
  • Cyberpunk 2077 features a wide variety of powerful and terrifying gangs, each with its own history and influence in Night City.
  • Not all gangs have the power they crave, as some are still building themselves up while others have been on the streets for decades causing fear.
  • Some gangs, like The Mox and The Valentinos, have strong morals and goals, while others, like The Scavengers, are feared for their unpredictable violence and lack of territory.

Cyberpunk 2077 is filled with powerful and often terrifying gangs. But some of them are much less powerful than they seem, while others are deadlier than V could ever imagine. One of the best things about the controversy-filled game is its use of gangs and the side jobs that teach the player about the dangers Night City faces, as well as the wide variety of gangs and corporations within this messed-up city.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty – Best New Areas, Ranked

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty brings many new interesting areas into the game, and here are the coolest of the bunch.

While all the gangs in Cyberpunk 2077 are scary, not all of them have the power they crave. Many are still building themselves up when V graces the city, others are coaxed along with the help of the player and other gangs have been rampant on the streets for decades, causing them to strike fear in the hearts of innocent people. However, fear doesn't always mean power, and sometimes being unknown is the best way to be.

Updated on February 5, 2024 by Ritwik Mitra: Cyberpunk 2077 has enjoyed an amazing redemption after being dragged across the proverbial coals for months/years following one of the most disastrous launches in video game history. Thankfully, CD Projekt Red admitted its faults and spent years updating the game, adding new content, and fixing most of its bugs. With the advent of Phantom Liberty and the 2.0 Update, Cyberpunk 2077 completed its comeback, entering into the good graces of fans once again. It's easily one of the best sci-fi RPGs fans can check out, and the immense detail in Night City coupled with the many gangs present in the game makes this urban landscape come to life in a vivid and violent way.

An Overview Of All The Gangs In Night City

Gang Name


6th Street

Santo Domingo, Heywood




West Pacifica



The Mox


Tyger Claws




Voodoo Boys








11 The Mox

Active Location(s): Lizzie's Bar, Jig-Jig Street, Cherry Blossom Market

Two Moxes gang members
  • Leader: Susie "Q"
  • Gang Strength: 200-250

The Mox is one of the smaller, newer, and kinder gangs that easily has the best morals and goals, although getting on their bad side is a true rollercoaster. The gang was founded in memory of Lizzie Borden, a strip club owner who dedicated her life to protecting the vulnerable from violence and dangers, specifically sex workers.

Unfortunately, The Moxes' small numbers and brand of protection force them to be rather low down on the power scale. While they don't shy away from some dodgy deals and a bit of violence, their cause isn't to punish the innocent or large groups of people, unless they deserve it.

Notable Involvements

  • The starting mission of the Corpo Lifepath, The Corpo-Rat, sees the player start off their journey at Lizzie's Bar.
  • In The Information, V needs to pay a visit to Lizzie's Bar and have a discussion with Evelyn Parker.

10 Animals

Active Location(s): West Pacifica

Boss of The Animals in front of their sign
  • Leader: Sasquatch
  • Gang Strength: 2,500-3,000

The Animals are a gang that mainly works as bouncers and bodyguards throughout Night City, so they mainly focus on making themselves look as intimidating as possible, much like Arasaka. While it's undeniable that their presence is noted when the player tries to get into a club, they don't exactly hold a ton of power.

They have a lot of members, ranging from 2,500 to 3,000. At the end of the day, they work for the more powerful gangs inside the bars and clubs they guard or beat people up for. While they're intimidating, they don't call the shots and are still trying to work their way up the ladder.

Notable Involvements

  • One of the harder fights in Beat on the Brat sees V fight off against a buff member of the Animals, Rhino.
  • In I Walk the Line, V needs to infiltrate the GIM that is occupied by the Animals.

9 Scavengers

Active Location(s): Everywhere... And Nowhere

Pretty image of a scavenger waiting for a victim
  • Leader: Numerous
  • Gang Strength: Unknown

Scavengers do as their name dictates, they scavenge implants off anyone they can get their hands on so they can sell them on for some quick money. They care little about who their victim is and attack anyone from corporate bosses to innocent bystanders. This makes them heavily feared and somewhat powerful since no one is safe, but ultimately they aren't the ones who hold all the power.

