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The opening missions in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty don't pull their punches, and players are thrown into high-stress, hostile environments from the jump. The end of the introduction features an intense boss fight with the Chimera that also results in players picking up an optional reward.

The Chimera is a giant combat robot with lasers, explosives, and other powerful weapons. After taking it down, players can leave the area immediately or pick up the Chimera Core first. Since the Chimera core's exact location isn't specified, players can use this guide to find it and discover its use in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty.

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How to Take the Chimera Core in Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Chimera

The Chimera is the final battle in the Spider and The Fly main story mission. Songbird will take control over the war machine, but this does not last as the Chimera turns on V and President Myers.

The fight moves to an underground concrete room where players must avoid the Chimera's overpowered attacks and take it down. This is not an easy feat as it constantly shoots bullets and explosives at them and is practically bulletproof across most of its body.

How to Defeat the Chimera

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Chimera

Players can defeat the Chimera using a few different strategies. The most important part is to stay moving. Its attacks take huge chunks of health if not avoided. Hiding isn't really an option because it can shoot straight through the concrete walls and pillars.

Although foreboding, the Chimera does have some weak spots, specifically around its joints and turrets. Using a strong weapon like a Shotgun or Assault Rifle is the player's best bet. There's plenty of ammo around the fight area, so get in as many solid hits as possible between attacks.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Chimera

Players can also pick up and use the broken turret guns in the corners of the upper level. The Chimera's health is measured in two parts, and once the first section is down, be ready to shoot down repair drones before they fully heal it back up. These drones will also be shooting at V and Myers, so getting rid of them is necessary. Once the Chimera's health reaches zero, the fight is over.

Where is the Chimera Core?

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty

The Chimera will fall to the ground after being defeated, and the objective will be to find a way out of the building. An optional objective also says to pick up the Chimera's Core.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty

The Core isn't found inside or on the Chimera body, so players might not find it at first. The Chimera Core will be on the ground a couple of feet away from the main body. It is round and on the smaller side, but players can use their scanner to highlight its position. Then, it can be picked up and added to their inventory.

How to Use the Chimera Core in Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty

There isn't any information on what to do with the Chimera Core in the initial objective. However, players can trade or use it to craft a Tier Five Iconic Weapon mod.

Four potential weapon mods can be made with the Chimera Core. It can only be used once, so players can't change their minds after crafting it unless they return to a previous save. The Chimera Core weapon mods include the following:

  • Firecracker (Power Weapon Mod): Shoots explosive rounds.
  • Wallpuncher (Tech Weapon Mod): You can charge the weapon to 200% capacity without increasing charge time. Also has +100% Armor penetration—no penalty for penetrating cover.
  • Hackatomy (Smart Weapon Mod): There's a +5% chance to apply a quickhack effect. The type of effect depends on the body part hit.
  • Severance (Melee Weapon Mod): When an enemy is below 50% Health, each hit to their head or limbs has a 20% chance to dismember and instantly kill.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.