Cyberpunk 2077 has been quite a controversial release. One of the most anticipated games of the year is now marred by bad press and middling reviews. Players are experiencing drastically different products depending on where the game was purchased. Once seen as a contender for game of the year, the game is now facing a class-action lawsuit. Not only this, but it has fallen in sales charts at a record pace following the CD Projekt Red debacle. This is one game where milage varies heavily from person to person.

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From randomly spawning vehicles to unresponsive NPCs, Cyberpunk has a litany of bugs and glitches caused by a rushed release. Some may enjoy their time with the game, but others have become frustrated with the rough product as time moves on.

10 Hard System Crashes

Cyberpunk 2077 Objectives

Regardless of what platform players bought Cyberpunk on, users have reported hard system crashes while playing the game. This first-person RPG has consistent performance issues that often lead to system failure as often as multiple times per hour.

While losing progress has been a frustrating side-effect of these crashes, some have reported crashes leading to corrupt save files, particularly relating to overutilizing the crafting system in the game. This means that playing the game with a focus on crafting is likely to make your saves unusable.

9 Bugs

Cyberpunk 2077

One of the most notable things about the release of Cyberpunk 2077 has been the plethora of bugs that players are experiencing. Some have seen more comedic issues like deformed NPCs, while others have been less fortunate. Some of the bugs in Cyberpunk are game-breaking, effectively halting progress.

These bugs can lead to more serious issues like mission objectives not appearing, or getting stuck in areas that only a reset can remedy. The bugs are expansive, and it can be a trial in itself to complete the game when they are so prevalent.

8 Imbalanced Combat Favoring Melee

Cyberpunk 2077

CD Projekt Red promised a deep and expansive combat system in Cyberpunk 2077, but consumers quickly found that this system was imbalanced. Gun damage can often be inconsequential. This leaves players to opt for the overpowered melee builds. Many of these builds trounce guns with half the effort involved.

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Melee disparity has led to many calling the system "broken." Some have even started engineering one-shot kill builds. For an RPG, it's problematic for one aspect of combat to inundate all others. Hopefully, this problem is on the list of fixes planned for the game.

7 Game Now Delisted On PlayStation

Cyberpunk 2077 Objectives

Console versions of Cyberpunk 2077 are fairing poorer than the PC version. Outrage sparked after base owners of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One found their games in an unacceptable state. The trailers CD Projekt Red released for these consoles look nothing like the finished product.

Most people expecting their game to run smoothly on previous generations of consoles have been met with disappointment. Sony and Xbox have gone so far as to offer full refunds for all digital purchases. The game has also been delisted from the PlayStation Store until further notice.

6 Earning Credits Can Be A Grind

Cyberpunk 2077 Johnny Silverhand

As with any RPG, customizing load-outs and characters is integral in Cyberpunk 2077. Upgrading V comes at a cost, though. Mercenaries will have to rank in the game's currency, Eurodollars, to afford these upgrades. Those looking to enjoy exciting upgrades like the Mantis Blades are in for a sore surprise.

With a hefty price tag of 16,000 Eddies, players will have to complete several side missions and tasks to accumulate the funds necessary. As money grinding techniques have been found to corrupt the game, players will have to get these credits in the old fashioned way: grinding.

5 Police AI

Cyberpunk 2077

Before release, CD Projekt Red lauded the Wanted System of the game. The studio stated that actions would have lasting consequences. Some police could be dirty and paying them off would make them turn a blind eye. This meant cops could respond to situations in more interesting ways than other games allowed.

RELATED: 10 Classic Cyberpunk Games That Came Out Way Before 2077

Unfortunately, with the game released, cops are nothing like they were proposed to be. Their AI is effectively worse than most games recently released. Apart from an inconsistent response to crime, these NPCs are at times game-breaking. At times law-enforcement can be found shooting through walls to hunt down wanted players. It has been one of the biggest complaints from the community so far.

4 Corrupted Save Files

Cyberpunk 2077 Objectives

One of the most recent findings with Cyberpunk 2077 is the corruption of saving files over 8MB in size. Users have noted that stocking up on supplies and crafting consistently increase file size exponentially. This is problematic, especially since one method of earning credits is crafting items and selling them repeatedly.

For those who craft and stash components, this can mean a complete shift in playstyle. Players who enjoy this aspect of the game are now encouraged to avoid it entirely for fear of having a save that cannot be used.

3 Melee Combat Is Awkward

Cyberpunk 2077 Fight

Despite technical issues, many of the systems in Cyberpunk 2077 are excellent when they work as intended. There are a few outliers, however. One of the weaker aspects of the game is melee combat. While weapons such as swords are a bit more wieldy, hand-to-hand combat is clumsy.

First-person combat is a bit more challenging to design for, but games like Dying Light have shown that it can be done. When compared to the more solid gunplay of the game, this is one feature that could have used a few more tweaks before release.

2 Texture Pop In

Cyberpunk 2077

On the base PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Cyberpunk 2077 has been a mess. It's not an exaggeration to say it is one of the ugliest games on the platform. With models that take ages to load in and graphics that look like something out of a PlayStation 1 game, it's unprecedented to see a release of this scale hit storefronts.

Shockingly, the creators of The Witcher 3 pushed something so unfinished. While Witcher did release with a slew of issues, they pale in comparison to those of Cyberpunk 2077.

1 Game Won't Be "Ready" Until At Least February

Cyberpunk 2077

CD Projekt Red has come out to say that updates will continue after the holidays. The team promises to continue offering patches over the next few months. With one major patch scheduled for January and another for February, the promised experience is at least two months away.

This serves as a slap in the face to those who invested in Cyberpunk 2077 early on based on the goodwill earned by CD Projekt Red. There is a great game buried underneath all the issues, it will just take several months to get here.

Next: Cyberpunk 2077: 10 Coolest Features In The Character Creator