Developed by CD Projekt Red, Cyberpunk 2077 is a game about V who discovers they have a cybernetic implant that may cause a deceased celebrity to override their consciousness. Leading up to its release, the game was alluring to many players thanks to its futuristic aesthetic featuring grimy cities with neon-lit streets, fast cars, and humans with mechanical parts. Hype for the game was only heightened by CD Projekt Red's reputation which was at its peak following the success of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

To the dismay of many, Cyberpunk 2077's launch was a disaster, with plenty of gamers reporting issues when playing on last-gen consoles. However, the developers have been hard at work releasing updates and patches aimed at improving performance and technical issues with the game. Since the controversial release in 2020, reception to Cyberpunk 2077 has improved, and fans are looking forward to the long-awaited DLC, which CD Projekt Red has assured gamers is on the way. A recent leak has given gamers a few clues about what they can expect from the DLC.

[Possible spoilers for Cyberpunk 2077 DLC ahead]

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Cyberpunk 2077 DLC Gets Leaked

Image from Cyberpunk 2077 showing Johnny Silverhand leaning on a wall in the Afterlife night club.

The Cyberpunk 2077 DLC leak first appeared on Reddit in May via /u/romulus_ut3 who claimed that extensive data for the DLC was attached to Patch 1.5, which was released in February, and the information was obtained through data-mining. The data takes the form of subtitles which, although incomplete, can be pieced together to get an idea of the DLC's plot.

Shortly after the leak began spreading, the files were taken down due to a DMCA strike, but the cat is already out of the bag at this point. Due to the nature of the leak, it will take plenty of time before gamers have pieced together all the information to get a good picture of what CD Projekt Red is working on. However, with the work already done, some have been able to craft an outline of the DLC's story.

Cyberpunk 2077 DLC Brings New Characters and New Locations

leaked songbird model

According to the alleged leaks, the DLC will not be focused on V or Johnny Silverhand, as there is very little dialogue dedicated to them. Instead, the DLC seems to follow a character named Songbird. In an earlier data-mine of Cyberpunk 2077, it was discovered that Songbird was a character that was originally designed to be included in the base game, but she never ended up making the final cut. Fortunately, Songbird may get her chance to shine in the DLC. Curiously, although not to a significant degree, the DLC introduces changes to Cyberpunk 2077's ending sequence, and V and Johnny refer to events involving Songbird.

According to the leaker, the DLC will contain at least seven main missions, although one cannot be entirely sure due to the incomplete nature of the leak. Complementing the main missions, Cyberpunk 2077's expansion will feature new fixer quests, world stories, and world encounters. The DLC will also allow players to explore regions of Night City that were previously inaccessible, including the Combat Zone and the Sports Dome, which will feature in one of the main missions.

The leak gives Cyberpunk 2077 fans reason to get excited about what CD Projekt Red is cooking up for the game. However, it should be kept in mind that the studio has yet to confirm or deny the accuracy of the leaks, and with the DLC expected to only release in 2023, there is plenty of time for things to change. If the DLC is anything like what the leaks suggest, it could be a moment where Cyberpunk 2077 and CD Projekt Red get to redeem themselves once again.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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