
  • There are over 6 different endings in Cyberpunk 2077 , each of which is profound and thought-provoking, with players having a preferred ending for their character.
  • The Devil ending, where V puts their trust in the corporation Arasaka, is both the best and worst ending, depending on how players interpret it and the protests of Johnny Silverhand.

There are over 6 endings that can be achieved in Cyberpunk 2077. Each of them is profound, with a deep and memorable presence in fiction. All endings in Cyberpunk 2077 achieve a sense of dread and are entirely thought-provoking, with each player having a preferred and definitive ending for their V.

Cyberpunk 2077: All Collectibles for V’s Apartment (& How To Get Them)

In Cyberpunk 2077, players can fill V's Apartment with an assortment of collectibles and memorabilia, and here's all of them.

One of the endings in Cyberpunk 2077 is The Devil, which sees V put their trust in the godly corporation Arasaka. This ending follows Cyberpunk creator Mike Pondsmith’s words, “It’s not about saving the world – but about saving yourself.” Many things make The Devil ending the best and worst ending, and it depends entirely on how the player and their V look at it, despite the many protests of Johnny Silverhand.

Updated on October 28, 2023, by Jake Fillery: Cyberpunk 2077 has seen a new birth thanks to the release of Update 2.0, and the expansion, Phantom Liberty. With this additional content, the game is in the best condition it has ever been, and many are either playing Cyberpunk 2077 again or picking it up for the first time. When players first meet Johnny Silverhand, there are two notable things he tells the player. He tells them to stick a gun in their mouth and says not to trust Arasaka. Perhaps Johnny was onto something with the latter, because if V decides to help Arasaka, then they are bracing for The Devil ending, which involves perhaps the worst ending in Cyberpunk 2077.

13 Corpo Tensions Rise To A Boiling Point (Worst)

NUSA President Rosalind Myers after Somewhat Damaged

With the rebirth of Saburo Arasaka within the body of his own son, world leaders, corporations, and civilians are in massive protests about the decision. The idea that this one man can become immortal, is one that sees unforeseen consequences. Arasaka will forever be in power, and with Saburo growing ever stronger, and ever wiser in the aging of his identity, but never his body, he is able to wreak chaos to become the corpo king.

Arasaka will rise from the ashes of a dead world if The Devil ending comes true, and he will lead them against Militech, the NUSA, and whoever else dares stand in the way of this powerful corporation. The fact that V helped Saburo come back to life just shows how much of a foolish pawn V was, and how they effectively brought the devil back, with no reward to show for it.

12 V Becomes A Forgotten Relic (Worst)

Cyberpunk 2077 male V looking at camera close-up

Not only have Arasaka done a poor job at removing the Relic, as they promised, but they have also left V forgotten. V is trapped on a secret Arasaka space station, with no one familiar to help them, and scientists that just want to study that poor job that they have done. V will either meet Goro or Oda, to give them the news that they can sign their life away and become a relic, ensuring that maybe one day, they will live again.

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The Tower is the new ending for V unlocked for Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty players. Yet, is it worth it?

V's promise from Hanako is already forgotten, and the child of Saburo Arasaka is not interested in V, nor does she probably even remember the merc’s name. V will have their soul stripped from their body, their carcass left to rot as their consciousness is stored on a Relic, becoming a resolved issue, swept under the rug for eternity, living in a digital space with no way out. This fate, as Johnny put it, is worse than death.

11 Hanako Arasaka, Goro, And Oda – Lapdogs (Worst)

Cyberpunk 2077 Hanako Arasaka at Embers

V’s encounter with Arasaka hasn’t been too friendly. They will first meet Goro Takemura, who is extremely loyal to the recently deceased Saburo Arasaka. Goro makes it clear that he does not like V, and that he wants to use them to get back into Arasaka. Then, they meet Oda, who fights V, even after trying to reason with him. Lastly, the daughter of Saburo, Hanako. All three of these characters have one thing in common: They are Arasaka puppets.

Johnny Silverhand doesn’t like all three, and he has reason to. If players fail to listen to his advice, they will see how each of these characters is using V, and Johnny can only say so much before V ends up doing something as silly as helping them solve their internal problems, and rise to power. By going through with The Devil ending, V has put aside their own fate to save three members of Arasaka that do not deserve it. Even if Goro has had a rough childhood, his loyalty to Saburo makes him dangerous, and too far gone to help forge a new path.

10 Betraying Johnny Silverhand And V (Worst)

johnny silverhand and v saying goodbye

Johnny Silverhand may be a narcissistic rocker-boy terrorist, but he has words he lives by. Johnny Silverhand says a lot of the right things and keeps his promise to try and help V. By engaging in The Devil ending, V has betrayed Johnny Silverhand and the bond that they shared throughout the game. It’s quite emotional seeing the disappointment that Johnny Silverhand sees in the player.

Not only does V betray Johnny Silverhand by trusting Arasaka, but they also betray themselves. The entire game, V has fought to stay alive, and seen many different ways that they could live their fate. However, their determination to live left cowardice that betrayed their ideals, and the ones closest to them.

9 No Rogue AIs (Best)


By becoming a friendly puppet for Arasaka, V won’t get the chance to fulfill the deal with Alt Cunningham to get her to Mikoshi. This ultimate AI that exists beyond the Blackwall could break it, and free all the Rogue AIs that lurked behind its impenetrable defense. If V allowed this, then the world would certainly be heading toward destruction.

