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Towards the end of the main job, "I Walk The Line" in Cyberpunk 2077, players are faced with a difficult choice. The point of the whole quest is to find a NetRunner and take him out so that Placide can free the captured Voodoo Boys, but that objective comes into question at the last minute thanks to some key information revealed to players by the NetWatch agent. It's a pretty memorable event that adds a nice twist in the tale and forces players to make a choice that can be hard to make when completely uninformed

Cyberpunk 2077: How to Get Monowire Early and For Free

Legendary weapons are all the rage in Cyberpunk 2077, and players can get their hands on the Monowire easily and for free if they know where to look.

It's no secret that Night City is full of deception and cheating, and if the NetWatch agent is to be believed, Placide plans to kill the player after they accomplish their goal. With that in mind, the NetWatch agent gives the player a choice, allowing them to change sides and let him walk free instead of killing him. This is but one of many choices Cyberpunk 2077 players will be faced with, though it won't affect the main story of the game in a significant way down the line. However, it's still a tough choice to make, and players will have to really rethink their choices before siding with one or the other.

Updated on August 1, 2023, by Ritwik Mitra: Cyberpunk 2077 is a game that has been through an incredible journey, with its initial reveal leading to many people labeling it as one of the greatest video games of all time... even before its launch! Given how stellar CD Projekt Red's reputation was, fans had no reason to doubt this title, which is why the release turned out to be such a disaster. The game was shipped out with unfulfilled promises and had bugs out the wazoo, with the game's performance on last-gen consoles being less than acceptable for a AAA release. From one of the most beloved companies around, CD Projekt Red became public enemy number one and was criticized by fans and critics alike. Many people completely wrote this game off, but the developers didn't give up on their vision. What followed were several bug fixes, UI improvements, and content additions that slowly made this title more playable over time.

A Brief Look At Both Factions

While both the Voodoo Boys and NetWatch are integral parts of the lore and world of Cyberpunk 2077, most players won't really know much about them going into this quest. Unless most people are familiar with the original tabletop RPG this game is based on, both factions are pretty alien and won't really have enough time in the limelight for players to make an informed decision on the matter.

Of course, it's a different thing if players do their homework beforehand since they'll have an idea of how both groups operate and what they're known about. Whether that makes this choice easier is a harder statement to make objectively since different players are bound to have their own opinions on this matter.

The Voodoo Boys

The Voodoo Boys operate mainly out of Pacifica, a dilapidated area in Night City that is so rife with crime and warfare that the NCPD doesn't even bother to stop any of the regular skirmishes that happen here. Featuring members of mainly Haitian descent, the Voodoo Boys are masterful netrunners, and — fittingly enough — feature a lot of voodoo symbolism in everything from the stuff they wear to the practices they follow. This group is wary of outsiders and doesn't really interact with someone outside the tribe unless completely necessary.


NetWatch is one of the most powerful organizations in Cyberpunk 2077, getting direct funding from the government and wealthy organizations to protect the Net from harmful attacks and keeping rogue AIs in check by ensuring that the Blackwall remains intact. This puts them at direct odds with the Voodoo Boys, who wish to break down the Blackwall and harness the full potential of the many AI programs that were being blocked by this firewall.

Cyberpunk 2077's Best and Worst Endings

Cyberpunk 2077's endings vary greatly, hinging on the choices V made throughout the campaign and resulting in some more positive than others.

Which Side Should Players Choose?


At a glance, it can be pretty hard to make a decision between the Voodoo Boys and the NetWatch agent during "I Walk the Line." All of the relevant information players get comes at a breakneck pace, and most players may not be inclined to trust someone they've just met who's probably trying to save their own hide instead of actively helping V out. That being said, the Voodoo Boys aren't exactly saints either, and players will get a rude awakening if they decide to trust this group and go against the wishes of the NetWatch agent as well.

