Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty likely isn't that far out, given what CD Projekt Red's revealed about the DLC so far. The expansion takes players to a previously unseen section of Night City and lets them experience a spy thriller involving the New United States of America. While Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is unfortunately not coming to last-gen consoles, it’s on its way to PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S later this year. What it adds entirely remains to be seen, but there's certainly a case for some new playthrough adjustments like additional lifepaths.

That said, it is not confirmed whether the DLC will be self-contained or add new content to other parts of Cyberpunk 2077. If it's the latter, the expansion has an excellent opportunity to expand on the Lifepaths based on the tabletop RPG. While Cyberpunk 2077 features three Lifepaths, Phantom Liberty could reinvigorate the base game by adding more, and there are a few clear directions that developers could take it.

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Lifepaths in Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 Life Paths

Players choose V's Lifepath as part of Cyberpunk 2077's character creation, as it was with the tabletop RPG that preceded it. The player's choice of Lifepath determines V's backstory, starting gear, and the context of its opening mission. Each additionally comes with a unique Side Job and adds new dialogue choices to various parts of the game. This sets each Lifepath apart and helps flesh out both V's backstory and the world they inhabit, even if it's not as fleshed out as it could be.

Cyberpunk 2077’s three Lifepaths were Street Kid, Corpo, and Nomad. The first two are loosely inspired by two of the playable Roles from the Cyberpunk tabletop RPGs. However, there were also a few Roles that haven't made it off the tabletop. These unadapted Roles are Rockerboy, Solo, Netrunner, Crystaljock, Techie, Media, Cop, Fixer, and Panzerboy, any of which could be the foundations for new Lifepaths in Cyberpunk 2077.

Potential Lifepaths in Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty DLC

Cyberpunk 2077 combat

Rockerboy was Johnny Silverhand's Role in the Cyberpunk pen-and-paper RPGs, so it should be easy to see how that Lifepath would significantly impact Cyberpunk 2077. This version of V would presumably have some extra dialogue with Johnny, perhaps even giving them more opportunities to boost his Affinity. That might make it a little easier to unlock Cyberpunk 2077's secret ending. It might also reveal more of Johhny's backstory and personality.

Solo is another Role from the Cyberpunk tabletop games with some exciting story implications. Solos are cybernetically enhanced ex-soldiers who often work as mercenaries and hitmen. They're the most direct combat-oriented Role in the tabletop game and can usually beat any of the other Roles in a fair fight. The military background is another trait shared with Johnny but might also have special significance in Phantom Liberty. After all, an ex-soldier might have a few friends in Militech or still working for the NUSA. A Solo V might even already know something about Idris Elba's Phantom Liberty character Solomon Reed, even if it's only by reputation.

The other roles also have plenty of potential that Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty could take advantage of. For example, the Cop Lifepath might start with the player as a member of the Night City PD and find themselves on the run after stumbling into the dirty dealings of Commissioner Fawlter or the megacorporations behind the department. Likewise, a Fixer Lifepath might open new interactions with the game's mission givers, while a Netrunner or Crystaljock might find something while digging around in Arasaka's servers. Meanwhile, the deep-seated Techies, truth-hunting Media, and high-flying Panzerboys would undoubtedly add a lot to Cyberpunk 2077.

Some of these Lifepaths might fit into Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty expansion better than others. It's also unreasonable to expect CD Projekt Red to add eight or nine new opening missions and new dialogue options for each. However, two or three new options would be fantastic for role-playing and help to build out the game's world a little more. Given all the opportunities new Lifepaths could offer, it would be a shame if CDPR didn't take advantage.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty launches in 2023 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Cyberpunk 2077's Johnny Silverhand Might be a Lingering Shadow Over Phantom Liberty