The 1.2 patch notes for Cyberpunk 2077 are the length of a short novella and show a lot of changes. With its December 2020 release, the game encountered many controversies. Among these were a cavalcade of glitches, being torn from the PlayStation Store, and even a lawsuit filed by CD Projekt Red's investors. Certainly, something drastically needed to change in the game if CDPR wanted any chance of preserving its reputation. So, the studio worked to create a mammoth 1.2 patch for the title, hoping that would resolve some of the game's mechanical failings.

Despite the Cyberpunk 2077 patch notes being long enough, some bugs obviously persist. As many dedicated fans have found since, a fair few glitches slipped through the cracks. In this case, "a fair few" means hundreds of videos of the game breaking posted across YouTube and Reddit. Since the 1.2 update, players have had new pet NPCs, weird trucks, and a fully-fledged haunting manifest throughout the game. In fact, the game is still so buggy that the r/cyberpunkgame subreddit has individual tags for bugs on each platform.

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Perhaps it should not be a surprise that Cyberpunk 2077 remains buggy. Whatever the case may be, it does not bode well for the future of CD Projekt Red. While it is possible that mods could save Cyberpunk 2077, the vanilla game itself is looking quite fraught right now. It is surprising that CD Projekt Red is moving on to two other projects in 2022 when the game is in this state. On a more positive note, however: some of the glitches are hilarious.

Some Cyberpunk 2077 NPCs Become Eldritch Horrors

Even after the 1.2 patch of Cyberpunk 2077, a huge number of visual glitches still appear. In one instance, these glitches manifest as making many female-presenting NPCs in the game look bizarre. Random bits of the character model seem to be in existential flux, clipping out of the main NPC body and jumping all around the world. Bizarre visual glitches are not a new glitch for veteran Cyberpunk 2077 players, but were among the problems that fans wanted the latest patch to fix. Other players found this issue with characters trying to use the game's strange driving mechanics, and become fully elastic.

For some reason, it only appears to be the female-presenting NPCs that encounter this problem. This could imply numerous things, mainly that CD Projekt Red's specific coding for non-male characters did not fully survive contact with user hardware. Whatever the case may be, it demonstrates that some of the many visual glitches in CD Projekt's latest outing slipped through the 1.2 patch and its corresponding hotfix.

Six Wheeler Trucks Only Need... Two, Apparently

In what seems to be a bizarre twist of game-engine physics, some of the six-wheeler trucks actually handle better when four of those wheels are removed. In a game that already has attracted heavy critique for its driving mechanics, strangely moving trucks should not be a massive surprise.

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"Paranormal Activity" Glitch Makes It Spooky-Punk

Cyberpunk 2077 cyberspace

One particular Reddit user enjoys tracking glitches in Cyberpunk 2077. There's even a rather tongue-in-cheek labelling system is in place for user "Pentarriaza" and their posts about Cyberpunk's many bugs. The latest one is billed as "2077 glitch #938" following the previous "2077 glitch #821" post to the subreddit. This most recent glitch caught by Pentarriaza was one the user named "Paranormal Activity." With this bug, corpses of foes can fly around the city as a ragdoll, with no respect to gravity, body physics, or the generally accepted consequences of dying.

Many of the NPCs and associated questlines also have bugs, with several Reddit users reporting on broken main campaign quests. One particular relates to a story-central character refusing to talk at all to a player, entirely breaking the main storyline. CD Projekt Red received such renown for its intricate quests tied into The Witcher 3's characters. As such, many players expressed disappointment at so many problems appearing in the characters of its newest game. Hopefully some of these glitches will be fixed in further patches so players can properly enjoy Night City's stories.

Skyrim's Followers Have Nothing On Glitchy 2077 NPCs

After a specific Cyberpunk 2077 quest, Reddit user Carrota1 picked up a loyal friend. Over 30 hours after this quest, they still have the follower due to a glitch giving this Cyberpunk 2077 player a companion NPC. After rescuing the character Flavio dos Santos in the "Going Away Party" gig quest, the character usually accompanies players until the end of the quest. For some reason, this lucky Redditor is still being followed by this dedicated character. Flavio even followed Carrota1 into some rather inappropriate scenes, making for some awkward video game romance.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Cyberpunk 2077 Has Changed CD Projekt Red, Just Not in the Way Anyone Expected