The Blackwall creeps ever closer to the destruction of civilization, and the Rouge AIs that lurk within begin to bleed into reality thanks to Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. Players can get their hands on the deadliest, coolest, and truly the best Cyberware and weapons in Cyberpunk 2077, so long as they follow specific paths and quest steps during the Phantom Liberty campaign that will net them the unique rewards of Erebus and the Militech Canto Mk.6.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty – Best New Areas, Ranked

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty brings many new interesting areas into the game, and here are the coolest of the bunch.

Both of these rewards are unique to following the Solomon Reed path, and they are both missable items that require players to have a certain amount of Attribute Points dedicated to Technical Ability and Intelligence. If players miss these items, then there is no way to go back and get them. It’s also important to note that both of these weapons are truly brilliant, and should be in the hands of any Cyberpunk 2077 players who want to wage a one-person war in Update 2.0.

Help Reed Capture Songbird During Firestarter

songbird using her cyberpsycho blackwall attack on v

Firestarter is the ultimate mission in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty that will determine the fate of characters and the ending of the DLC. After a certain point, players are presented with the option to Help Songbird escape or Help Reed capture Songbird. If players want to get their hands on the Cyberpunk 2077 Blackwall weapons, then they are going to have to help Reed and follow through with the mission until Songbird is captured by MaxTac.

Cyberpunk 2077: Firestarter Walkthrough (Help Songbird or Help Reed)

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty's Firestarter mission presents a choice to players that weave consequences depending on if they help Songbird or Reed.

The reason players need to follow this quest chain is because the weapons they seek are unique to this path, as players will need to complete Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos and Somewhat Damaged, which are exclusive to helping Reed. After the Firestarter mission, it’s time to start the next step.

Talk to Mr. Hands and Yoko

talking with yoko in her shop

When starting Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos, players are tasked with choosing a Netrunner to help breach the MaxTac security so that they can find where and when they are transporting Songbird as cargo. It’s advised to call Mr. Hands and use his Netrunner for 15,000 Eurodollars. Although doing so has not been assured as essential, it’s probably a good idea, since it will open an optional objective that will net players a unique Mantis Blades reward later in the game.

Players will be tasked with meeting Yoko, a famed Netrunner found at the Netrunner Store in Kabuki Market, Watson. Talking to Yoko is also a good idea, as she plays a vital part in how players will obtain Erebus or Militech Canto Mk.6 after the missions at hand. Listen to her business proposal and complete that, which just entails players sending Mr. Hands a text detailing the location of the MaxTac cargo later in the mission. After these objectives, simply complete the mission and follow through to the Somewhat Damaged quest, where players will reach a missable point in the campaign after the objectives of locating the Alpha and Bravo Dataterminals.

Where To Get Erebus

finding the erebus blueprints in cynosure

Now that players are in the Cynosure Facility, and they have had a deadly encounter with the Cerberus Unit being controlled by Songbird and the Blackwall, they are going to need to follow a specific route to find the Erebus blueprints. The easiest way to get here is by entering the checkered tile room where players will see a flashback of Songbird’s surgery. Head through the doors on the left of this flashback, and then head right, and right again to reach the Engineering/Living Quarters hallway. Take a left from here through the Engineering sector.

Cyberpunk 2077: Somewhat Damaged Walkthrough (Kill or Spare Songbird)

The fate of Songbird lies in the hands of V in this potential final Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty mission.

the opened maintenance room with the erebus

Directly from the Engineering sector doors, players will find a broken door terminal. To fix the door terminal and claim Erebus, players must have 20 Technical Ability. It’s a good idea to only start the Somewhat Damaged quest if players are level 60, and have invested their Attributes into Technical Ability. After looking at the door terminal, turn 180 degrees and head right to find a Storage closet on the left.

fusebox in cynosure that unlocks the erebus room

Inside and to the right, players can find a fuse box with a red light above it, where they can use 20 Technical Ability to reroute the power and turn on the door terminal.

If players hear the Cerberus Unit roaming, or their screen gains Relic interference , it’s advised to hide and wait for it to clear to avoid detection and death from the robot that is trying to hunt and kill V.

If the coast is clear, head out of the Storage unit and back to the door terminal. Players can turn on the door terminal and open/unlock the door to access the room. As soon as the doors open, players can head to the table to find the blueprints for the Iconic Erebus Power Submachine Gun. In this room, players can also find some lore tidbits, which have some spare Cerberus units, which are luckily deactivated. Players can also use the ladder on the left of the room to skip the need to access the dataterminals, head through to the next area to the Core/Lab, and find the Militech Canto Mk.6.

The video below will help players find Erebus easily:

Where To Get Militech Canto Mk.6

militech canto mk.6 blueprint location

After initiating the Core Shutdown Protocol, players need to head out of the Core Control room and to the right, where they will find The Lab. Once inside, follow the hallway and look left before entering the Observation Room. To the left is the Experimental Prototyping room, which players can access with a code or with 15 Intelligence Attributes. Luckily for those without these Attribute points, they can find the Militech Canto Mk.6 codes here to access the Experiential Prototyping Room: 714212

militech canto mk.6 location in cynosure

After typing in the following digits: 7, 1, 4, 2, 1, 2, players can click the door terminal to open the room. At the end of this room, players will find the Militech Canto Mk. 6 blueprints, harboring the Iconic Cyberdeck Cyberware. Proceed through the quest as normal, until after a conversation with So Mi within the Blackwall.

