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Sniper rifles are insanely powerful in Cyberpunk 2077. Even the most basic of rifles can take a target out with one well-placed headshot, and the ones that are completely decked out can outright delete even the toughest of enemies in the game's hardest difficulty mode. However, sniper rifles can't be used everywhere, and this is where the real challenge in using them begins.

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The following focuses on fulfilling that one-shot-kill fantasy tied to every sniper playstyle while also mitigating the risks players expose themselves to whenever long-distance shooting isn't an option. This is just one of many possible sniper builds in Cyberpunk 2077, and there's enough leeway in it to suit the tastes of a variety of players.

Cyberpunk 2077 Sniper Build

Cyberpunk 2077 Male V With A Sniper Rifle (1)


Core Skills


Bullet Jock


Nerves of Steel




Named Bullets




Trench Warfare


Covering Killshot


Savage Stoic


Long Shot





Silent and Deadly




The passive skills listed above are the bare minimum that players need to make an effective sniper build. Dump more points into the Assault tree to enhance the overall feel of sniper rifles by reducing their recoil, reload times, and aim down sights speeds.

The majority of stat points should go into Reflexes to unlock the high-tier Assault skills, though players should also invest in Cool and Body.

This setup heavily incentives the use of cover and shooting at enemies from a distance. Players will be significantly less effective with sniper rifles when they're on the move or in close quarters. Thankfully, the Assault tree's skills also affect assault rifles and SMGs, giving players strong CQB weapons to fall back on whenever sniping is out of the question.

Cyberpunk 2077 Dealing A Huge Critical Strike With A Sniper Rifle

Any sniper rifle can work well with this build. Even a Nekomata with a high headshot multiplier is enough to carry players into the later stages of the game. However, the Overwatch iconic sniper rifle might be the best option here since it comes with a custom silencer that allows it to scale off more Ninjutsu perks. This gun can be obtained by finishing the Riders of the Storm quest from Panam, and it comes with a hefty 10 Body requirement to unlock its max potential.

The Widow Maker Precision Rifle is another great option here. This will be the player's medium-range option for fights that are a little too tight for a sniper rifle. It's dropped by Nash during the Ghost Town quest with Panam. As for the third weapon slot, any SMG will suffice as long as players can effectively use it in close quarters.

For mods, use Crunch to increase the already-massive base damage numbers of sniper rifles. Crit damage boosters are also welcome, but only if players have enough crit chance to make them matter (at least 40%).


Cyberware menu

Dynalar's brand of Sandevistans are excellent for this build. Not only do they slow down time for easier shot placement, but they also increase the player's damage by up to 15% when active.

The Trajectory Analysis Ocular implants are mandatory for precision builds since they increase headshot damage by a significant amount. It's sold by Victor Vektor in Little China, though he will only sell cyberware once players pay-off V's $21000 debt to him.

As for the rest of the cyberware slots, feel free to use whichever the situation calls for. Implants that increase critical strike stats or grant immunity to status effects are always welcome. Double Jump is highly recommended for sniper builds since they let players reach vantage points more easily.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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