Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty gives players a chance to unlock a new ending for the base game, one that could promise hope for V’s survival. As players might know, most, if not all the Cyberpunk 2077 endings leave things pretty stacked against V. The clock is still ticking, and all they have done is by themselves more time as they spend time with the people they love, or try to go out like a Night City Legend. Yet, Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty’s new ending could very well change that, for better or worse.

Cyberpunk 2077: The 15 Best Decisions V Can Make

Cyberpunk 2077 is full of choices that can directly impact V’s life and the lives of those around them. These are the best decisions players can make.

Phantom Liberty’s The Tower ending has been a hot topic for discussion among fans on whether it’s regarded as a “good ending”, meaning is it something V deserves? No one can deny that CD Projekt RED knows how to write characters and stories, no matter how bleak, but The Tower brings things to a new degree, and the debate rages on for why The Tower is the best ending, and the worst in Update 2.0.

Johnny Silverhand Dies (Worst)

johnny silverhand saying goodbye to V

One of the biggest characters in Cyberpunk 2077 is Johnny Silverhand, the dead rockerboy who’s trapped in V’s head. As players progress through the game, Johnny and V develop a friendship and almost a sibling rivalry between each other. After all, sharing the same head could do that. Nevertheless, as V sits atop Misty’s Esoterica to meet the FIA agents that will help cure V, Johnny asks that they leave and find another way, because this way will surely kill him.

If V persists and goes through with The Tower ending, then V and Johnny will share one last moment in the AV as they fly over Night City, saying their goodbyes to each other and the memories made here. Seeing Johnny sad is a heartbreaking affair, and if players have a good relationship with Johnny, it feels like murdering a friend, but Johnny understands, he wants V to live. What makes this a bad decision is how sad it is to hear Johnny’s final words “G’night, Vincent/Valorie, today was a good day.” Johnny deserved his second chance, a fight with Mikoshi, and a middle finger to Arasaka. Instead, he’s snuffed out, and will never see Alt in the Blackwall.

Arasaka Crumbles (Best)

cyberpunk 2077 yorinobu arasaka

Without V getting directly involved in the Arasaka conflict and the regicide that took place with Yorinobu Arasaka killing his father, Saburo, things took a turn for the worse in the Arasaka family. Not only did Hanako and Takemura try and attack Arasaka on their own, but they ultimately lost, meaning Hanako was killed, and Takemura was forced into hiding. Some months later, Yorinobu couldn’t handle the responsibilities of being Arasaka CEO, so he disappeared.

Cyberpunk 2077: All Collectibles for V’s Apartment (& How To Get Them)

In Cyberpunk 2077, players can fill V's Apartment with an assortment of collectibles and memorabilia, and here's all of them.

The fact that the Arasaka family crumbled, and their business may have taken a turn for the worst seems good, it still prevents Johnny Silverhand from taking revenge on Adam Smasher and destroying the corporation into dust. Nevertheless, with the Arasaka family truly dead once and for all, perhaps there’s a silver lining for Johnny.

Songbird's Fate Is Worth Than Death (Worst)

v holding songbird's cheek after she has been corrupted by the blackwall

The only way to get The Tower ending is to give Songbird to the FIA when she is still away. If Songbird gets away, or V fulfills her last wish and kills her, then Rosalind Myers will not honor their deal, and players won't get The Tower ending. However, if Songbird is still alive, then she will suffer a fate far worse than death, and that must remain on V's conscience.

Songbird loses herself to the Blackwall, and she will remain trapped as a NUSA asset, a tool for them to use without her memories or independence. Songbird has had her mind eaten by the Rouge AIs from beyond the Blackwall, and The Tower ending attests to that.

V Gets A Second Chance (Best)

Cyberpunk 2077 The Devil Ending V Sits In Chair Puts On Necklace

The Tower can be seen as a bittersweet ending, as V might not be in the best position to take over Night City, but they are alive. This is a second chance, even if it feels like it's all over. V has to start again, a fresh face in Night City, another person in the bustling crowds of the street, with any one of them a target for one of the gangs at any moment.

Whilst it may seem disappointing and even terrifying that V has no one left but himself and Viktor, there’s a silver lining in knowing that at least they are alive. V got their wish, to survive, it’s just a shame that came at such a high cost of 2 years in a coma, and no more cyberware, yet, this was the price to pay for a truly, literal, normal life.

Losing Friends And Family (Worst)

panam palmer in cyberpunk 2077

When V awakes in their hospital bed, they are given their phone to make some calls to their old friends and family. V calls everyone he was close to throughout the story of Cyberpunk 2077, but all of them seem to have moved on from V, as they assumed they had died when they disappeared 2 years ago. Judy has gotten married, Panam has blocked V’s number, Kerry is an international sensation too busy to see V, River has set down a criminal path, and only Viktor remains, but a shell of who he was.

Cyberpunk 2077 Romance Options Tier List

Romance might just be one small part of the Cyberpunk 2077 experience, but there are a few key characters that stick out for players.

The world has moved on from V, and it’s terrifying to see familiar faces with personalities and interests that are barely recognizable. V has lost the person closest to them, and the intimate love they shared with one of the romantic partners of Cyberpunk 2077 is over, and irreversibly destroyed. V has to move on, even though it hasn’t felt like 2 years for them. They are just beginning the process of healing.

An FIA Way Out (Best)

V wearing an FIA suit whilst holding a crowbar weapon

Despite losing friends, and having nowhere to even start in the world, V still has Solomon Reed. Reed was a loyal FIA agent who now has a desk job at Langley, and he’s been waiting 2 years for V to wake up from the coma. Now that V has come to, V can rest assured knowing that Solomon Reed will do right by them, and be the friend that they need, especially since they had great chemistry back in their operation to save Songbird in Dogtown.

Not only does Reed offer to be a friend to V, but he also offers V a job at Langley, a desk job where he can do important work for the government, get paid, and have a fulfilling normal life. To anyone trapped in Night City, being a friend of the NUSA President seems like a dream, but to V, they are a merc at heart, and this FIA way out seems like Plan Z.

No Cyberware (Worst)


Whilst V may be awake, and with no Relic in their head to slowly eat away at their brain until there’s nothing left, things might seem to be looking up for V. Until they are told that not only is it the year 2079, but their body and brain cannot physically handle any cyberware, and it will kill V if they even try, and the Neural Matrix has made V essentially allergic to implants.

Not having implants is a huge disability for V, as they rely on implants to become the legendary merc they were in Night City and Dogtown. Cyberware implants are commonplace, and V used them to enhance strength, speed, agility, and any abilities that may make them an Afterlife Legend. Without them, V has to become a regular person, with nothing.

cyberpunk 2077 poster
Cyberpunk 2077

December 10, 2020
CD Projekt Red
RPG , Action