.

Thankfully, this is surprisingly where the main story for the expansion helps out those who need a laugh. Eventually, at some stage, Cyberpunk 2077 players will need to do some jobs for a fixer they may know as Mr. Hands. These gigs may feel like they distract from the main story at first, but there's only three of them, and they're kept short and sweet for this reason. However, the third job, Waiting For Dodger, delivers on the comedy fans may have been needing.

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Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty's Waiting For Dodger Gig

cyberpunk 2077 waiting for dodger walkthrough

When players answer Mr. Hands' call about Waiting For Dodger, they may be surprised that the gig deals with two Night City Police Department officers being pinned down by a dealer. It might be easy to assume that this job will be like the others, which were quick fetch quests with optional choices that could easily be made into a shoot out if fans want to make it one. The first part of the quest deals with meeting Stella, the fiancée to one of the officers.

Stella can be found in a car dear Dogtown's entrance gate. As players hop in the vehicle, they're told by Stella to pull the seat down into the resting position unless they want to get caught right away by one of Dodger's lackeys. Fans can argue her choice, but the seat goes down so slowly that it may earn a laugh out of players either way. It may seem inconsequential, but it tells players just what they're in for with the Waiting For Dodger gig.

Waiting For Dodger May Be the Funniest Quest in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

cyberpunk 2077 waiting for dodger walkthrough

Once V arrives, fans find the troubled officers covered in blood, and V cracks a surprising chuckle when they're reassured that it's "not their blood." From there, the henchman that had the officers trapped is revealed to be a bloody corpse, even V calls the situation into question as they swear their innocence over the dead body in a sarcastic way. The scene is completely different from other important scenes in the DLC, such as Solomon Reed's arrival.

After the cops explain that they cut the lackey open to recover Dodger's drugs that were absorbed into his system, the jokes keep coming. The two members of the NCPD, Bill and Charlie, are revealed to be completely inept, and the gig quickly turns into an escort mission to get the two of them safely back to Stella. Both of them argue behind V the entire time, with Bill being blamed for encouraging Charlie into this part of Night City, and Charlie yelling that Bill couldn't keep the drug in his pocket to save his life.

To add to the humor of the mission, V has a choice to make at the end that only benefits players. When the officers and V run into Dodger himself, Charlie and Bill lie about the reason why they don't have the drugs anymore, and it's up to V to either back them up, or rat out the Cyberpunk 2077 NPCs. If players take their side, that's when the action starts. However, if fans choose to say they're lying, the cops will tell the truth, and even Dodger will find it so hilarious that he'll let Bill and Charlie off scot-free. It's a quest full of a ton of laughs that helps ease the heavier aspects of the DLC with ease.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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