The Technical Ability skill tree is one that both enhances V's equipped gear and Cyberware, as well as offers buffs to Tech-type weapons. The best Technical perks in Cyberpunk 2077 include perks that increase the stat modifiers granted by Cyberware, increase charged weapon and item efficiency, and generally let players go beyond what their equipment would normally allow.

Cyberpunk 2077: 5 Best Handgun Perks, Ranked

Fans who want to roleplay as John Wick in Cyberpunk 2077 should prioritize these perks in the Handgun skill tree.

The Technical Ability tree is useful for most builds, and worth speccing into quickly for the variety of stat boosts and options that Technical perks unlock. These five best Technical Ability perks Cyberpunk 2077 players can learn range all over the place, but tend to be perks that increase V's survivability and stats.

Updated November 7, 2023 by Erik Petrovich: This list of the best Cyberpunk 2077 Technical Ability Perks has been updated to reflect the many changes of the 2.0 update, including its nearly complete overhaul of the game's skill and perk system. To help players make the best choices, this guide to the best Technical skills Cyberpunk 2077 players can get offers new recommendations consistent with these changes, and briefly explains the branching sub-perks associated with each parent perk (if applicable).

5 Health Freak

Faster Recharge Rate, More Charges For Health Items & Grenades

Cyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update Health Freak
  • Attribute Requirement: Technical Ability lvl 9
  • Other Prerequisites: Fully upgraded Glutton for War perk

The Health Freak perk is one that affects the recharge rate and number of charges for Health Items and Grenades. At the first rank, Health Freak simply increases the recharge speed of both Health Items and Grenades by 8%, then the second rank increases V's total number of Health Item charges by 1 and increases their recharge speed out of combat.

These perks aren't anything too game-changing, but the extra Health Item charge is nice for most builds in general. This is one of the best Technical perks not just because it's a prerequisite for other perks in the Technical tree, but also because of the sub-perks that branch off of it, only accessible once Health Freak is at rank 2.


  • Borrowed Time: Health Item instantly recharges after neutralizing enemies while below 25% HP and no remaining charges
  • Coming In Hot: +50% Recharge Speed for Grenades when all Grenades are depleted
  • Demolitions Surplus: Adds one grenade charge, and increases Grenade Recharge Speed by 250% out of combat
  • Field Medic: Health Items are 15% faster in combat

4 License to Chrome

An Extra Spooky Scary Skeleton Slot, And Boosted CyberwareCyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update License to Chrome

  • Attribute Requirement: Technical Ability lvl 15
  • Other Prerequisites: Fully upgraded All Things Cyber perk

License to Chrome is a particularly useful Technical Ability perk because it's one of the few that unlocks a new Cyberware slot, this time for the skeleton. Perhaps the most powerful of its three ranks, though, is the first rank, which adds 10% to all stat modifiers granted by Cyberware.

Cyberpunk 2077: 5 Best Blades Perks, Ranked

Players who enjoy wielding blades in Cyberpunk 2077 should focus on snagging the following perks.

At higher levels, Cyberware can have three (or rarely more) stat modifier slots, and if V has something equipped in every available slot, this is an enormous boost to players' abilities. The second rank of License to Chrome grants an extra 40 Armor, which is handy but nothing too crazy, while rank 3 unlocks the extra Skeleton Cyberware slot.


  • Cyborg: Cyberware cooldown is reduced by 15% if all currently available slots are filled
  • Ambidextrous: Adds a new slot for Hand Cyberware
  • Built Different: Adds a new Integumentary System part that V can find at Ripperdocs
  • Extended Warranty: All Cyberware effects are extended by 15%

3 All Things Cyber

Cyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update All Things Cyber
  • Attribute Requirement: Technical Ability lvl 9
  • Other Prerequisites: None

Though technically a pre-requisite for the License to Chrome perk, All Things Cyber is available earlier and offers one of the best sub-perks in Cyberpunk 2077: Driver Update. At Rank 1 of All Things Cyber, players gain 10% boost to all Cyberware modifiers, just like License to Chrome. Rank 2 reduces the Cyberware Capacity cost for all Skeletal and Integumentary System slots, freeing up some space for additional Cyberware without going over the limit.

But the real power of this Perk comes from the Driver Update sub-perk, as well as Chipware Connoisseur to a lesser extent. One of the biggest boosts in the game comes from this perk because it adds an additional modifier to every piece of Cyberware V can install. Chipware Connoisseur offers players some level of choice when upgrading, but an extra stat on every Cyberware in the game is immediately noticeable.


  • Chrome Constitution: Incoming damage reduced by 5% if all Integumentary System and Skeleton slots are filled
  • Renaissance Punk: Each Attribute at 9 or higher increases the player's available Cyberware Capacity by 4
  • Lucky Day: Looting rewards 25% more Crafting Components
  • Driver Update: Adds an additional modifier to all Cyberware
    • Chipware Connoisseur: When upgrading Cyberware, players are offered a choice between two Stat Modifier options. Tier 3 and higher also offer a third Stat Modifier option.

2 Bolt

Huge Damage Boost For Charged Weapons, With Correct Timing

Cyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update Bolt
  • Attribute Requirement: Technical Ability lvl 15
  • Other Prerequisites: None

Bolt is one of the more unique Technical perks in Cyberpunk 2077 because it has no pre-requisites, but can only be unlocked with 15 total points in the Technical tree. Though players have to commit to this tree, even if they only want this perk, it's a powerful one for builds that use Charged weapons (usually labeled as a Tech weapon).

Cyberpunk 2077: How to Respec

Cyberpunk 2077 players can respec both Attributes and Perks with the release of the 2.0 update – here's how to reset skills and stats in CP2077.

At Rank 1, Bolt increases Tech weapon Charge speed, and rank 2 increases Charged weapon damage by 15%. Rank 3 unlocks the Bolt ability, which activates if players let go of the trigger for a Charged shot right before it reaches max Charge. These shots deal 30% extra damage, but reduced damage against enemies behind cover. Its sub-perks help to further boost the potential of charged weapons.


  • Lightning Storm: Charge Speed increased by 10% after firing a Bolt. Effect stacks 3 times, but resets if players swap weapons or fire a regular shot instead of a Bolt.
  • Internal Clock: Bolt window is increased
  • Shock Value: Bolt shots ignore Armor completely
  • In Charge: Tech Weapons no longer automatically fire at full charge – letting players time their charged shots much more accurately

1 Edgerunner

This Is What It Means To Go Beyond

Cyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update Edgerunner
  • Attribute Requirement: Technical Ability lvl 20
  • Other Prerequisites: Fully upgraded All Things Cyber and License to Chrome perks

The Edgerunner perk is one directly inspired by the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners show, and in the hands of a skilled player, it's one of the most powerful perks in Cyberpunk 2077. With this max-level Technical perk unlocked, players can equip Cyberware up to 50 points beyond their normal capacity.

However, for every point over the normal maximum, V will lose 0.5 HP, up to a total of 25 max HP lost. However, there is also an upside to maximizing equipped Cyberware – for every point over V's max capacity, players also gain a 0.1 chance to enter a Fury with each enemy downed, to a maximum of 5%.

In this 12-second state, V deals 10% more damage, has 30% higher Critical Hit chance, and deals 50% more Critical Hit damage. In fights with lots of weak enemies, gaining Fury is almost guaranteed, and lasts long enough to take down skull and high-HP targets after taking out the rabble.

cyberpunk 2077 poster
Cyberpunk 2077

December 10, 2020
CD Projekt Red
M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs and Alcohol