One Cyberpunk 2077 fan notices an interesting detail on Johnny Silverhand's chromed cyber arm. There are plenty of details hidden in the world of Cyberpunk 2077's Night City, and there will soon be more since the game's expansion, Phantom Liberty, is set to release sometime this year. But even a couple of years after the game's release, there are still details to be found, showing just how in-depth the city and the people in it can be. One particular person, Johnny Silverhand, has a certain secret slightly hidden on his cyber arm.

Johnny Silverhand is a major character in Cyberpunk 2077 played by Keanu Reeves, and he acts as V's partner throughout the majority of the game. This is not by choice, as he is forcefully injected into the consciousness of V, becoming a part of them while also slowly taking their life away. Before that, Johnny Silverhand was a rock star, earning his name with a chromed cybernetic arm he had. He played in the band Samurai as their lead singer before breaking it up and eventually making himself an enemy of the mega-corporations. Some even call him a terrorist, for he is the reason Arasaka Tower was bombed in 2023, which led to his death at the hands of Adam Smasher.

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However, one eagle-eyed fan of the game managed to spot an interesting detail about Johnny Silverhand. Posting to r/cyberpunkgame, the user uploaded a close-up shot of Johnny Silverhand's cyber arm, showing that on the arm is the scratched-out name of Arasaka. Arasaka is one of the mega-corporations in Cyberpunk 2077 and the one Jackie and V raid in the beginning to steal the Relic that leads to Johnny Silverhand's introduction to V's consciousness. With it being scratched out, it's probably something Johnny hates to be reminded of.

In the comments, many speculate as to why he kept an Arasaka product. Ideas ranged from him being unable to afford another, the fact that it was a great piece of cyber ware, or to keep it as a reminder. Users also discussed the implications of this, with one noting that in the original tabletop role-playing game Cyberpunk 2020, Johnny Silverhand thinks his cyber arm has a mind of its own. The fact that it's from Arasaka makes this make a lot more sense.

With the expansion Phantom Liberty coming this year, there are bound to be more details fan learn not just of the world of Cyberpunk, but Johnny Silverhand himself as he will still be with V during the Cyberpunk 2077 DLC. With Keanu Reeves having the second most dialogue lines in the base game, it will probably be the same here, continuing the many conversations he has with his mercenary partner. Perhaps he will talk more about his years fighting for Arasaka, but according to the scraped-away logo, he probably doesn't want a reminder.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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