After years of hype, Cyberpunk 2077 has finally arrived, with players now exploring the world of Night City for themselves. While plenty of neat details have been discovered in Cyberpunk 2077, some bugs have been discovered, with one being incredibly disturbing or hilarious depending on who is asked. WARNING: NSFW CONTENT AHEAD.

Cyberpunk 2077’s character customization is incredibly deep, offering players dozens of options to fine-tune the appearance of their protagonist. From clothes to facial features, every player-created version of V should feel unique if the player desires to customize the character. While players can even customize tiny details like their nails and teeth, one aspect focused on in the lead-up to the game is the customization of genitalia.

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As it turns out, Cyberpunk 2077’s genital customization has led to an extremely NSFW bug that is fully unique to CD Projekt Red’s newest game. As shared by Redditor CMMND, a certain texture can sometimes be seen popping through the pants of the player-created character — and it should look familiar to anyone who spent time in a particular section of the character creator. For whatever reason, characters will sometimes see their penis sticking out of their pants, and players have been quick to joke about the bug.

Cyberpunk 2077 Customization

While some people experiencing this noticeable Cyberpunk 2077 issue likely want it to go away, as it can persist “no matter what trousers [they] wear,” players viewing the bug from afar have gotten a huge laugh out of the original poster’s misfortune. Redditor menciustopholes commented, “some say it points you towards side quests.” Reddit user followed up with an equally funny joke, saying that they “love games with innovative ways to design their GPS feature.” The clever comments go on for much of the post, which has amassed over 60,000 upvotes on the platform.

However, Reddit was not the only platform where the NSFW Cyberpunk 2077 moment was shared, as Twitter user FiskyBizniz posted a clip of the bug in action. With the player’s genitals wiggling when moved, the absurd bug becomes even funnier — and even less safe to view in public. With one joke asking if the genitalia in the clip is “penis 1 or penis 2” and another calling the bug “a feature” rather than a glitch, it seems like this specific Cyberpunk 2077 flaw has been met with some warm reception from fans.

Considering that Cyberpunk 2077 contains some game-breaking bugs, it is nice to see that players are having some fun with one of the less troublesome issues. While the NSFW glitch will likely be removed from the game soon, fans will surely have plenty more jokes to deliver before it is gone.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One, with PS5 and Xbox Series X/S versions coming in 2021.

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