V’s mission to get President Myers to safety in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty continues to face unforeseen difficulties and winding paths, and the fourth mission in the campaign involves choice and consequence that could potentially affect later relationships and actions in Cyberpunk 2077’s exciting spy thriller story, Phantom Liberty.

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Lucretia My Reflection takes place immediately after the previous mission, Spider and the Fly, when V and President Myers fought tooth and nail to defeat the dreaded Chimera. Now that the machine threat is over with, it’s time to find Songbird and reunite with an old friend stuck rattling and rambling inside V’s head.

Talk to Myers and Take the Chimera’s Core

taking the chimera's core

After the fight with the Chimera, players can find the Chimera’s Core lying on the floor. Although it’s an optional objective to pick it up, players should do so, as it will come in handy later on in the DLC. Players can also find an abundance of ammo and supplies to freshen up their character after the ammo-consuming battle. There’s also the unique Kyubi Power Assault Rifle in the top right corner of the upper floor.

Open the Container

picking up the kyubi rifle

When players have finished looting the area, they can open the container and head through the narrow hallway. After attempting to open the container from the other side, they will find that it is locked, and will have to look up to open the hatch and climb out of the container to proceed through the subway tunnels.

Reunited With Johnny Silverhand

welcome back johnny silverhand

Now in an abandoned subway cart, Myers will ask V to call Songbird. There’s no response given on the other end of the line, and Johnny Silverhand appears to confirm that wherever Songbird is, it’s not a good place to be. Players can spend a minute quickly catching up with Johnny, who will tell V where he’s been since Songbird took over the Relic. It’s good to have this rocker boy back in the passenger’s seat.

Fork in the Road

president myers fork in the road

Heading out of the subway cart and continuing forward, players will have to push a pile of building materials out of the way with Myers’ help. This will then lead players to two directions that they can take to find a way out. Luckily, only one way is correct, and heading left in the tunnel is the wrong way, and will lead players to a dead end with no loot inside, so they will be forced to turn around from the unfinished maintenance tunnel.

The correct way to go is heading right, but players should be careful, as there is a camera that can detect players. Players should either hack it to disable it or shoot it down. To proceed to the security room ahead, players need to either have 20 Strength or 20 Technical Ability to force the door open, or they can head back to the entrance and look up to the yellow platform, where they will find a valve that they can switch off to deactivate the steam blocking a hidden path.

After this hidden path, there’s a second and final camera in the hallway. If players have been caught by the camera, then it’s worth hacking into the computer in the security room to erase the footage of V and President Myers heading this way.

Take the Elevator to the 8th Floor

president myers talking to v with johnny silverhand watching

Continuing through the path, players need to go up to the elevator. They might notice that their vision blurs as they approach, and once inside, the Relic will malfunction, forcing V to sit down and ride out the storm.

President Myers will ask V what’s wrong, and they can either say it’s nothing or tell her everything. It’s best to tell Myers that the Arasaka biochip is killing them because it’s always worth having the President of the New United States of America as an ally. After this talk, players will be on the 8th floor, and to the wall on the right is the King of Pentacles Tarot Card which can be scanned and collected.

Investigate the Hideout

talking to johnny silverhand in the dogtown hideout

Now that V and Myers have arrived at Songbird’s meeting destination, they will find the place abandoned and dark. There are a few points of interest that V can scan, but nothing worth mentioning. Players should head to the right of the building into the generator room. After attempting to start up the generator, Johnny will want to talk about the vibe of the gig.

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Johnny, as always, is pretty paranoid and suspicious of Myers and Songbird and asks V to watch out. Players can either head this advice or chalk it up to a classic case of Johnny’s distrust in everyone. Either way, they’re going to need a battery for that generator.

Turn on the Power

dogtown hideout battery location

To turn on the power in the Dogtown hideout, players need to locate the battery, which can be found in the main room to the left on a destroyed Battery-Powered Drone. Scan this drone to take the battery, and head back into the generator room to connect it to the Battery Case, where players can fire up the generator and provide some much-needed light.

Talk With Myers

talking to myers in her civilian disguise

Myers has exchanged her NUSA uniform for something more casual, and she’s sitting in the main room with a beer in hand waiting for V to join her. Players can sit with her or accept a drink, and listen to Gillian Jordan on the radio who has a special message from Kurt Hansen about Dogtown and its play on the NUSA. Things are cut short when two strangers walk into V and Myers’ hideout.

Talk to Jacob and Taylor

jacob and taylor with myers and v

Myers will insist that they need to kill the strangers, but V can jump out and talk to them. These characters, Jacob and Taylor, aren’t too happy with the President of the United States pointing a gun at them, but players can ease tensions and make allies by making Myers promise to get them out of Dogtown. During the negotiation, players shouldn’t move close to strangers, otherwise, a fight will break out.

