As Cyberpunk 2077 edges closer to its second anniversary, CD Projekt Red has revealed its latest addition in the game with the Phantom Liberty DLC. Many fans have been awaiting new content, as the title for the most part has been surrounded by a mixed reception with some left pleased and others disappointed at what was released against what was promised.

Related: No Other DLC Plans Aside From Phantom Liberty

After multiple delays before its release in December 2020, players on old-gen consoles were left with an unplayable port which ultimately saw the title removed from the PlayStation store for some time. Due to the hard work of developers with patches and tweaks, the title is in a much better state, and with the announcement of an expansion, what was once a disappointment for many may turn out to satisfaction.

WARNING: Some potential spoilers for Cyberpunk 2077

6 Expanded Shopping System

Character Inventory

With many of the modern-day open-world titles such as Grand Theft Auto 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2, players can enter clothing stores or general stores and purchase a range of goods whilst having a preview of what is on display amid gameplay.

Based on reveal trailers and the level of excitement fans maintained for this title before its release, this would have been seen as a prerequisite given its open-world RPG genre and being the most ambitious CD Projekt Red title yet. With the implementation of the Phantom Liberty DLC, developers have a great opportunity to please fans in this region whilst they still can.

5 Expanded In-Game Menu

Cyberware Menu

Akin to the need for an improved purchase and preview system, is the 'cyberware menu' where the game enables players to pick and choose which mod they wish to use, after visiting a 'Ripperdoc'. Whilst this is a befitting and well-received mechanic, it would be much more immersive and engaging if the cybernetic procedures were completed in the form of cutscenes rather than in-menu.

Some fans won't see this as a deal breaker, but it would certainly help in the much broader idea of creating an expansion that includes some of what many people had expected. Many players will be aware of the cut content of Cyberpunk 2077's base game, and while it is unknown whether this feature was a part of the original plans, it would only add to a potentially great DLC regardless.

4 NPC Interactions

NPC Scenarios

Aside from the 'cyberpsycho sightings' deemed as side missions, and the few occasions of stumbling upon gangs in the midst of a police shootout, there were not many occurrences in which players would interact with NPCs in "Night City".

Related: GTA 5 Interactions Versus Cyberpunk 2077

This led fans to a feeling of the open world feeling empty and lacking the alive-like feels players are familiar with in other open world titles. If CD Projekt Red can improve on this factor and make these scenarios spontaneous, it would be pivotal in the contribution of creating the promised open-world experience fans have been waiting to delve into.

3 More Impactful Decisions Throughout


CD Projekt Red is known to have its games centered around decision-making and choices in dialogue which often results in different endings, good or bad. Whilst there are a plethora of options available within each mission, there is a lack of dialogue choices that directly affect the player's ending, especially in the prologue other than the final mission's options.

This is unlike CD Projekt Red's previous title The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, where players' dialogue options or choices had lasting consequences throughout the story rather than only having importance in a small portion of the game. A shift back to the previous style would benefit factors such as replayability and encourage players to take on multiple playthroughs.

2 Third-Person Cutscenes And Gameplay


The omission of a third-person option that was originally planned based on reveals, is one of if not the pivotal complaint many fans had with the release of this title. In terms of immersion, it would have been ideal for CD Projekt Red to give players an option between the two, but was ultimately narrowed down to the first-person perspective only.

Whilst it is unlikely this will change in Phantom Liberty or any potential future DLC, the very least fans would be hoping for is that the third-person cutscenes are reinstated. With the expansion set to release in 2023, fans will be expecting updates and hoping that this implementation will be present.

1 More Romance Options

Romance Options

Similar to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Cyberpunk 2077 followed suit in the manner of enabling players to have relationships or periods of romance with other characters. Despite being the shorter game in length, fans would have expected a greater focus on more options and a greater variety of characters to romance with.

While it is still present and not removed completely, it appears to be much more of a linear and fixed choice, as players who choose a male V would romance with Panam, and those who choose a female V romance with Judy. An improvement here would see an increased number of options regardless of which type of character the player wishes to create, resulting in a greater and more immersive experience for players. It would adhere to the idea of making decisions and dialogue far more impactful.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

More: Cyberpunk 2077 Reveals Phantom Liberty Expansion, Keanu Reeves Returning