Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty looks to change and expand Night City in numerous ways as CD Projekt Red hopes to solidify the game's redemption arc with this expansion. Since it is the only planned expansion for Cyberpunk 2077, Phantom Liberty will also likely be seen as the ultimate send-off for the game after about 3 years' worth of content updates and bug fixes.

Even though the game was heavily bashed for its abysmal 2020 launch, Cyberpunk 2077's comeback story can be seen in its recent reviews, as continuous support has improved the game at large. While the base game might still not be perfect or what many wanted out of the game, Phantom Liberty's ambitions might be what wins back the biggest number of spurned fans.

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New Cyberpunk 2077 Locations, Lore


One of the most talked about additions in Phantom Liberty known as Dogtown, otherwise known as the Pacifica Combat Zone, an entirely new section of Night City added for the expansion. This walled-off part of the city is known for being among the most dangerous parts of an already dangerous place. It isn't known how big Dogtown exactly is, but there is a decent chance it will be substantial since much of it will be within the confines of the Night City Stadium, a massive unfinished sports stadium in Pacifica that has long since been abandoned. Based on trailers shown for Phantom Liberty, Dogtown won't only be within the stadium's confines, but branch out towards its outskirts, signifying that it will encompass much of Pacifica. The district is already largely outside the control of Night City's primary authority figures, so overhauling a part of it to include Dogtown would fit naturally in.

Outside adding what is essentially a new district into Cyberpunk 2077, it will greatly expand any knowledge players get about the New United States of America. While much is known about the NUSA's history before Cyberpunk 2077, the same cannot be said about how it is during the game's events. Phantom Liberty will change this because not only is the person occupying much of Dogtown a disgruntled NUSA Colonel, but V will be working alongside key government figures like President Rosalind Meyers, a netrunner named Songbird whom Meyers trusts, and FIA agent Solomon Reed. Even if Songbird and Reed are untrustworthy, they would be some of the most direct access into the NUSA's position in 2077 with insights into the nation's culture and how it views the rest of the world.

From a gameplay standpoint, Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty will also change features from the base game significantly, with new perks and vehicle combat. Arguably the most significant is the overhauled cyberwear system, which prevents players from outfitting V to be more chrome than human at the start of the game. As fun as it can be being incredibly overpowered, balance changes like these are good for the game and ensure that some level of challenge stays throughout its runtime. The inclusion of relics to boost cyberwear should make up for this and see that players can still confidently take on everything the city has to throw at them.

Changes like these serve to not only make Night City itself feel bigger but the world of Cyberpunk as a whole. Much of the base game centered on issues existing within the city confines and a little on the outskirts, but Phantom Liberty's additions and changes will give a bigger perspective on the outside world while emphasizing how important control over Night City is.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty will come out September 26 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Cyberpunk 2077: 8 Things Fans Don't Want To See In Phantom Liberty Expansion