With the release of Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0, Attributes have been given a revamp. Everything has changed when it comes to the best perks in Cyberpunk 2077, and players have a seemingly infinite amount of possibilities available to them and their builds, including the Intelligence tree, which is dedicated to assisting in the power of the player’s netrunning abilities.

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Players can progress through the Intelligence tree to unlock some great skills to create the best build in Cyberpunk 2077 that involves Smart Weapons, hacking abilities, and the true powers of a netrunner. Every 4 Attribute Points put into the Intelligence tree will also provide players with a +1 Max RAM, meaning their hacking powers will only grow the more they invest into the best Intelligence skills in Cyberpunk 2077.

Updated November 8, 2023 by Erik Petrovich: This list of the best Cyberpunk 2077 Intelligence Perks has been updated to reflect the many changes of the 2.0 update, including its nearly complete overhaul of the game's skill and perk system. But just knowing what each perk does isn't quite enough to give players an idea of what makes them good – when taking the cyber-lingo of the Cyberpunk 2077 world into account, understanding abilities can be challenging. To help players make the best choices, this guide to the best Intelligence skills Cyberpunk 2077 players can get offers brief descriptions of why each perk is better than others previously listed, and goes into brief detail on the sub-perks that branch out from each parent perk being recommended.

Eye in the Sky

Detect Access Points and Cameras Automatically

Cyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update Eye In The Sky
  • Attribute Requirement: Intelligence lvl 4
  • Other Prerequisites: None

Eye in the Sky is a good starting point for those who want to invest in the Intelligence tree. Not only is it necessary to pick up to continue through the left side of the skill tree, but it is also pretty useful to help players with their observation skills. Eye in the Sky will automatically highlight nearby Access Points and Cameras, so players can better understand the area they are in.

There is also a -1 RAM cost with a +50% duration to the Control, Convert, and Distract Enemies quickhacks when they are uploaded through a camera, meaning players have better navigation when it comes to stealthy actions thanks to Eye in the Sky.


  • Forcekill Cypher: The length of Access Point hack puzzle sequences is reduced by 1
  • Warning: Explosion Hazard: Hacked devices deal 40% increased Explosion Damage, and an extra 80% Explosion Damage (120% total) to enemies affected by Quickhacks

Hack Queue

Lets V Use More Than One Quickhack On A Target

Cyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update Hack Queue
  • Attribute Requirement: Intelligence lvl 9
  • Other Prerequisites: Fully upgraded Eye In The Sky perk

To further progress in the left Intelligence tree, players need to invest 2 Perk Points into Hack Queue. This Will grant players +1 Max RAM, and also unlock quickhack queues. Quickhack queues allow players to upload 2 quickhacks on a single enemy.

These queued quickhacks are automatically uploaded in the order that they were added, and the Hack Queue perk will also grant a +30% upload speed to the second quickhack. This means that players can effectively chain their hacks on enemies unknowing, or otherwise.


  • Feedback Loop: 25% increased RAM recovery for each Quickhack currently queued
  • Data Recycler: Neutralizing an enemy recovers 80% of RAM from remaining Quickhacks in their queue
  • Copy-Paste: Using Quickhacks on enemy Netrunners who are targeting V can spread Quickhacks to nearby enemies
  • Counter-Hack: Grants the ability to counter-hack Netrunners that are targeting the player, even through walls. -1 RAM cost to Quickhacks performed on these Netrunners.

Queue Acceleration

Increased Queue Size and Speed, Plus Reduced RAM Costs

Cyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update Queue Acceleration
  • Attribute Requirement: Intelligence lvl 15
  • Other Prerequisites: Fully upgraded Eye In The Sky and Hack Queue perks

Reaching close to the max level of the left side of the Intelligence skill tree, Queue Acceleration is up next. Players need to invest 3 Perk Points into this perk, with the first point giving players a +1 to their Max RAM.

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At the second point, players will be given a -1 RAM cost to quickhack devices and vehicles, and level three is where it thrives. At level 3, players can add another quickhack to their total queue size, and there is a +60 upload speed for the third or later quickhack in the queue.


  • Finisher: Live Wire: Press F near enemies at low HP to perform a Finisher with the Monowire. More Quickhacks queued on enemies makes them more susceptible. Restores 15 HP and 5 RAM
  • Queue Prioritization: The first Quickhack in a queue of at least two Quickhacks gains 50% Upload Speed
  • Queue HACK_ROOT: RAM is reduced by 1 for Quickhacks of a different category than the first Quickhack in a queue – if the first is a Combat Quickhack, a Control Quickhack queued afterwards will have its cost reduced by 1

Queue Mastery

Final Quickhack Upgrade & Queue Damage Enhancements

Cyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update Queue Mastery
  • Attribute Requirement: Intelligence lvl 20
  • Other Prerequisites: Fully upgraded Eye In The Sky, Hack Queue, and Queue Acceleration perks

To become a true netrunner, Queue Mastery is a must. When players put a point into this skill, they will be granted an additional slot for their quickhack queue size. This last quickhack can fill the queue with a -50% RAM cost. Doing so will lock the queue until all quickhacks have been uploaded. Even better still, an enemy that has been locked into a quickhack queue will receive +15% damage against them. Even Johnny Silverhand would have to admit that's pretty cool.


