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Shotguns dominate the close-ranged spaces of Cyberpunk 2077, filling targets with fistfuls of buckshot with terrifying force. These guns make for good backup weapons for when the fighting gets too close for comfort, but players can use these as their main tools of choice for solving Night City's many problems.

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The following is a shotgun-oriented build that's both tanky and fast-paced, making use of movement speed buffs to close the distance between targets before delivering devastating shotgun blasts to the chest. This is but one of many ways to play Cyberpunk 2077, and there's enough space here to fit other things players might prefer when building their characters.

Cyberpunk 2077 Shotgun Build


This setup places a heavy emphasis on close-quarters combat, as is the nature of shotguns. Players will want to have high Body and Cool stats to unlock perks in Athletics, Annihilation, and Cold Blood. The combination of passives above turns V into a high-speed freight train with high close-ranged DPS and damage reduction.

In terms of playstyle, this build revolves around chaining kills to get Annihilation and Cold Blood perks going. Speed Demon increases V's damage output with shotguns based on his movement speed, so any effect that increases this stat is highly beneficial.

The skills listed above are the bare minimum ones required to make the build shine. Players can take every other skill not listed here as per their personal preference. Investing points in Technical Ability and the Crafting skill tree is highly recommended, as making high-quality guns is often better than finding them out in the wild.

Cyberpunk 2077 Weapons

A Carnage shotgun with good damage affixes is recommended in order to deal the most damage per shot. When all damage buffs are online, a single blast is enough to knock out most enemies. The iconic Guts shotgun is an even stronger Carnage that sacrifices accuracy for power. Since players will be in close to melee range anyway, the accuracy penalty is largely negligible. Guts can be found behind some bushes in Corpo Plaza's Memorial Park, near three praying monks.

LMGs are viable secondary weapons for this build thanks to the high investment in the Annihilation tree. These will mostly be used in wide-open areas where charging in blindly with a shotgun isn't recommended. Using an LMG with this build isn't necessary, but it's something worth considering.

Crunch is the preferred mod for weapons since it provides a percentage boost to raw damage. Mods that increase crit stats like Penetrator, Pacifier, and Fortuna are also welcome.


Cyberpunk 2077 Cyberware

The Militech Mk.5 Berserk Operating System is the best choice for this build since it also increases max HP and Stamina while also restoring health after every kill. It lets players go on a rampage without having to worry about keeping themselves healthy. The added recoil control is a nice bonus as well since Carnage shotguns tend to kick back violently.

Since players will be getting shot at a lot while playing this build, it's important to stack as many defensive implants as possible. Some noteworthy upgrades include:

  • Heal-on-Kill (Frontal Cortex)
  • Neofiber (Nervous System)
  • Biomonitor (Circulatory System)
  • Cataresist (Immune System)
  • Pain Editor (Immune System)
  • Subdermal Armor (Integumentary System)
  • Synaptic Signal Optimizer (Skeleton)

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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