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Prototype in the Scraper is a Gig in Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty DLC that centers around retrieving a prototype implant and its schematic. To complete this mission, players must work their way through a scav den, locate a passcode, and make a choice. For those fans that may be having trouble with one of these aspects of Cyberpunk 2077's Gig: Prototype in the Scraper, this complete walkthrough is here to help.

Cyberpunk 2077: Gig Prototype in the Scraper Guide

Enter the Scav Den Inside the Scraper

cyberpunk 2077 prototype in the scraper walkthrough

Upon approaching the construction site at the southwest corner of Dogtown and initiating Gig: Prototype in the Scraper, players will be instructed to enter the scav den. This task can be addressed with either combat or stealth, and fans that follow the in-game waypoints will be led directly to an elevator within the skyscraper. Notably, players will find a locked door in the Longshore Stacks Scraper (next to the elevator), and it can be opened by entering 2045 into the associated wall panel.

RELATED: Cyberpunk 2077: Balls to the Wall Walkthrough (Frame Yuri or Run for the Hills)

Find the Prototype Emitting the Signal

After riding the elevator, players will find themselves in an interior filled with scavs, and they can rely on either stealth or combat to get through it. Regardless of the approach that the player chooses to take in this section, they should follow the in-game waypoints to reach Hasan, a Zetatech employee that has been captured by the scavs. Notably, there is a computer in a room that players will pass through just before descending the stairs that lead to the prisoner, and its Codes & Passwords file reveals the code to Hasan's cell.

Follow Hasan

cyberpunk 2077 prototype in the scraper walkthrough

Once Hasan has been freed, Cyberpunk 2077 players should follow him to the schematic and take it. Fans should then continue to follow the former-prisoner, lowering the drawbridge when they are instructed to do so, until he sits down.

Cyberpunk 2077: Should You Pursue the Prototype or Let Hasan Go

cyberpunk 2077 prototype in the scraper walkthrough

Players must now choose whether they will pursue the prototype that they have been tasked with recovering or allow Hasan to walk away with it, and here are more details on that choice:

Prototype's My Responsibility Now

Fans that opt to pursue the prototype will call Mr. Hands and be asked to make yet another choice. Specifically, these players must either send Hasan's coordinates to the fixer, so that he can be returned to Zetatech, or request that Mr. Hands have the prototype extracted and Hasan released.

Notably, these options lead to very similar endings to the gig, and the rewards that are granted are identical. However, fans that allow Hasan to go free will hear from him again, and his contact will initiate a side job that ultimately awards the Ambition Iconic Tech Pistol.

cyberpunk 2077 prototype in the scraper

Watch Yourself Out There

If a player instead chooses to let Hasan go, they will be required to hand-deliver the schematic to a drop point. Aside from this additional task, the gig's conclusion does remain effectively the same, and players will receive the same rewards as those that pursued the prototype. These players will also have further contact with Hasan, giving them the opportunity to claim the Ambition Icon Tech Pistol later in Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty DLC.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.