No choice the player makes here is going to be an outright good or bad decision. After all, the world of Night City is one where morality is always in a gray area, with even the most heinous acts being carried out having some background to them that justifies them... albeit barely. To make this decision-making process easier, here's an in-depth look at what happens if players side with either faction during the events of this main quest.

40 Awesome Side Quests Hidden In Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 scatters great side quests across Night City, and it's up to players to find these amazing stories hidden around the map.

Siding With The Voodoo Boys

cyberpunk 2077 voodoo boys placide

If the player decides to stick to the plan and incapacitates the NetWatch Agent, Placide will use the malware he planted on the player to attempt to kill V as well as other NetWatch Agents, but the player is able to survive this.

As a result, they are able to leave the compound without a fight, as everything else in the area is dead. In the next mission, "Transmission", everything will play out normally with no unintended side effects other than the death of the NetWatch Agents during "I Walk The Line." V can walk out of the Voodoo Boys' den peacefully after "Transmission" is completed, and returning to the den will show all of its inhabitants as green, friendly markers.

If players still have hard feelings towards the Voodoo Boys after this betrayal, V can actually choose to attack them at the end of the next mission called "Transmission". Note that this is a pretty difficult fight, featuring both Maman Brigitte and Placide. This gives V a chance to snatch Placide's jacket, the Timeworn Trench Coat.

Siding With The NetWatch Agent

Cyberpunk 2077 Netwatch Agent

On the other hand, if players choose to take the NetWatch agent up on their deal, he will actually uphold his end of the bargain. He removes the malware from V, frees the prisoners that V came here for in the first place, and lets V leave without fighting any other enemies.

That said, at the end of the next mission, "Transmission," Maman Brigitte and the other Voodoo Boys' runners will die, causing the rest of the gang to be hostile from then on out. Additionally, players will need to fight their way out of the hideout.

This time, the fight is actually inevitable, whereas siding with the Voodoo Boys and then choosing to attack them after "Transmission" gives V the option between peace and violence. The fight is quite difficult due to it having both Maman Brigitte and Placide, but it's a great way to get the Legendary Timeworn Trench Coat jacket from Placide. Killing all the Voodoo Boys is also great for players who prefer to grind for experience points and who love a bit of challenge.


Regardless of what the player chooses, be sure to grab the Bully mod behind the NetWatch Agent in this room before leaving. Both choices have a fair share of moral ambiguity and consequences, but in terms of gameplay, it seems like siding with the Voodoo Boys is the best choice here. Players worried about a difficult fight against multiple enemies later down the line should definitely not choose to anger the Voodoo Boys since taking down the Netwatch agent is pretty easy.

From V's perspective, it is definitely in their best interest to take the NetWatch agent up on their offer, as this will save a lot of pain from the malware. Moreover, some players could argue that siding with NetWatch is the right choice considering how the Voodoo Boys treated Evelyn Parker and contributed to her unfortunate fate.

However, what this amounts to is an unavoidable fight at the end of "Transmission", which can be insanely difficult for players to survive on their own, inside a den full of Voodoo Boys.

Placide's Jacket: The Timeworn Trench Coat

Cyberpunk 2077 Timeworn Trench Coat
  • Type: Legendary
  • Number of Mod Slots: 4
  • Armor Rating: 70 points

While the Timeworn Trench Coat in Cyberpunk 2077 can be bought at Jinguji, Placide is the only source for the Legendary version of it. The jacket represents the Entropism clothing style, and the most straightforward way to get it is to side with the Netwatch Agent in "I Walk The Line", though as mentioned, it's possible to turn on the Voodoo Boys after siding with them if V chooses to go violent after the end of "Transmission".

It's not the best clothing item in Cyberpunk 2077, but it is a rare Legendary that players who love to collect might want to get their hands on. Since there are players who take their fashion seriously in the game, it's easy to see why they would want to secure this item as soon as possible to enhance their Night City wardrobe!

Source: Cyberpunk 2077 Wiki.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now on PC, PS4, Stadia, Xbox One, PS5, and Xbox Series X.