Considering V never fulfills his deal to Alt, it means that Cunningham remains beyond the Blackwall, forgotten to all but the Voodoo Boys, who still have no way to reach her. The lack of Rogue AIs just means that the world is safe for a little while longer.

8 V Sells Out (Worst)

cyberpunk 2077 Cropped(1)

Throughout the entirety of Cyberpunk 2077, V had been both warned and seen the horrors of corporations, and what they wreak upon the world. From wars to stealing land for consumerism, they hold so much power, all while the people around them suffer, starve, and murder each other. It’s a lesson that Johnny Silverhand tries to beat into V constantly.

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Cyberpunk 2077 allows players to choose what to do and say, but some of these decisions can make things a lot worse for V and the people around them.

If V does not listen, then the offer made by Hanako Arasaka seems all too enticing. The Devil ending is the perfect look into the corporate world, and how there is no empathy for anyone, and selfishness reigns supreme. V is a fish out of water in this ending and relies on the power and wealth of others in their desperation, rather than their gumption.

7 Goro Takemura Lives (Best)

takemura in his arasaka suit

V may have not had the best introduction to Goro Takemura, as the Arasaka bodyguard saw V as a petty thief, and a loser, but soon developed a friendship after delving into each other’s pasts and their mission to get to Hanako Arasaka and revealing the truth. Goro is a supporter of V and wants to help them, which also helps if V helped Goro in "Search and Destroy."

By assisting Arasaka, Goro Takemura lives and does not take his own life out of dishonor. He’s a great character in the Cyberpunk universe, although Johnny Silverhand might disagree, and calls him an Arasaka lapdog.

6 Saburo Arasaka Is Immortal (Worst)

immortal saburo arasaka talking to the arasaka board members

Saburo Arasaka became more than just the corporate God of the 21st century and unlocked godhood with his sinister project of immortality. Saburo would regularly update his consciousness onto an engram chip, as a backup in case of his death, and take over his son’s body after he was murdered by him.

By having Saburo Arasaka immortal, the world will never be the same. It shows that Saburo does not care whose body he takes over, and presents a moral argument on whether immortality is right or wrong, especially when it is with someone so powerful and inherently evil.

5 Yorinobu Arasaka Dies (Best)

yorinobu arasaka press conference

After murdering his father, Yorinobu Arasaka became the head of the Arasaka Empire. Alongside dangerous allies like Adam Smasher, Yorinobu was a true threat to anyone who dared question or threaten his immense power as the new figurehead of the Arasaka Empire.

Yorinobu had no idea how to run such a grand corporation, and this caused further tensions with Militech, making the risk of another corporate war extremely high, with casualties risking millions of lives. By Saburo Arasaka taking over his son’s body, Yorinobu dies, and his threat ends.

4 Giving Up On Everyone (Worst)

johnny silverhand engram sitting down

Throughout Cyberpunk 2077, Johnny Silverhand and V go through a grand journey of discovery in Night City. The two meet many characters who only want to help, like Judy, Rogue, and Panam with the Aldecaldos. There are so many ways that V can seek help for their death sentence with the relic, and V gives it all up for the quick and easy option.

Cyberpunk 2077: 12 Saddest Deaths, Ranked

A lot of tragic moments exist in Cyberpunk 2077. Unfortunately, these characters met sad and untimely ends.

It’s hard to say goodbye to friends and family, especially in the case of Cyberpunk 2077, when they would have fought and died for V but were left forgotten out of V’s selfish desire to stay alive by any means, even at the cost of his soul.

3 The Hope Of Living (Best & Worst)

v saying goodbye to life

When V was diagnosed with a death sentence, they sought any way to survive. As they fight their way through the worst of Night City, V should have a renowned sense of purpose, and what they should do with the time they have left. However, V can also complete The Devil ending, with the hope of living a full life.

V is told that they will be dead before winter, as the surgery Arasaka did on V did not fix their brain. However, V can sign a contract for the “Secure Your Soul” program, which stores V as an engram, and promises them a new body in the future. However, is V willing to leave behind friends, and risk being locked up in a digital prison as Johnny Silverhand once was? After all, V is a nobody to Arasaka.

2 Mikoshi Is Not Destroyed (Worst)

mikoshi secret arasaka project

One of the largest projects under Arasaka’s construction, overseen by the might of Saburo Arasaka, is that of Mikoshi. It’s a data fortress that exists as a part of cyberspace and is mainly used to house the digitized personalities from the “Secure Your Soul” program. It is also the digital prison for those that have been claimed through Soulkiller, like Johnny Silverhand.

Johnny Silverhand wants Mikoshi destroyed ultimately so that no one can suffer the fate he had over the past 50 years. The idea of imprisoning a digital psyche, and capturing people’s souls, is morbid, and something Johnny needs to be gone. By not destroying Mikoshi, inhumane horrors from Arasaka resume.

1 No One Dies (Best)

cyberpunk 2077 rogue survive shirt feature

It’s a hard choice, deciding which friend has to die to try and save V’s. Each end has an ally that will put their life at risk for V’s. If players join Rogue, then Rogue will die fighting Adam Smasher. The same goes for Saul when going to the Aldecaldos for help.

If V agrees to help Hanako Arasaka, then they will not have to worry about the death of their friends. Saul and Rogue will never encounter Adam Smasher, and will never make grand enemies against Arasaka, and therefore will be left alone, leaving V’s fate their own.

cyberpunk 2077 poster
Cyberpunk 2077

December 10, 2020
CD Projekt Red
RPG , Action