The Night City of CD Projekt Red's hotly anticipated Cyberpunk 2077 promises to tell stories unique to the player's decisions with immense scope, particularly as the developer's last triple-A release, 2015's The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, has become an industry touchstone for intricate and complete storytelling that reflects the player's influence on its world.

While narrative flexibility of The Witcher 3 was kept bound by players taking control of a specific character within that world, Cyberpunk 2077's protagonist can be shaped way beyond their haircut, beard length, and armor loadouts to give significantly more personalized experiences.

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Appearance and Street Cred

cyberpunk 2077 character creation censored

Face shape, skin tone, nose length, ear height, eye color, scars, piercings, and a huge array of variables for each feature that will ensure no two Vs are the same. And, of course, the more garish elements of the genre's iconography mean the art direction's vibrant realism will be clear in the characters that players create. Along with non-binary gender options decided by body type, CD Projekt Red has also included the option to customize V's genitals (including different combinations of such) and breast size alongside the rest of their physical attributes.

These inclusive options offer a diverse range of identities to simulate in-game, and they're both a progressive move in the industry and show the level of detail applied to the game's setting where humans can routinely alter or switch out the majority of their body parts for cybernetic alternatives. Some equipment or cybernetics can even help develop a player's Street Cred which, as the name suggests, influences social standing and interactions. As Street Cred accrues through player actions, decisions, and loadouts, more vendors, options, and opportunities will open up.

Experimenting with cyberwear will be encouraged by Shards which, when attached to equipment, will impart some of the benefits of other augmentations. As new equipment crops up in loot and as rewards, offering new gameplay styles and combat options, players will be able to get a taste of what's on offer before committing to full-blown augmentation replacements.

Backstory and Identity

cyberpunk 2077 new gameplay

While the V moniker will be the character's de facto name throughout the game, players will be able to choose their V's childhood influences (Nomad, Streetkid, or Corporate), a key life event (a sibling's death, running away from home, or their first big kill), and a reason for being in Night City (unfinished business, seeking an ex-lover, or something to prove). These backstory options will affect how other characters interact with V and which dialogue options and subsequent paths are available to them.

Fluid Classes


There are three classes in Cyberpunk 2077: Solo, Techie, and Netrunner, with CD Projekt Red having confirmed that the three can be combined in various ways in combat. Netrunners create their data-based weapons by plugging into the network, as well as infiltrate the cybernetic components of enemies with viruses. Solo benefits from heightened awareness, picking out traps and other threats in the environment, while Techies can use sabotage-based hacking abilities mid-fight, and build traps and gadgets.

Weapons and Vehicles

most anticipated games 2020 cyberpunk 2077 2

Each V will be able to purchase multiple locations where they can store vehicles from the game's roster (the size of which has yet to be confirmed), and the player will be able to summon one of their cars using its AI functions in a similar way to Roach in The Witcher. While CD Projekt has said that it is aware of fan interest in car customization, the details of such a feature haven't been detailed as yet.

The weapons, on the other hand, are fully customizable, with wide ranging options for cosmetics and functional attachments. The more a player uses a particular weapon, the greater their proficiency will become with it, meaning it pays to stick with the same weapon and modify it to fit current needs and experiments. Faster reloads and heightened accuracy are among the familiarity-based perks that players can develop by finding weapons that suit their style.

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Attributes and Perks

Cyberpunk 2077 Open-World

As expected, players will be able to assign some free points to various attributes influencing V's capabilities, with the five core skills being composed of: Body, Intelligence, Reflexes, Technical, and Cool. As players advance, level up and acquire more points to allocate, their V will become more defined by higher level capabilities. Body constitutes total strength and health, Intelligence denotes V's problem solving abilities, Reflexes affect driving and shooting skills, higher Technical levels make it easier to work with hardware, and Cool dictates V's ability to endure difficult situations, appear capable to other characters, and withstand pressure, fear, and pain.

Each of these core skills split into perk trees. The perks (split between shotguns, melee, blades, rifles, handguns, assassination, nerve, sniper rifles, athletics engineering, and hacking) will be gated by the level of the respective core skill, with points to select perks accumulating as the player levels up. As is common in RPG shooters, these perks will have considerable influence on player builds and gameplay styles, as well as the direction in which the narrative progresses.


homeless camp

After the storytelling tour de force in The Witcher 3, the narrative of Cyberpunk 2077 comes with some huge expectations for player agency and consequential decision making. Everything detailed here has the potential to impact the ways in which V can approach situations, as well as how V is perceived by NPCs. With so much customization potential, a range of gangs to get involved with, and a much less clearly-defined lead character, Cyberpunk promises a very different brand of storytelling to The Witcher - one that is defined and charted by the player's decisions and capabilities in a more direct and impactful way.

Cyberpunk 2077 will be released on September 17th 2020 for PC, PlayStation 4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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