If players kill Jacob and Taylor, they can loot their bodies and then dump them in a garbage shoot. However, it’s not worth doing this, as Jacob and Taylor can act as extra muscle for Myers, and in the morning, Jacob will explain air drops in Dogtown, so it’s best to give them what they want and keep them alive.

With Jacob and Taylor dealt with, players can head over to Myers and talk to her about what just happened, and then head off to sleep to wake up in the morning with the sun rising over Dogtown yet again.

Talk to Myers and Become an FIA Agent

johnny silverhand watching v take the oath from president myers

Players can find Myers in the morning by the balcony having a cigarette. With no word on Songbird, Myers is worried and out of options, and tells V about a man, Solomon Reed. Myers says that V can communicate with this sleeper agent with the access code Zero, Nine, Three, One, which they’ll put into an old telephone at Capitan Caliente's Restaurant in Dogtown.

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Before players are let loose into Dogtown, Myers makes V an official agent of the U.S. Government for this mission with an FIA database of their very own. Players are given a coin to cement the occasion, but they can also take the oath in Phantom Liberty. Doing so will displease Johnny, but it doesn’t affect anything else outside a conversation.

If players want to talk to Myers some more, they can find her in the office opposite the generator room. Here, they can ask some questions about Night City and her role as the President. When players are ready to leave, they can head down the elevator with a brief conversation with Johnny.

Head to Capitan Caliente’s Restaurant

capitan caliente's restaurant in dogtown

When players leave the hotel for the outside world, Mr. Hands will call V and let them know that he has registered them as Dogtown citizens, allowing players to come and go as they please. This means that players are now free to explore Dogtown and the rest of Night City, and they are no longer locked into the main mission quests of Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty.

Taking a vehicle, players can easily get to Capitan Caliente’s Restaurant, where they can find three ways inside, all with the same outcome of accessing the building.

  • The first way involves opening the main door, which requires 20 Strength or 20 Technical Ability.
  • The second way involves using 15 Strength on a waste container found to the left of the entrance, to reveal the exposed wall which players can climb through.
  • The third way has players follow a cable up to a fuse box, which is accessible by climbing the stairs to the left of the building and following up the metal grates to override the fuse box and get inside the front door. This way will deactivate any potential traps.

Call the Number: 0931

johnny silverhand making a phone sign with his hand

Inside the restaurant, players want to head to the right into the kitchen area and find a cabinet with scratch marks on the floor. Players can push this cabinet to the side and reveal an old telephone. Players then need to dial the numbers: 0, 9, 3, 1 (in that order) and then click ‘OK’.

This will start a phone call with a mysterious voice, who will tell V to meet him at the Dogtown Basketball Court.

Meet Solomon Reed at the Basketball Court

waiting at the basketball court with johnny silverhand

Heading back into the vehicle of choice, players need to drive through Dogtown to reach the Basketball Court. Once they have arrived, they can find the King of Wands Tarot Card located on the left wall. When they are ready to proceed, simply sit next to Johnny and wait for the contact to arrive.

During this waiting period, Johnny will once again rant about his displeasure with this current gig, and V’s place in politics and war. Johnny also reveals that he was a deserter, which is an interesting piece of information that the rocker boy decided to keep to himself until now. Before players get to learn more, they are interrupted by a gun pressed into their back, and Solomon Reed begins a quiet interrogation. Simply answer his questions and comply without looking over V’s shoulder to succeed.

Meet Solomon in the Black Thornton

solomon reed in his car

With the interrogation over, Solomon will tell V to walk to the black Thornton vehicle just across the Basketball Court. Once inside, players will have to wait a bit before Solomon Reed shows his face, and formally introduces himself. Solomon will then drive the car to Myers’ location, as revealed by V.

Talk to Myers and Reed

president myers and solomon reed in the dogtown hideout

Head back into the hideout where V left Myers, and Solomon can make a nice introduction to the President. However, if Jacob and Taylor are still alive, they can be found in the hideout protection Myers. Regardless, head to Myers’ office and talk to them both, where new information will come to light about their working relationship and Solomon’s psyche. After this conversation, Myers and Solomon will leave Dogtown, and V will have to wait 2 in-game days for Solomon to call and confirm the President’s safety.

It’s worth noting that Myers’ Power Assault Rifle, Hawk, can be found in the hideout leaned against a wall to the right of the entrance. This hideout is also now a property of V, which they can use during their time in Dogtown.

Wait 2 Days for Solomon to Call

solomon reed calling v

Players can either run around Dogtown doing new gigs, or sleep for 2 days, either way, once they are out and about and away from the hideout, Solomon will give the player a call and finish up the Lucretia My Reflection quest, and start the next part of the Phantom Liberty mission.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.

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