Welcome to Dogtown, the newest district and central focus of Cyberpunk 2077’s Phantom Liberty expansion. As players know from the previous Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty mission, there isn’t much time to waste, as the President of the New United States of America has crash-landed, and it’s up to V to get there before Hansen and his goons do.

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There’s truly no time to waste, and from the moment players start this main mission, the clock is ticking on Madame President, so it’s best to pack some iron and mobilize, as players are about to see the worst of Dogtown’s guards as they navigate through the city in a desperate attempt to reach their lifeline before it’s too late.

Reach the Crash Site

making air time in dogtown

Sliding down from the long tube after Air Force One swoops just overhead, players are thrust into the action, and the chaos of Dogtown. As soon as players land in the garbage and get their feet on the ground, they need to find a vehicle. Scattered around them and just ahead in the road are plenty of cars and motorcycles. It doesn’t matter what players take, they just need to get to their destination, and fast.

It's recommended to take a motorcycle, due to the countless debris and traffic. A motorcycle can easily weave between these obstacles, and the fact that there are special metal ramps in place for a convenient motorcycle jump makes this race against time all the more thrilling. Players will eventually reach a control point locked down by Barghest, the private army of Dogtown. They can either drive through them, kill them all, or sneak past to get to their next objective.

It's worth noting that if players take too long during this segment, President Myers’ position will be compromised, and the forces of Dogtown will kill her. If this occurs, players will unlock a secret ending in which Songbird shuts down V’s system, and they will wake up outside of Dogtown with Johnny Silverhand shrugging this failed mission off. If players do fail the Hole in the Sky quest in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, they can just retrieve an auto-save.

Talk To Songbird And Fight To The Wreckage

fighting dogtown guards in cyberpunk 2077

After getting past the Dogtown security team, players will climb a ladder into a crane. Inside the crane is Songbird, who is looking down at the NUSA security bots fighting the Barghest. Songbird will activate the crane, allowing V to drop into the warzone. Just be careful not to accidentally shoot the NUSA bots, as they are on V’s side. Players should focus fire on the hordes of Hansen’s men.

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After clearing out the Dogtown guards, more debris will descend onto the battlefield, leaving smoke and rubble to consume the area. Players need to head forward and slide underneath this rubble, where they will meet more trouble from within, with the crashed Air Force One in sight. If players are careful enough, they can stealth this section, but the enemy numbers are not too overwhelming, so it’s best to just gun them all down with the revamped Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 skills and cyberware.

Find Rosalind Myers

exploring the wreckage of air force one

With the Dogtown guards dead, it’s time to head inside Air Force One and locate Rosalind Myers, the NUSA President. Players can investigate the wreckage, and find many dead civilians on board. However, there’s only one point of interest worth noting: a suitcase containing the unique NUCA Suit outfit that players can take for themselves.

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As players head down to Air Force One, Songbird will unlock the door to the secure room where Myers should be inside. Once players head in, Myers will attack them and gain the upper hand. Regardless of whether players complete the QTE or not, Myers will always have V down with her rifle pointed at them. Simply answer her question to gain her trust, as either option will have the same result.

Defeat The Attackers

fighting dogtown attackers

Now that Rosalind Myers has been confirmed alive by V, it’s time to defend her. More of Hansen’s forces have descended onto the crash site, and it’s up to V and Myers to make sure none of them get to see home again. This battle can be pretty tough, so it’s advised to hold the position use mid/long-range weapons, and stick behind cover from within Air Force One.

If players need ammo, then they should quickly head to the room where they found Myers, as there are tons of ammo crates to be found inside. There is also the unique SOR-22 rifle inside, which can be a great weapon for the fight ahead due to its accuracy, range, and semi-auto fire capabilities.

There are multiple enemies, all with unique health bars, including a violent robot enemy that could cause trouble to those that do not have the Vulnerability Analytics Relic skill, as this will allow them to basically insta-kill the robot. After fighting several hordes of these enemies, they will finally stop spawning, and allow for V and Myers to take a breather, along with a call from Songbird. At this point, the Hole in the Sky mission concludes, and Spider and the Fly begins.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.

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