It's been a surprising launch week for Cyberpunk 2077, a game which for most fans was their most anticipated 2020 release. After 8 years of development and numerous delays, Cyberpunk 2077 had a disasterous launch, especially on base current gen platforms like the Xbox One and PS4. While not as prevalent on next gen consoles, PC, or higher end current gen consoles, the amount of technical and performance issues has led companies like Sony to delist the game from its online store while numerous outlets are offering full refunds to players.

CD Projekt RED has been releasing hot fixes at a rapid pace to try and fix the major issues, even outlining a plan to give players a sense as to when the Cyberpunk 2077 experience will be stable, especially on the Xbox One and PS4. With more hot fixes and larger updates planned well into January and February, naturally the development focus has completely shifted, likely pulling resources away from planned single player content for the time being.

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One other area being impacted by the current all hands on deck situation is the planned Cyberpunk 2077 multiplayer component. Prior to launch, CD Projekt RED indicated that this would ultimately be a standalone product and a big production, it's now being pushed to the backburner according to an unnamed CD Projekt RED developer. The studio is prioritizing fixes and updates for the single player side of the game first. The news shouldn't be too surprising considering the current state of the game, as CDPR attempts to restore some of the goodwill lost over the current controversies with the game.

image from photo mode trailer cyberpunk

Not much has been said about the mode, and fans likely won't be hearing anything about it now for quite some time. From the little that has been details, there seems to be an expectation that it could resemble something like Grand Theft Auto Online in many ways. Players will be able to navigate Night City, participate in events and possible modes, while other players also populate the map. While the project was initially planned for 2022, that date could now be in jeopardy depending on how fast the studio can turn Cyberpunk 2077 around.

While the studio still has plenty of work ahead of it, the latest hot fix update seems to be a good start. Update 1.05 has already seen a lot of positive reaction from base console players as it introduces even more performance improvements as well as crash and bug fixes. The update even manages to update NPC AI, which will now make them take cover and react faster to event happening around them. A number of quest bugs have also been eliminated in this update, which should help players who have had their progress hindered in some way.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now. for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Cyberpunk 2077: Best Weapons (And How to Get Them)

Source: Techstomper