Along with the addition to the main story, Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty adds a wide range of new side mission content for players to explore. Like the base game, the DLC features both side jobs, which are more fleshed-out stories, and Gigs, which are smaller bite-sized missions for V to complete. These will be found all throughout Dogtown, Cyberpunk 2077's new region.

"Dazed and Confused" is an example of Phantom Liberty's many new side jobs, given by Dogtown's primary Fixer, Mr. Hands. In this mission, V is tasked with rescuing Lina Molina, a famous Brain Dance star, from an apparent kidnapping. However, as is usually the case, the story is not quite as straightforward as it seems. This guide will lead players through this brief mission, from the opening text from Mr. Hands to the multiple endings that V can discover.

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How to Start Dazed and Confused in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty


Players can begin Phantom Liberty's 'Dazed and Confused' mission not long after completing the 'The Damned' main story quest. Mr. Hands will contact V, telling them of the gig organically, without needing to go to a specific location on the map. The Fixer tells V that he essentially wants nothing to do with it, due to the fact that there are some clear irregularities with the story given by the client. He tells V that they are still welcome to take it on themselves, if they do choose. Simply reply to the text, and set 'Dazed and Confused' as the active quest.

How to Complete Dazed and Confused in Phantom Liberty


Step 1: Reach Brainporium


The first quest marker in 'Dazed and Confused' will lead V to a BD store just across the street from Heavy Hearts, the club that Mr. Hands makes his home base. V will not meet any resistance on the lead up to the destination, but there is a slightly tricky path that can be hard to notice if V doesn't know where to look.


Following the quest trail northeast, V will see the Heavy Hearts pyramid in the background. It will appear that the path is on the normal promenade, but at a certain point it will start to go a little haywire. The trick is, V must jump up to a broken walkway that sits above the upper promenade where most civilians are. When V is approximately 70m from the destination, the walkway will be seen above, heading towards a large sign that says 'Brainporium.' When V gets closer, there will be another, more obvious, walkway to reach in order to find the marked destination. Remember, this is only the route that the game suggests; players are free to make their own way to the BD store.

Step 2: Find Lina Malina

Inside Brainporium, V and Johnny will have a quick conversation. Johnny tells V to be prepared, as the scene in the room looks dire. The main room V enters does not contain much in the way of loot. There are a couple of shards relating to the building and Lina, but no weapons or useful items at this point. There is a stack of BDs on a small table, marked with the yellow quest icon, but they appear to have no real use.

It is possible for V to get behind the counter by squeezing by the first computer on the right after entering. These computers contain some interesting lore related to the quest. The only notable item in the entire area is a small, handwritten note, just to the left of the laptop behind the counter. It says to remember 1111.

The next step will be to head through either the door behind the counter, or the door that leads out of the main room. Both of these lead to the downstairs area. As V heads down the stairs, someone named Tool can be heard complaining.


As V reaches the door at the bottom of the steps, be prepared for a timed dialogue option as soon as the door opens. V will see a person locked behind sliding glass doors, shown as Tool in the scanner, and another person standing outside, shown to be named Shank. V can make the following remarks:

  • 'What the hell...?'
  • 'I'm Looking for Lina Malina...'

Regardless of which option V picks, Tool will try to convince them that they are Lina Malina, 'Queen Bitch of Dogtown.' 'Lina' offers to let V take them on a date if they are rescued.

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Step 3: Talk to the Strangers in the Basement


When Shank speaks up, he explains that Tool is actually his partner, and asks V to accompany him upstairs before Tool gets too riled up. V can respond in three ways:

  • Can't Wait, This Oughta Be Fun
  • Better Have A Good Explanation
  • Got A Job To Rescue Lina

The first two options lead to the same outcome, with V following Shank upstairs to discuss the situation. However, if V chooses the third option, then tells Shank that the job they were hired for is going to get finished, the mission will essentially end with V freeing 'Lina Malina' from captivity. Johnny does seem particularly happy with this ending.

There are several hidden interactions that can be unlocked here. If V searches the empty room next to Tool's room, he'll find a letter from Tool to Lina. Scan it, it will unlock a brief interaction with Tool through the window, and it can be used at the end of the quest (though it is far from the best outcome). Also, V can use the 1111 code on the door to free Tool at this moment, if they wish

Step 4: Speak to Shank

If V decides to follow Shank, he will make a proposition. It turns out that, according to Shank, Tool had an accident while watching a Lina Malina BD during a power surge, and somehow it fried his brain, and now Tool thinks he actually is Lina Malina. He believes Tool - as Lina - contacted a Fixer to rescue her. So Shank gets it into his head that this entire situation might be able to benefit him, and he asks V to kidnap the real Lina Malina. At this point, if V doesn't agree to do the job, the quest will stay active until they return. If V agrees, Shank sends Lina's address, and V is free to begin the next part of the quest.

Step 5: Find Lina at Her Residence


Lina's residence will show up as a quest marker at the other end of Dogtown. V can complete this task whenever they want. The Kress Street fast-travel point is the closest to her home. When V arrives just outside Lina's building, a group of scavengers is found milling about. Johnny suggests taking them out immediately, but V wants to speak to them first. V will have two possible goals here:

  • Kill them all
  • Persuade them to leave.

It's unclear if any other backstory will help here, but V is given a Street Kid option that attempts to convince the scavs to leave. This option seems to work with absolutely no resistance at all. It seems that it is simply up the player whether they want to fight or not. V is now free to climb the stairs and head to Lina's residence.

When V reaches the door, it appears Lina is not home. It is possible to break the door down if they have 20 Body. Otherwise, they will wait. It is unclear if breaking in will affect the outcome of the quest, but it is also unnecessary. V should simply wait.


When Lina arrives, V will eventually have two options: Ask Johnny if V should tell her the truth about the situation, or lie and say V is a talent scout.

If V follows through on telling Lina the truth about the situation, the mission will fail.

If V wants to continue the quest, the only option is to lie and claim to be a BD talent scout. If V has completed the 'Sinnerman' quest line in such a way that they were in the BD themselves, then Lina will recognize them, and not charge money. Otherwise, V will have to pay her 10,000 eddies in advance to get her to participate in Tool and Shank's BD. if V does not have the money, Lina will simply tell them to call when the money is available, essentially putting the quest on pause.

Once complete, depending on how the payment played out, V or Shank will text the other. Let him know that Lina has agreed. Shank lets V know that they will text when Lina has arrived. V can either do other tasks during this time, or manually skip time forward.

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Final Step: Complete Dazed and Confused


When V receives the text from Shank, head back to Brainporium. Inside, Lina and Tool will be arguing, with Tool claiming that Lina is 'stealing her look.' options the scene and V will take over as director. While there are several options for how to play the scene out, telling Lina to convince Tool they are long-lost sisters seems to be the best outcome for all parties.


After Lina leaves, she will text V and let them know she left a present: the Iconic Baby Boomer bat, one of Phantom Liberty's new Iconic weapons. Later, she will text again and let V know she left one more present for him: her tank-top. From this point on, Shank will now be available as a special merchant. He will offer one legendary perk shard for each of the five skill progression categories. This will bring 'Dazed and Confused' to a close.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is available now on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.