A new mod released for Cyberpunk 2077 has added a survival mode to the game. It's one of the latest mods for Cyberpunk 2077, which has an active and dedicated modding community.

Reception to Cyberpunk 2077 upon release was lukewarm at best, with criticism leveled at the game's glitches and performance on last-generation consoles. To the credit of CD Projekt Red, the company has continued to update Cyberpunk 2077 with fixes and content, bringing the game to the level it was teased to be for so many years. Like many games, it is also supported by its modding community which continues to bring new life and fresh ideas to the title. Anything that CD Projekt Red doesn't add, there's a chance a modder will add instead.

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The mod, titled "Survival System," was posted to Nexus Mods by user DiCrash, and overhauls some of Cyberpunk 2077's system to emulate a survival mode. It gives a purpose to food, water, and rest in the game by adding three bars the player must maintain, energy, survival, and hydration. Not keeping on top of these has negative effects on the player in-game, although the mod gives the player plenty of time to maintain them, so it isn't too harsh. This mod joins the list of amazing immersion mods available for the game, although it's not the only one that makes players feel like they're actually a part of the world. One mod recently released for Cyberpunk 2077 allows V to sit almost anywhere in Night City.


Unfortunately, the Survival System mod doesn't yet support compatibility with other mods, such as one that adds food-eating animations to Cyberpunk 2077. However, the mod author claims that this is planned for future updates, with the mod currently a work in progress. Once this works, it will only add to the level of immersion that players can experience in the game. It's these small mods used together that have the potential to create an immersive experience like no other.

Despite Cyberpunk 2077's release debacle, the game was still a huge success for CD Projekt Red. It was revealed last year that Cyberpunk 2077 has sold over 20 million copies, a number that can only have risen since. The game was propelled by the popularity of the Cyberpunk Edgerunners anime, which saw a spike in interest in the franchise. Despite its success, it's unsure when players will get another Cyberpunk game to play. With CD Projekt Red hard at work on the next game in The Witcher series, it could be several years until news of a Cyberpunk 2077 sequel begins to come to light. Players will have to exercise patience while the developer takes as much time as it needs to craft the next installment of Cyberpunk.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Potential Titles for Cyberpunk 2077's Sequel and Their Implications

Source: Nexus Mods