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Despite the game's mixed reception, which is mainly due to the game's bugs and unfulfilled promises, Cyberpunk 2077 does have quite a few saving graces. The story of Cyberpunk 2077 is fairly decent, some of the game's challenges are very entertaining, and it is somewhat true to its RPG elements, providing the players with multiple options in dealing with the game's obstacles. There are many ways that players can tackle the many challenging scenarios in the game, and the 2.0 update goes a long way in ensuring each class feels more unique and robust than ever before.

Those who enjoy faster-paced action will find the game's assault rifles to be perfect for their arsenal. Since Night City isn't exactly the friendliest location on Earth, this type of reliable companion is almost a necessity. There are a few different assault rifles the players can pick up in the game, but the six iconic ones are the options they should seek out if they want to be as powerful as they can be. These weapons each have their own unique qualities, which will perfectly match the player's preferred play style. Whether the player is conquering the main missions or just playing around with the side gigs, these weapons will prove incredibly handy. Following the advent of the 2.0 Update, all Iconic weapons are viable no matter what the player's level is, incentivizing players to find as many of these unique weapons as possible.

Cyberpunk 2077: 10 Areas The Story Never Takes You To

From off-world colonies to a Samurai concert, here are some potentially fascinating places Cyberpunk 2077's story could have taken players.

Updated May 10, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: Cyberpunk 2077 has witnessed a huge comeback for a video game that many people proclaimed to be dead at launch. The broken launch, coupled with its many broken promises, led to many people losing faith in CD Projekt Red. However, the developer never gave up on a game they had full faith in. They have released numerous updates and patches to the game, fixing its problems and adding numerous features that players wanted from the get-go. It took two long years, but Cyberpunk 2077 has salvaged its reputation and become one of the most beloved video games of all time. The combat is just one pillar of gameplay that is polished to a T. Players who want to use the revamped iconic assault rifles that were tweaked in the 2.0 Update will love the many weapons in this department.

8 Carmen

Help Paco Torres During The Mission "Balls To The Wall"

The Carmen iconic AR from Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty
  • Type: Power
  • Attack Speed: 13
  • Magazine Size: 40
  • Specialty: Shots to limbs have an increased Crit Chance. Weapon handling is improved while running, jumping, or sliding. During these movements, damage and Bleeding are also increased.

Phantom Liberty is one of the best expansion packs ever released for a video game, making the most of Cyberpunk 2077's revamped gameplay systems. Players enjoy a story about corporate espionage, as V is caught in the thick of it after the events of Pacifica. This expansion pack brings a lot of goodies, including new iconic weapons.

One such weapon is Carmen, an assault rifle used by Paco Torress with improved Armor Penetration. Players who get their hands on this weapon should target an enemy's limbs to hit for serious damage. If players love to run and gun, it makes sense for them to use this weapon as much as possible to make the most of its benefits in this department.

7 Militech Hercules 3AX

Found During The Gig "Road To Redemption"

finding hercules 3ax
  • Type: Smart
  • Attack Speed: 10
  • Magazine Size: 90
  • Specialty: Can Poison enemies, making them more susceptible to Crit Damage. Killing an enemy causes them to explode and leave a pool of acid behind.

Some weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 are truly savage, tearing up enemies and leaving nothing behind. This arsenal is one of the reasons people fear V by the end of the game. To make things even better, the Phantom Liberty expansion brings a wealth of powerful weapons that can melt an opponent's health bar. The Militech Hercules 3AX is a great example.

Not only does this weapon have a whopping 90 bullets in its magazine, but it can also poison enemies with its shots. To put the cherry on top of this violent cake, enemies who are decimated by this weapon explode, leaving a pool of acid behind that can burn their companions. It's a brutal weapon that can destroy V's enemies and leave no trace behind.

