Over the past two years, one game has made a prominent mark with many gamers, be it for good reasons or bad. Cyberpunk 2077 is still rather important with fans to this day, and many are looking forward to the upcoming Phantom Liberty DLC expansion. As it takes the protagonist V into a new espionage-based storyline, there's lots to excite players from the potential for more action-packed sequences, important choices, and even a new ending for the base Cyberpunk 2077 game that can only be earned through playing the DLC in full.

However, even though Phantom Liberty has earned its place among one of 2023's most anticipated titles despite only being an expansion pack to a game that was released in 2020, the spy-thriller adventure is the only one of its kind for CD Projekt Red's open-world RPG. It begs the question as to why this is, as things are looking up for Cyberpunk 2077 as of late after an incredible rough start. However, the state of the game at launch is most likely exactly why CD Projekt Red chose to look ahead instead of looking back.

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Cyberpunk 2077's Post-Launch Scars


Truthfully, a big reason why Cyberpunk has remained a topic among gamers ever since it was released is due to how it was one of the most highly anticipated games in 2020 that ended up launching in an abysmal state. There were so many bugs and glitches that were both game-breaking and antithetical to the game, like the unlimited money glitches Cyberpunk 2077 fans quickly found, that analysts believe that the poor final product led to CD Projekt Red losing a little under 500,000 sales in refunds like those issued through the PS Store.

Ever since CP 2077 was launched, CD Projekt Red focused on damage control, developing patches, updates, and even smaller DLC packs that gave players something to enjoy while the studio focused on fixing the game's overall performance. Now, two and a half years after Cyberpunk 2077 first launched, many believe the RPG to be in a better state to where it's worth picking up, which plays into why the Phantom Liberty DLC is so hotly anticipated. However, 2077 is still far from perfect, and having Phantom Liberty be its swansong is ultimately beneficial.

CD Projekt Red is Looking to the Future and Not the Past


There's only so much CD Projekt Red can do for Cyberpunk after its main development cycle has finished. While what has been done is impressive, there are still some issues that will always linger as they require more time and effort to fix. As a result, it's better overall to move on from an improved Cyberpunk 2077 and take what mistakes were made into consideration for the Cyberpunk sequel currently in development. The only way to do that is to let go of CP 2077 with a proper send-off that will get fans, and the developers, excited for what's to come next.

Phantom Liberty is likely being made with this as one of its specific purposes. When attendees go to try out Phantom Liberty at Summer Game Fest's Play Days event, some thought that the DLC managed to finally hit what Cyberpunk 2077 dreamed of being back when it first launched. Requested changes such as a complete overhaul of the police system in the game will be added as well. If the Cyberpunk 2077 DLC manages to stick the landing with all of its promises and live up to its hype with players, then it would be the finishing touches that the RPG needs before both fans and developers are able to move on to different things.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty launches on September 26, 2023, for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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