The overall content of Cyberpunk 2077 is set to be strengthened with the upcoming Phantom Liberty expansion. As the only slated major expansion for the game, a huge amount of attention is predictably being placed on it and its quality.

Cyberpunk 2077 is in a much better state now compared to its launch, so it is clear to see why so many people are already optimistic about the Phantom Liberty DLC. Despite this, the DLC remains to be a double-edged sword that has some serious negatives regardless of how it is perceived.

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Cyberpunk 2077 and the Risks of a Lackluster Phantom Liberty

Cyberpunk 2077 Johnny Silverhand

One of the most obvious issues Phantom Liberty has to overcome is the immense amount of pressure and expectation that is being placed on it. This primarily stems from the infamous launch of Cyberpunk 2077 itself, which is somewhat notorious as one of the most damaging launches that any title has experienced.

2077's launch was marred with bugs and issues relating to performance, graphics, and core gameplay. With this launch coming after a number of high-profile delays for the title, the fan-led outrage over its state of release sent shockwaves through the gaming space. CD Projekt Red has done well to steady the Cyberpunk ship in the years following this, with the game being widely considered to be in a significantly better state now following a laundry list of post-launch updates.

The legacy of this launch will undoubtedly play into Phantom Liberty, since fans could think of the DLC as the Cyberpunk launch that they were robbed of in 2020. These expectations are so high that CD Projekt Red cannot afford any major slip-ups with Phantom Liberty's release, and a controversial launch could spell disaster for the game's overall legacy going forward. While this would be an expected pitfall of a poorly received launch, there are some potential downsides that Cyberpunk 2077 may experience even if Phantom Liberty is a big success.

The Bittersweet Nature of a Successful Phantom Liberty


The expectations for Phantom Liberty have also stemmed from the DLC's announced content, which is set to offer a wide-scale story filled with new factions and characters. For example, Idris Elb's new character Solomon Reed will play a key role within the narrative as a government liaison, and Keanu Reeves' Johnny Silverhand also returns for the expansion.

Phantom Liberty's content points to a fantastic Cyberpunk experience, and it can combine with the much smoother current nature of the base game to make an enjoyable experience. This also means there would be a distinct bittersweet feeling to Phantom Liberty if it does match fan expectations. Since Phantom Liberty is slated as the only major expansion for Cyberpunk 2077, it could give fans only a small glimpse at the game's true potential.

With many fans missing out on experiencing Cyberpunk 2077 for the first time in its polished state, Phantom Liberty may serve as a melancholic reminder of what the game could have been from the get-go. As CDPR has no future expansions planned for the title, fans would have to wait for a potential sequel to Cyberpunk 2077 to experience more.

Of course, this potential pitfall of Phantom Liberty would be much preferable overall than it being poorly received, but it is still a negative element of the DLC that may shine through even in the best-case scenario. While the benefits of a polished Phantom Liberty would far outweigh any nostalgia for what Cyberpunk 2077 could have been, it is clear that the DLC is a double-edged sword for CD Projekt Red.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty launches on September 26, 2023, for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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