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Cyberpunk 2077 is finally here, and players have access to all manner of upgrades for their cybernetic bodies. From adding mantis blades to V's arms to enhancing vision and fighting skills, V's body is fully customizable. For those looking to make V as melee-friendly as possible, the Gorilla Arms are an upgrade to aim for.

Stats for the Gorilla Arms

The Gorilla Arms deal physical damage and are designed to make the wearer stronger and give them more endurance. Gorilla Arms charge after every attack and deal bonus damage. Players can force open locked doors with these augmented arms and even tear turrets from the ground. In order to get these Gorilla Arms, players will need a minimum street cred of 20 and €$15,250. It's one of the best mods in Cyberpunk 2077 for upgrading melee.

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Where to Get Them

If players are looking to upgrade their arms for melee, which is just one of the many ways of handling combat in Cyberpunk 2077, players will have to visit Viktor. Viktor is a Ripperdoc that V will meet in Act 1. He is located in southern part of the Watson district in Little China, right behind Misty's shop. He most likely will not have this upgrade available in Act 1; players probably won't have the street cred to get it. Or the money, for that matter. After Viktor does V's initial upgrades, players can start working toward that SC level and earning some cash.

Successful Melee Builds

In order to ensure that V as a melee Brawler is as successful as possible in Cyberpunk 2077, players will want to invest in both intelligence and body. Body will help players to not only deal a ton of damage, but also withstand a lot of damage as well. This may change a little while CD Projekt Red may continue to tweak melee combat in Cyberpunk 2077.

The Cyberpunk 2077 Berserk module will also help to fill out this build. This module gives back health when enemies are defeated, boosts strength, boosts resilience, and more. It also creates a shockwave when players fall from a distance, damaging nearby enemies, boosts ranged melee damage, and increases armor and resistances for five seconds.

There are several other builds that players can do if they think that the melee combat in Cyberpunk is still a little clunky, but the Gorilla Arms are a must-have for fun melee combat with V.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One, and later on PS5 and Xbox Series X.

MORE: How to Find the GTA San Andreas Easter Egg in Cyberpunk 2077

Source: IGN