Cyberpunk 2077: All Changes in Update 2.0

Update 2.0 has brought about many new exciting changes and additions to Cyberpunk 2077.

They have no turf to call their own, instead roaming the streets for the hunt and a prime victim. If it ever came down to one gang ruling the whole of Night City, many players and citizens would not back this gang since they ultimately just roam the streets like common thieves and murderers, they have no say in what happens to this crazy place.

Notable Involvements

  • The first quest after the Lifepath prologue, Breaking Through, has V infiltrating a Scav hideout to rescue Sandra Dorsett.
  • Disasterpiece sees V infiltrate a Scav building to rescue Evelyn.

8 Valentinos

Active Location(s): Heywood

Poster of the Valentinos gang
  • Leader: Gustavo Orta & Zoe Alonzo
  • Gang Strength: 6,000

The Valentinos are certainly well-known and respected. They are surprisingly well-loved in Heywood due to their street parties, drag races, and other activities to keep the locals entertained and happy. What they lack in power they make up for in respect and numbers with their estimated gang size being around 6,000 people.

While they are fun and relatively kind to those who don't cause them trouble, they just don't hold the kind of power many would have liked to see. Nevertheless, their devotion and numbers make them tough to mess with.

Notable Involvements

  • In the gig On a Tight Leash, V uncovers a conspiracy involving a collusion between the Valentinos and Arasaka to frame Militech.
  • During the funeral for Jackie in the quest Heroes, the leader of the Valentinos sends his regards through a member of the gang.

7 Aldecaldos

Active Location(s): Badlands

4 Aldecaldos gang memebers posing in front of graffiti
  • Leader: Saul Bright (and possibly Panam Palmer)
  • Gang Strength: 10,000+ (500-600 in Night City)

The beloved Aldecaldos Of The Badlands. Many players adore this gang and its resident troublemaker Panam Palmer. While this gang only has around 500-600 members in the Night City area, it dominates a little part of the outskirts.

They love causing trouble to corporations and are usually willing to do most jobs if the person is willing to pay. They don't hold a vast amount of land and aren't typically interested in expanding into Night City which allows them to stay in the middle of the power ladder. That seems to suit them fine.

Notable Involvements

  • Various quests with Panam involve the Aldecados in a major capacity, including Queen Of The Highway.
  • V can give an explosive send-off to Mitch's fallen comrade, Scorpion, in I'll Fly Away.

6 6th Street

Active Location(s): Santo Domingo, Heywood

6th street members attacking the player
  • Leader: Will Gunner
  • Gang Strength: 2,300

6th Street is a rather ironic group that became the thing they swore to destroy. Their military-style gang stood in and fought for justice when the NCPD refused to. However, in their attempts, they became self-righteous and selfless as they took over Santo Domingo.

Cyberpunk 2077: 2.0 Console Commands

Players can access console commands in Cyberpunk 2077's Update 2.0 to greatly enhance the power of their version of V.

Owning this amount of turf comes with a strong element of power as well as all the military training they possess. They have all the means to expand and take over more power and will more than likely attempt it. The scary thing is that they may just succeed with how ruthless they can be.

Notable Involvements

  • In Stadium Love, V can either engage in a shootout with 6th Street or partake in a shooting competition. Players who get all points get a special SMG called "Divided We Stand".
  • In the gig Life's Work, V will need to steal a custom car from a client that's being guarded by members of 6th Street.

5 Wraiths

Active Location(s): Badlands

Two wraith members outside their camp
  • Leader: Dogkiller
  • Gang Strength: 300-1,200

The Wraiths may not seem particularly powerful inside Night City, but outside, they are feared, respected, and avoided at all costs. Consisting of 300 - 1,200 members, this gang of exiled nomads roams the outskirts of the city causing terror and destruction in their wake with their violent raid parties.

Although they aren't prominent inside Night City, they almost own the entire outskirts and could certainly pack a punch if they chose to expand their turf. With their scary outfits and violent tendencies, they certainly don't fly under the radar and many players have had some scary run-ins with this intimidating gang.

Notable Involvements

  • The gig Big Pete's Got Big Problems has V break into a garage populated by Wraiths to prevent Pete from working with them.
  • In Riders on the Storm, V needs to infiltrate a Wraith stronghold to rescue Saul.

