While CD Projekt Red's futuristic first-person shooter Cyberpunk 2077 may not have blown everyone away, it has some positives that make it worth recommending. Still, with a rushed launch, bug-ridden release, and slow cycle of updates, Cyberpunk 2077 didn't get off to the best start. Amidst the controversy surrounding its launch and the bitterness of players who had been excited to try out the action RPG only to have their hopes crushed as they faced game-breaking bugs, many of Cyberpunk 2077's better features were overshadowed.

Despite the issues and the sourness from the game's launch and first year of fixes, Cyberpunk 2077 is arguably still a great game. Night City is vibrant and vast, the story is surprisingly weighty with emotional nuance, and the variety and range of side missions is extensive. Another area where Cyberpunk 2077 stands out is its cast of characters, from the protagonist V to the ever-present rebellious rocker apparition Johnny Silverhand. While there are some great NPCs and interesting relationships to explore, none of them quite measure up to a standout character in another CD Projekt Red game – Ciri.

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Cyberpunk 2077's Best Characters

cyberpunk 2077 crowd screenshot

In an area as densely populated with people as Night City, it takes a lot to standout from the populace. Cyberpunk 2077 is a large game, and it's packed with side characters and NPCs that players can interact with. Some characters only feature briefly, but that doesn't mean they don't make an impression. There are a few characters that have won the hearts of players as well, proving immensely popular as either romance options or as simple side characters that V meets along the way, like Goro Takemura. His relationship with the player's V has its ups and downs, and although they may start out on opposite sides, Takemura soon sees the light and becomes one of V's most intriguing companions in addition to being an interesting mission-giver.

Another great character is Jackie Welles, who is the first friend the player's V meets as they explore Night City. His short but sweet time in the game makes a big impact and provides some of the most touching scenes throughout Cyberpunk 2077. Jackie serves as a guide to the world of Night City, and his untimely death is a harsh reminder of the dangers that lurk around every street corner, as well as the risks of V's chosen lifestyle. Depending on player choices, they can attend an ofrenda for their fallen friend, and this simple event is a lovely change of pace from the frantic gameplay and action of the wider game.

Romance options Judy Alvarez and Panam Palmer have to be up there with some of the most popular and fan-favorite characters in the game. While Cyberpunk 2077 has a few potential romantic partners for V, Panam's feisty conviction and Judy's bluntness and unwavering loyalty set them apart from their rivals. Their missions are among some of the most emotional and memorable, and developing the relationships is an undoubtedly rewarding experience. Where most people V meets either betray them or try to kill them, the ones who stick around and help V in their mission make all the difference.

Why They Don't Measure Up To Ciri

ciri sitting by the fire in the witcher 3

Cyberpunk 2077 may have its fair share of great characters that help to add excitement and memorable moments to the game's long and winding narrative, but none of them quite compare to The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt's Ciri. In some missions, Ciri is even a playable character, and while Cyberpunk 2077 emulates this to a certain extent with some Johnny Silverhand storylines, these quests don't feel as satisfying as their counterparts in TheWitcher 3. She has a long history with the protagonist Geralt, involving destiny, curses, and magic, and she is an integral part of TheWitcher 3's plot.

While Cyberpunk 2077 certainly has some characters that help move the story along or act as focal points for some of the game's action, there isn't a character like Ciri. V's past is relatively unexplored, and Jackie's friendship with V perhaps serves as the closest comparison to Ciri and Geralt's, but as Jackie dies fairly early on in the proceedings it quickly becomes less relevant. Ciri is incredibly powerful and even has Elder Blood – a substance devised by elves to fulfill a prophecy and enhance magical abilities. She's one of the main characters in The Witcher 3, and helps to round out Geralt's character in unique ways as the usually gruff Witcher gets in touch with his softer side.

Although The Witcher 3 has a lot more lore and history to fall back on and draw from, Ciri is a perfect example of how the main characters in the older CD Projekt Red game feel more real and nuanced than a lot of the Cyberpunk 2077 offerings. Depending on player choice, Ciri's fate throughout the game can go through some drastic changes, and apart from V, it doesn't feel like gamers have as much of an impact on anyone else's outcomes throughout Cyberpunk 2077.

Cyberpunk 2077 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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