6 Hawk

Left By Rosalind Myers After The Mission "Lucretia My Reflection"

Rosalind Myers wielding the Hawk in Cyberpunk 2077
  • Type: Power
  • Attack Speed: 5
  • Magazine Size: 16
  • Specialty: With accurate headshots, the Hawk's attacks weaken the enemy for 15 seconds after they've been hit, reducing movement speed and damage while increasing stamina consumption. Enemies are easier to knock down and can't use special abilities in this state either.

There's something oddly powerful about using a weapon that belongs to the President of the New United States. The Hawk is a powerful assault rifle that players can get their hands on after the events of Lucretia My Reflection, and V can use this weapon to cause havoc and mayhem in Night City with a few accurate headshots.

The additional effects of this iconic weapon are really useful, letting players turn enemies into inefficient nincompoops with a single well-placed headshot. The sheer number of debilitating effects that can be added with this weapon are numerous, and players will have a great time turning enemies into mincemeat as they riddle them with bullets without a care in the world. Clearly, Rosalind Myers keeps the best weapons for herself, and this assault rifle is living proof of that.

5 Kyubi X-MOD2

In A Pit Full Of Water In The Golden Pacific Data Term

Kyubi X-MOD2 in Cyberpunk 2077
  • Type: Power
  • Attack Speed: 5
  • Magazine Size: 16
  • Specialty: Deals 50% extra damage when players land a headshot and features improved handling and additional slots for modification.

There are many secrets scattered across the small yet dense borough of Dogtown that make it such a fascinating area to traverse in the DLC. The crime-riddled district is jam-packed with content that will keep players invested for hours on end, and there are many goodies that diligent players can find in this game if they wish. One such item can be found in a water-filled pit across the Golden Pacific Data Term.

Cyberpunk 2077: Every Iconic Pistol In The Game

In CD Projekt Red's Cyberpunk 2077, a pistol can be the difference between life and death in Night City. What are all the iconic pistols in the game?

Players can get their hands on a unique assault rifle called the Kyubi X-MOD2, a really powerful weapon that hits like a truck when players land a headshot. While its inherent qualities aren't all that special, the additional mod slots on this weapon coupled with better handling make for an efficient firearm that players can use to dish out some serious damage indeed. If players manage to get their hands on some really powerful mods for this weapon, then nothing can stand in their way as they riddle their enemies with numerous bullet holes in record time!

4 Divided We Stand

Beat Walker's Score In "Stadium Love"

Cyberpunk 2077 D5 Sidewinder Divided We Stand On Table
  • Type: Smart
  • Attack Speed: 10
  • Magazine Size: 30
  • Specialty: Divided We Stand's automatic targeting allows the weapon to target five enemies at once. Bullets have a random chance of exploding with a chemical effect that causes Poison, a status effect that deals damage over time.

Divided We Stand is the iconic version of the Nokota D5 Sidewinder assault rifle. It is a smart weapon, which means it is able to hit targets accurately with the use of self-guided micro-projectiles. Not only that, but it is also capable of targeting up to five enemies at the same time. The bullets of this weapon deal chemical damage, with a high chance of also inflicting deadly poison on enemies. This gun stands out for the decal of the New United States flag on its magazine. The magazine size for this assault rifle carries 30 rounds. Its epic component contains one slot, while the legendary has four.

The Divided We Stand weapon can be obtained during the Stadium Love side job. This side job will have the players party with the 6th Street gang. They can earn this powerful weapon for free by playing the gang's shooting game and beating the high score. Another, more challenging way of getting it is by simply shooting up everyone in the area and looting the table, but this method is far more dangerous. Of course, given how much fun it really is to engage in some fast-paced combat in this game, it's easy to see why most people would prefer the latter option.

3 Moron Labe

Crafting Spec Dropped By Anton Kolen In An NCPD Scanner Hustle "West Wind Estate"

moron labe cyberpunk 2077
  • Type: Power
  • Attack Speed: 7.5
  • Magazine Size: 30
  • Specialty: The Moron Labe has a higher rate of fire, along with a chance to dismember a target upon being hit.