4 Voodoo Boys

Active Location(s): Pacifica

Placide talking to a woman in Cyberpunk 2077
  • Leader: Brigitte & Wilky Laguerre
  • Gang Strength: 50-250

Many gangs that skulk around Night City are vicious, violent, and often so teched up that they're nearly impossible to kill. The Voodoo Boys are the opposite. They're hackers and netrunners who, in a world as tech-orientated as this, are beyond dangerous.

They may seem under the surface but if they so desired, and put all their skills together, it would be devastating for all gangs, corporations, and civilians since their opportunities are essentially endless. They could hack into information, install malware into a human being, and cause all amounts of devastation. Ultimately, for V, the Voodoo Boys aren't the biggest threat, but this gang wields more power than many think.

Notable Involvements

  • Players interact with the Voodoo Boys in a close capacity in M'ap Tann Pelen.
  • Another main mission, Transmission, sees V working with the Voodoo Boys once again.

3 Maelstrom

Active Location(s): Northside

Maelstrom looking at the camera. Looks scary
  • Leader: Royce, Brick, or Patricia (dependent on a player's actions)
  • Gang Strength: 1,300

Maelstrom is the more reputable and feared gang in the game. They dominate most of Watson and seem to have a hand in almost every job V takes part in. Their name is mentioned more times than anyone could count since they run most operations in Night City and that's all because they are just so deadly and feared by anyone living in that odd and run-down city.

The 14 Best Fashion Mods For Cyberpunk 2077

Many mods allow players to deck out their V in fashion ahead of its time. These are the best available for Cyberpunk 2077.

Maelstrom is one of the most powerful gangs in the game and is certainly tough to deal with even with a population of around 1,300. They are techno-loving machines who implant their bodies with powerful and illegal cyberware, often making them quick, deadly, and almost unstoppable. If this gang wanted to take over Night City, many would probably just let them.

Notable Involvements

  • One of the first main quests, The Pickup, has players negotiate a deal with Maelstrom that can have wildly different conclusions.
  • The events of this quest govern how Second Conflict plays out, with V going to the Maelstrom club, Totentanz.

2 Tyger Claws

Active Location(s): Westbrook

4 tyger claws members posing
  • Leader: Jun Azegami & Marcus Ichida
  • Gang Strength: 5,500

This may come as a surprise that the Tyger Claws are the most powerful gang in Cyberpunk 2077, but the biggest tell-tale sign is who they get funded by. First of all, they're a gang of around 5,500 deadly trained assassins. Secondly, they own Westbrook, Japantown, Charter Hill, Watson, Kabuki, and Little China. Thirdly, they are funded by the one and only Arasaka!

Being a gang funded by the biggest company in the country is an insane boost to power, especially since they get access to military-grade cyberware, weapons, data, and top jobs that cause their power to increase rapidly. The Tyger Claws fly under the radar but are incredibly powerful. Once you mess with them, you have the entire gang and an entire company ready to make this day your last.

Notable Involvements

  • V interacts with the higher-up of the Tyger Claws in Pisces.
  • The quest The Highwayman rewards players with a unique Tyger Claw motorcycle upon completion.

1 Barghest

Active Location(s): Dogtown

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Kurt Hansen Introducing Himself To V
  • Leader: Kurt Hansen
  • Gang Strength: Unknown

With the advent of Phantom Liberty, players can tackle a completely new quest in the game that revolves around Dogtown, NUSA, and the Barghest. This gang has taken over a section of Pacifica previously known as the Combat Zone, turning it into a lawless haven that is meant to stand against corpo culture but ends up being way too chaotic for its own good.

It doesn't help that the leader of the Barghest, Kurt Hansen, is a heinous man who stands in the way of V during his adventures in this area. The game is full of cold-blooded criminals who have reveled in the acts of violence and debauchery in this lawless district, making them pretty challenging for V to tackle while he explores this new district.

Notable Involvements

  • In Balls to the Wall, players encounter a helpless Barghest recruit who needs to be saved from a bad situation.
  • You Know My Name sees players infiltrate the Black Sapphire, the headquarters of the Barghest.
cyberpunk 2077 poster
Cyberpunk 2077

December 10, 2020
CD Projekt Red