Significantly Faster RAM Recovery & Duration

Cyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update Optimization
  • Attribute Requirement: Intelligence lvl 4
  • Other Prerequisites: None

In the middle perk deck for Intelligence, players can pick up their starting skill with Optimization. This perk will grant players a +35% RAM recovery rate, which is great for those players that are seeking to use a lot of RAM on a lot of quickhacks, as it means that they can use the area and their enemies to their advantage without having to wait long periods of time.


  • Proximate Propagation: RAM cost is reduced by up to 35%, based on how close the target is to V
  • Encryption: All Quickhacks traceability is reduced by 30%
  • Subordination: Control Quickhacks used on enemies with full HP receive double duration

Embedded Exploit

Extra Quickhack Damage And RAM Recovery Rate

Cyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update Embedded Exploit
  • Attribute Requirement: Intelligence lvl 9
  • Other Prerequisites: Fully upgraded Optimization perk

The next skill, Embedded Exploit, requires 2 points for players to proceed up the tree. At level 1, players will receive a further +10% to their RAM recovery rate. To make matters even better, a +60% quickhack damage against enemies is granted, but only to those enemies that have been affected by the Control, Covert, or Distract Enemies quickhack. Night City has never been so dangerous.


  • Shadowrunner: After performing a Takedown, current Trace Progress is reset
  • Icepick: -1 RAM cost for Combat quickhacks, but only after the enemy that has been targeted has been the victim of a Control, Covert, or Distract Enemies quickhack.
    • Siphon: Monowire attacks recover 0.5 RAM, which increases to 1 RAM per hit if the player attacks an enemy affected or targeted by a Quickhack
  • System Overwhelm: Quickhack damage is increased by 7% for each unique Quickhack on the target
  • Speculation: Recover 25% of the total RAM cost of all Quickhacks affecting an enemy that dies due to a Quickhack


Go Beyond Current RAM At The Cost Of HP

Cyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update Overclock
  • Attribute Requirement: Intelligence lvl 15
  • Other Prerequisites: Fully upgraded Optimization and Embedded Exploit perks

Overclock is another perk to continue the middle skill tree, and it has three tiers. Tier 1 will grant a 10% recovery rate to RAM, whereas tier 2 will provide players with an additional 10% damage to quickhacks targeted at enemies. The final third tier will unlock Overclock mode.

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Overclock can be activated manually with the action button if the player has a cyberdeck installed. In this mode, players can use quickhacks regardless of their RAM capabilities, meaning players can chain quickhacks, but, this comes at the cost of 1 Health. It has a duration of 14 seconds and a cooldown of 30 seconds.


  • Power Surge: Instantly restore HP for 5x max RAM granting players a boost of health when using Overclock – keep the fight going like Adam Smasher.
  • Race Against Mind: When Overclosk is active, Quickhack damage is increased up to 50% the lower V's HP is, based on when the Quickhack is uploaded
  • Sublimation: When Overclock is active, RAM recovery effects also regenerates HP, which helps to offset the HP loss from the use of Overclock
    • Blood Daemon: V gains 40 HP for each Quickhack in a neutralized enemy's queue when Overclock is active


Quickhacks Can Spread To Nearby Enemies

Cyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update Spillover
  • Attribute Requirement: Intelligence lvl 20
  • Other Prerequisites: Fully upgraded Optimization, Embedded Exploit, and Overclock perks

Spillover is the final perk in the middle section of the Intelligence deck. If players want to start a chain reaction of death and infect an entire army of gang members, corpos, or soldiers that are a threat, then Spillover is just the perk for them. Spillover works with Overclock, as when this mode is active, players will be given a 50% chance for quickhacks to spread to an additional target, ensuring a domino effect of death will follow the player. Quickhack skills might not be for everyone, but in the right hands, the player can become a netrunner that even the most rogue AIs in Cyberpunk 2077 will fear.

Smart Synergy

Instant Lock For Smart Weapons, Plus Quickhack Synergy

Cyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update Smart Synergy
  • Attribute Requirement: Intelligence lvl 20
  • Other Prerequisites: Fully upgraded Optimization perk

Smart Synergy is the final Intelligence perk on the right side of the skill tree. However, if players want to pick this perk up, then they are going to need the level 3 Overclock perk in the middle tree, and the Target Lock Transfer on the right tree. This means that perhaps not every player would want to pick up this perk, but Smart Synergy could be worth the effort, depending on the build that the player is going for, and if they see a Smart Weapon as an absolute must-have for their play style.

Smart Synergy only affects Smart Weapons, and it works once Overclock has been activated. Once active, Smart Weapons will be given an instant target lock, as well as a 25% bonus damage if the targeted enemy has been affected by a quickhack. This is a whopping increase in damage, and perfectly combines the two most crucial elements of an Intelligence build: both quickhacks and Smart Weapons.

cyberpunk 2077 poster
Cyberpunk 2077

December 10, 2020
CD Projekt Red
M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs and Alcohol