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Treating Symptoms is a Gig in Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty DLC that centers around the infiltration of a Voodoo Boys base near the stadium in Dogtown. As players work to complete this mission, they will be required to battle a group of hostile robots and make a choice about the fate of Milko Alexis. This guide is here to provide more details on those aspects of Cyberpunk 2077's Gig: Treating Symptoms, and it should help fans reach their desired conclusion to this mission.

Cyberpunk 2077: Treating Symptoms Gig Guide

Get Inside the Voodoo Boys' Base

cyberpunk 2077 treating symptoms walkthrough

The gig begins by entering the Voodoo Boys' base that is situated just south of the Dogtown stadium. Here, fans will encounter a variety of Voodoo Boys and drones, and they should dispatch these foes as they make their way to the east side of the second floor.

RELATED: Cyberpunk 2077: Prototype in the Scraper Gig Walkthrough (Pursue the Prototype or Let Hasan Go)

Talk to the Supplier

cyberpunk 2077 treating symptoms walkthrough

Cyberpunk 2077 players will arrive at the location depicted in the image that is above after traveling in that direction for a short time, and they should enter the open room on the right before proceeding through the closed door. Indeed, there is a Supplier in that open room, and talking to him can make an upcoming combat encounter slightly easier.

cyberpunk 2077 treating symptoms walkthrough

To pursue this opportunity, players should push the Supplier about what he knows, rather than sending him away, until they are given the option to punch or pay him. After selecting one of those options, fans should ask the Supplier if he knows any tricks for beating the robots and then pass through the aforementioned closed door to start the fight.

Neutralize the Robots

Players must now do battle with Robot R MK. 2 and a crew of lesser robots. While it is possible to dispatch these Cyberpunk 2077 enemies through straightforward combat, the Supplier will have activated numerous scannable servers in the room that can be used to gain an advantage. More specifically, players can shoot at the servers when the robots are near them in order to send an electrical discharge into the foes.

cyberpunk 2077 treating symptoms walkthrough

Regardless of exactly how the player chooses to address this combat encounter, they should make sure to loot the Ogou Iconic Smart Pistol from Robot R MK. 2 before continuing eastward, descending some stairs, and engaging with the final section of the Treating Symptoms gig in Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty DLC.

Cyberpunk 2077: Should You Neutralize Milko Alexis or Let Alan Finish Op

cyberpunk 2077 treating symptoms walkthrough

In this final section, players will discover that Alan Noel, a NetWatch agent, is using Milko Alexis in an op. Fans must now decide whether they will converse with Alan, and ultimately allow him to finish his work, or neutralize Milko as they have been instructed to do.

For those players that are struggling with this choice, it is worth knowing that letting Alan finish his op will lead to the Corpo of the Month Side Job later in the DLC, while neutralizing Milko will not. That optional mission directs V toward a container that holds a couple items, though they are not particularly remarkable. As such, fans should feel free to select the option that sits right with them when considering their experience with NetWatch in Cyberpunk 2077.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.