It's rare that a gun like an assault rifle will be so powerful that it is capable of actually dismembering its targets. Lucky for its wielder and unluckily for the targets, one such weapon exists in Cyberpunk 2077. That weapon is the Moron Labe. This assault rifle is the iconic version of the Militech M251s Ajax. It is a Power weapon, meaning it has an increased rate of fire, and as mentioned earlier, it is capable of dismembering its targets. According to its official description, this weapon is the perfect choice for the alpha among alphas, and its immense power can attest to that.

Cyberpunk 2077: Best Iconic Melee Weapons Introduced In Phantom Liberty

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty brings many new and exciting iconic melee weapons into V's hands, as the battle over Night City and Dogtown rages on.

For players to get this weapon, they must craft it themselves. They can find the crafting spec for it from Anton Kolev, who they can eliminate during a Suspected Organized Crime Activity. For the players to craft the epic version of the weapon, they'll need the Grease Monkey perk and the following items:

  • 25 uncommon item components
  • 40 rare components
  • 50 epic components
  • 2 legendary components

For the legendary variation, the required perk is Edgerunner Artisan, along with the epic version of the rifle. They'll also need:

  • 25 rare item components
  • 40 epic
  • 3 legendary

These components can be tricky for players to collect, but the end result is worth it.

2 Prejudice

Received While Gearing Up At The Start Of "For Whom The Bell Tolls"

Prejudice from Cyberpunk 2077
  • Type: Power
  • Attack Speed: 4
  • Magazine Size: 18
  • Specialty: Killing enemies with Pride (another of Rogue's iconic weapons alongside this one) temporarily stops ammo use while shooting the Prejudice. The first shot is always a Crit and fire rate is greatly increased when V's Health is low. Damage is increased against Elite enemies, and Crit Damage is improved by +100%.

The Prejudice assault rifle, according to its official description, is one of the best rifles to ever grace the planet. Those who have had the privilege of wielding it will completely agree with this description, and one of those wielders is the best fixer in Night City and Johnny Silverhand's former companion — Rogue Amendiares. This weapon is the iconic version of the Arasaka HJSH-18 Masamune.

This iconic assault rifle has the ability to have its bullets ricochet off surfaces. It has a 2.94 attack per second rate, with a 30-round magazine size. The Prejudice has a double headshot multiplier rate and has the unique effect of firing piercing projectiles, making it a formidable weapon for players to wield. This gun can be acquired during the main mission For Whom the Bell Tolls. This mission can only be accessed if V follows Johnny's plan before infiltrating Arasaka during the game's ending; if they don't, players will lose out on this powerful assault rifle. The weapon can be found in the Afterlife bar.

1 Psalm 11:6

Crafting Spec Dropped By Tom Ayer In The NCPD Scanner Hustle "Just Say No"

Psalm 11:6 from Cyberpunk 2077
  • Type: Power
  • Attacks Per Second: 11
  • Magazine Size: 50
  • Specialty: The Psalm 11:6 deals thermal damage and causes targets to Burn, which inflicts damage over time.

"Let him rain coals on the wicked; fire and sulfur and a scorching wind shall be the portion of their cup." This is the passage from Psalm 11:6 in the Bible, and it is the perfect description of this weapon. This weapon is the iconic version of the Nokota D5 Copperhead. It is covered with a flame-designed decal, which is the perfect body for its thermal damage capabilities. It also has a very high chance of applying a burn status effect to its targets. With this weapon, the players will literally get the ability to rain fire down upon their foes. The gun unleashes 6.38 attacks per second and has a magazine with a 30-round capacity.

Like the Moron Labe, the player will need to craft this weapon themselves if they want to wield it. The crafting spec is dropped by Tom Ayer, an enemy that players can encounter during a Suspected Organized Crime Activity. There are three different versions of the weapon the players can craft: rare, epic, and legendary. They will need the True Craftsman perk for the rare version, Grease Monkey for the epic version, and Edgerunner Artisan for the legendary version.

cyberpunk 2077 poster
Cyberpunk 2077

December 10, 2020
CD Projekt Red
RPG , Action