Cyberpunk 2077 is still months away from its mid-September release date, but investors and fans are already curious about CD Projekt RED's post-launch plans. In a recent investor call, CD Projekt RED was prompted to discuss its DLC arrangement for Cyberpunk 2077. Surprisingly, the studio confirmed some early details.

CD Projekt RED didn't give away anything of substance, but it did confirm the scope of its plans for Cyberpunk 2077 DLC. Fans of The Witcher 3 will be excited to hear that, at the very least, Cyberpunk 2077 will have equivalent DLC in total. That's as much or more DLC than The Witcher 3 ever received.

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Fans may first think of The Witcher 3's expansion pass, which included the two hugely popular DLCs Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine. While those two DLC expansions are what most The Witcher 3 players will remember, CD Projekt RED also did a ton of smaller DLC for the game. Quests, armor, weapons, and even a New Game + mode were released week by week for months after the game's launch.

no-tell motel

If there's a negative to take away from CD Projekt RED's DLC plans it's recalling how long it took for The Witcher 3 to get its first expansion, Hearts of Stone. The Witcher 3 launched in May, 2015 and Hearts of Stone wasn't released until October. The second DLC, Blood and Wine, wasn't released until May, 2016. It was a very long wait, even though both expansions were well worth being patient for.

Cyberpunk 2077 releases September 16 on Google Stadia, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Cyberpunk 2077: How the Progression System Will Work

Source: Video Games Chronicle