Cyberpunk 2077 has been a long time coming. After being pushed back for a long time, the game finally released earlier this month. Despite mixed reviews from the fanbase, some aspects of the game really shine. One of the best features of the game is the character creator which features tons of options to make each player's character unique.

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From choosing the character's life path to scars and cybernetics, Cyberpunk 2077 has a great character creator to start everyone's journey off right. Other games could take a few pages from CD Projekt Red.

10 Life Path

The life path choice in cyberpunk 2077 determines how players start the game

At the start of a new game, players are met with a choice. They must choose their character's direction of life that dictates how the game begins for them. Three choices are laid out before them, Corpo, Nomad, and Street Kid. Each choice puts a player's character on a different path at the start of the game. Nomad has them start outside of Night City, traveling the land, and having them cross the border. Street Kid has them living the gang life and Corpo has them start off with a corporate job, dealing with the everyday grind. Each path unlocks different dialogue in situations found throughout the game.

9 Hairstyle

Cyberpunk 2077 has tons of hairstyles for players to choose when creating their character

Styling a character's hair is a must in any character creator. It may not seem like anything special until players realize that there are a ton of different hair options, thirty-nine to be exact. Some of these styles are extremely unique, while others are more modest. Another bonus comes with the color range. Instead of the more traditional hair colors, players can opt for a more dyed look with nice fades instead of being plastered on.

8 Eye Color

Cyberpunk 2077 hhas multiple eye options to choose from when creating a character

This, again, may not seem like anything special. After all, many games allow a player to choose the color of their character's eyes. Cyberpunk goes the extra mile. There are the standard colors for those who want to stick to a more natural look, but then there are cybernetic eyes. Some have a style that looks like circuitry while others look like spirals. One style has hearts, while another gives the character X's for eyes. It's a nice break from the standard eye treatment that most character creators have.

7 Cyberware

The cyberware options in the cyberpunk 2077 character creator really help increase the depth of the game

Of course, a game like Cyberpunk needs to have the option of cybernetic implants. The game wouldn't be the same without them. Throughout the campaign, players will be installing new modifications into their bodies to help them survive. This starts in the character creator.

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While the character creator choices don't affect the combat, they help give a nice robotic look to the character without going the extra mile. Lines across the face, under the eyes, or even on the neck make the character look more like they belong in the universe. Of course, players can always choose to ignore getting any cybernetics.

6  Piercings

Cyberpunk 2077 has multiple styles of piercings to put on a character.

Not enough games give the player the option to add piercings to their character. It's nice to see this game break the mold a little bit and add in a variety of piercings to play around with. This definitely helps increase the overall look of a character for players who are into it. Players can have nose, lip, eyebrow, and ear piercings. Each style looks unique to the game's style and the color can be changed to fit any look the player is going for. It's little things like this that are nice to see in games again.

5 Teeth

Cyberpunk 2077 has multiple options of teeth in the character creator

Rarely do people find a game where they can choose what their character's teeth look like. It's an odd choice for sure since they aren't seen much no matter the game. It's a nice addition to the character creator, even though it isn't necessary. Players can make their character have chromed over teeth that sparkled in the light. There are a few colors to choose from or players can stick with a standard set of pearly whites. Bluepoint chose to have this same option in the Demon's Souls Remake character creator. Perhaps it is becoming a new standard.

4 Body/Face Tattoos

Tattoos are a big option in the cyberpunk 2077 character creator and really stand out amongst the options

It's nice to see that body art made it into the game. Too few games give the opportunity to have some fresh-looking tats gracing the body of a character. Sure, there aren't many choices to go with in the game. Perhaps the developers could add in a few later on to give players a few more options, but that doesn't mean it isn't cool to see. Players can have tattoos cover the entirety of their character's body or have some across the neck. The designs are cool and definitely fit the style of the game.

3 Scars

Players can have a character covered in scars in cyberpunk 2077

Scars are nothing new, tons of games have them. What makes them interesting in Cyberpunk is the ability to add scars across the body of the character. There are facial scars to choose from to make the character look more menacing, but the body scars really help increase the look and feel of the character players will be jumping into.

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Most games have a tendency to focus on the face of a character. Cyberpunk breaks the mold by giving the entire body a chance to be a canvas for the player's mind to sculpt something with.

2 Attributes

attributes decide how a players character will be in cyberpunk 2077

Attributes are a key part of the character creation process. Many games rely on this to help finish off the character so they can be whoever the player wants them to be. Cyberpunk breaks it down with a few different attributes that other games don't have. The most notable of these are Technical Ability and Cool. Technical Ability focuses on the game's style of lockpicking and the ability to use tech weapons. Cool gives bonuses to a character's stealth, critical damage, and resistances.

1 Genitalia

customizable genitalia is the most talked about feature in cyberpunk 2077

This is by far the most talked-about feature of the character creator so far. For probably the first time ever, players can customize the genitals of their character. It is an interesting choice for sure, but one that has definitely not gone unnoticed. Multiple memes have surfaced about the design choice and jokes have been had, but it still remains something that sets the game apart from others of its kind. Players can also customize the pubic hair of their character. Why not choose a heart?

NEXT: 10 Hidden Details Everyone Missed In Cyberpunk 2077