This video will help players locate Militech Canto Mk.6, and utilize the Experimental Prototyping room code:

Take The Behavioral System Component

looting the Cerberus unit

A component with Cerberus’ behavioral system. Encryption method unknown.

It may claim to be a Misc item, but taking the behavioral system component is vital in moving forward. Players can claim this item from the Cerberus Unit that will have shut down after talking to So Mi in her Brooklyn apartment in the Blackwall. With the Cerberus Unit deactivated, simply loot its corpse and proceed through the mission as normal. At this point, they should have the following:

  • Erebus blueprints
  • Militech Canto Mk.6 blueprints
  • Behavioral system component

Now, all players need to do is complete the Somewhat Damaged quest. The outcome of the quest does not matter, and it is completely up to the player how they want to handle the Songbird situation going forward from here. All players need to do is follow the mission to its end, where they will finally be in V’s Apartment, located at Megabuilding H10, Little China, Watson.

This Corrosion Side Job

talking to yoko to give her the behavioral circuit

Waiting a few in-game days after the Somewhat Damaged quest, and with all items involved, players will receive a rather ominous message on their phone from an unknown number. They will be provided with instructions on how to unlock the blueprints they found in the Cynosure Facility, and V can now head to meet Yoko, at the Netrunner Store in Kabuki Market, Watson. Once inside, they can give her the Behavioral circuit found on the Cerberus Unit, and wait for her to finish working on it. Once done, she will give players the Cerberus’ decoded behavioral system component. With this, players now need to make a choice between crafting the Erebus or Militech Canto Mk. 6, as they can only craft one of these items by entering the crafting menu. Listed below, will be the stats for both weapons.

Erebus Stats

erebus gun stats in Cyberpunk 2077

For those unafraid to pry open forbidden pathways…

Crafted with:

  • 40 Tier 5 Item Components
  • 1 Cerberus’ decoded behavioral system component

Using the Erebus easily makes it one of the best weapons in Cyberpunk 2077. Its stats are great, and its unique effects are even greater. Few weapons come close to the power of the Erebus, and that comes in thanks to the fact that there is a Blackwall AI equipped with the weapon that infects targets with powers from beyond the Blackwall. This means that the gun can sometimes talk to V. Using this weapon definitely feels like a war crime due to how powerful it is, and how horrific it is to actually kill someone with it. Here are the stats that make Erebus a highly sought-after gun in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty:

Gun Type

Power Submachine Gun

Attack Speed




Reload Speed


Effective Range


Weapon Handling


Rounds fired from this weapon are infused with the dark energy from beyond the Blackwall. Highly effective against enemies with low Health.

Erebus effects:

  • +100% Headshot Damage Multiplier
  • +25% Armor Penetration

Militech Canto Mk.6 Stats

militech canto mk.6 iconic cyberdeck

Crafted with:

  • 12 Tier 5 Quickhack Components
  • 50 Tier 5 Item Components
  • 1 Cerberus’ decoded behavioral system component

There’s a reason that the Militech Canto Mk.6 is arguably the best Cyberdeck in Cyberpunk 2077. Not only are its stats great as a Cyebrdeck, but the fact that it has the unique perk to unlock the Blackwall, and instantly kill enemies in a violent and horrifying death, just takes the cake. Players can also receive dialogue from the Militech Canto Mk.6, which adds another chatty construct to V’s arsenal, thanks to the rogue AI found on the Cyberdeck. Here are the stats that make the Militech Canto Mk.6 a must-have for Netrunners:

Cyberware Capacity


RAM Units


Quickhack Slots


Buffer Size


Militech Canto Mk.6 Effects:

  • Allows you to perform quickhacks on enemies and devices while scanning.
  • Unlocks the Blackwall Gateway quickhack. (This quickhack spreads to 5 enemies within 20 meters, causing lethal damage to Cyberware and neural systems. Mechs, robots, drones, and turrets are deactivated. Automatically consumes RAM every time it spreads. Each spread has a shorter upload time and a higher RAM cost than the last. But the cost can be cut in half if you’re willing to pay in blood…)

Erebus Or Militech Canto Mk.6?

V shooting a scav with the erebus to make the blackwall power kill them

Both weapons have their benefits for Cyberpunk 2077, but the easiest way to choose is dependent on the build of the player. If players enjoy being a Netrunner and investing in the Intelligence Attribute, then the Militech Canto Mk.6 is probably the best choice, due to the fact that it’s the best Cyebrdeck in the game, thanks to its perks, tiers, and the fact that it can instantly kill enemies.

However, if players are not Netrunners, the Erebus weapon is the best choice out of the two Blackwall weapons in Cyberpunk 2077, due to the fact that it is greatly reliable in a gunfight, even without investment into the Reflexes Attribute. Erebus is a grand weapon, and it hacks the combat Cyberware of the enemy being shot at. It has great firepower and projectiles to easily wipe out hordes of enemies.

No matter the choice players make between the Militech Canto Mk.6 and the Erebus, it’s probably wise to keep the weapon away from NetWatch.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is out now for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S.

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