The developers at CD Projekt Red are hard at work attempting to make Cyberpunk 2077 the game fans were hoping for. Now, months after the game's release, it's unclear if Cyberpunk 2077 will ever be the game fans wished for, but CDPR continues to improve the experience nonetheless with multiple large patches and updates.

While one main reason why Cyberpunk 2077 didn't deliver the expected experience was due to the slew of bugs, which CDPR is actively working on, fans are also upset that many features implied either via trailers or gameplay demos did not make it into the final cut of the game. Whether or not these features will ever make it into the final game is a mystery. However, CDPR has both free and paid DLC in the works, and one fan theory is that these missing features might make it into Cyberpunk via free content updates.

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Missing Cyberpunk 2077 Character Customization Features

Cyberpunk 2077 V Looking Into The Mirror And Making Faces

As with any open-world game, character customization in Cyberpunk 2077 was a feature many were looking forward to. According to gameplay demos, it looked like customizing V would be revolutionary, implementing tattoos that could be designed and placed as desired, a slew of hairstyles, and background and personality details. But after the game's release, players felt that Cyberpunk's character creation was no more special, or perhaps even more limiting, than any other triple-A title.

Players even discovered that it's impossible to recreate the female V used throughout Cyberpunk's marketing. While not being able to play as this version of V isn't an issue in itself, this shows both the limitations of Cyberpunk's customization system and the way CDPR deceived fans with its marketing. It's likely that, due to the third-person gameplay and cutscenes being cut from Cyberpunk completely, these features were seen as unnecessary and therefore cut.

Missing Gameplay Features in Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 Rogue's car and Johnny Silverhand

Fans have proven the amount of gameplay that was cut from Cyberpunk 2077 prior to its release, though CDPR denies this is the case. Again, much of this is based on the E3 2018 gameplay demo, but since the full game launch, fans have picked apart the gameplay features left out of the game. Many players were disappointed with the cybernetics in Cyberpunk 2077, but datamined game files show that many cybernetics such as optical camo and even allies using their own cyberware during missions were cut at some point during the process.

Likewise, car and housing customization were large elements fans looked forward to, as the marketing implied players would be able to upgrade their lifestyles in this way. One trailer discusses V moving into a nice mansion but isn't an option in the final game. But these pieces of gameplay are more likely to be added later on than other elements.

RELATED: Cyberpunk 2077 Will Never Be the Game Fans Were Hoping For

Unfinished Areas of Cyberpunk 2077

cyberpunk 2077 v's mansion

Thanks to PC console commands, Cyberpunk 2077 players were quickly able to find many unfinished areas around Night City shortly after launch. How unfinished these locations are range from Night City's Center for Behavioral Health, a building that looks complete but some of its doorways lead to nowhere and is void of any NPCs, to buildings missing wall and floor models, leaving them only half-built.

One of the main unfinished locations in Night City that players discovered was the train stations. Based on both train stations and happening upon these locations in-game, it looks like CDPR planned to have trains act as fully functional modes of transportation. After all, it would make sense that a massive metropolis such as Night City would use public transportation frequently, but the train stations clearly show unfinished models. Likewise, the Pacifica region has a completely inaccessible area that makes up a large chunk of the map, though it was used in advertising for Cyberpunk 2077.

It's possible these many unfinished locations are meant for Cyberpunk 2077 DLC, but fans are skeptical that these locations will ever be finished in forthcoming updates.

Unfortunately, there are simply some elements of Cyberpunk 2077 that will likely never make it to the game. For example, the E3 2018 gameplay demo showed Jackie and V in a third-person cutscene, implying that at the very least, cutscenes would be experienced in third-person, if not gameplay as well. Of course, this was later cut, which upset fans everywhere. Unfortunately, this will likely never get added, as it would take much time and resources to do so, but fans can rely on mods to improve the Cyberpunk 2077 experience when it comes to missing features.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One, with PS5 and Xbox Series X/S support currently in development.

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