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The 2.0 version of Cyberpunk 2077 launched with a number of changes to the way that players progress through the RPG-like perk and skill system – including the outright removal of several skill and perk trees entirely. The Blades tree is gone, but perks related to Blades and melee builds can still be found throughout the six Attribute trees, mostly in the Reflexes skill tree.

Cyberpunk 2077: 10 Essential Perks Every Build Needs

As V levels up in Cyberpunk 2077, they will face threats both physical and cyber. Counter it all with a build that includes these essential perks.

Choosing good Blades perks in Cyberpunk 2077 requires players to be ready to jump into the middle of combat and manage status effects and Cyberware abilities. These best Blades perks don't all directly affect V's damage, like Adrenaline Rush, but all of these recommendations for the best Blades skills will empower V's melee prowess by reducing damage taken, giving more options in combat, and unlocking a special melee finisher.

Updated November 8, 2023 by Erik Petrovich: This list of the best Cyberpunk 2077 Blades Perks has been updated to reflect the many changes of the 2.0 update, including the expansive overhaul of the skill and perk system. As such, this guide features updated recommendations based on the new Blades perks Cyberpunk 2077 players can pick up.

5 Adrenaline Rush

Massive Increase In Survivability With Temp HP

  • Attribute Requirement: Body lvl 15
  • Other Prerequisites: Fully upgraded Painkiller perk

Being a master of Blades in Cyberpunk 2077 means taking on skills outside of the Reflexes tree. Adrenaline Rush is a three-tiered perk in the Body tree that increases V's ability to recover HP, and also unlocks a new active ability. At Level 1, players gain 35 Max Health, and level 2 increases V's HP Recovery by 20%.

When fully upgraded, the Adrenaline Rush ability unlocks, adding up to 50% temporary HP when the player uses Health Items. After the ability activates, the remaining Adrenaline will decay with time, and will be depleted before HP if V gets attacked. For Blades builds, which spend lots of time up close and personal, Adrenaline Rush is a must-have perk.


  • Calm Mind: During Adrenaline Rush, Adrenaline decays +3 seconds later than normal
  • Juggernaut: During Adrenaline Rush, +20% Movement Speed and +10% Damage
  • Unstoppable Force: During Adrenaline Rush, V gains immunity to movement-slowing and non-damaging status effects like Knockdown and Blinding

4 Dash

A Better Dodge Mechanic That Goes FurtherCyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update Dash

  • Attribute Requirement: Reflexes lvl 6
  • Other Prerequisites: Fully upgraded Slippery perk

In addition to Adrenaline Rush, which requires a hefty 15 points in Body, Blades players should also pick up Dash, which is found early on in the Blades' home Reflexes tree. Dash has two levels and must be fully upgraded to access the sub-perks that branch out from it on the Reflexes skill tree.

Cyberpunk 2077: Dogtown Perk Shard Locations

There are a few hidden perk shards in Dogtown. Follow this guide to find them in Cyberpunk 2077.

The first level reduces the Stamina cost associated with Dodging and Dashing, while the second level unlocks the Dash mechanic itself, replacing Dodge entirely. Dash lets players travel much further than a normal Dodge, so it's essential to pick this up to enhance a Blade build's survivability and maneuverability, to get behind enemies quickly.


  • Can't Touch This: 100% increased Mitigation chance while Dashing
  • Steady Grip: Grants the ability to shoot while Dashing
    • Mean Streak: +40% Stamina recovery after killing an enemy in the middle of a Dash
  • Mad Dash: +100% Dash when aimed toward distant enemies

3 Lead & Steel

Blades Can Block Bullets, Now

Cyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update Lead and Steel
  • Attribute Requirement: Reflexes lvl 9
  • Other Prerequisites: Fully upgraded Slippery perk

The Lead and Steel perk is an absolutely crucial part of a Blades build because it allows players to deflect projectiles with a Blade weapon. At Level 1 of the two-tiered perk, Lead and Steel simply reduce the cost of attacking with Blade weapons. At Level 2, though, blocking with a Blade lets players block bullets.

Lead and Steel is so important because it lets melee Blades players close distance on enemies without taking too much damage. It does cost stamina to block projectiles with a Blade, but Lead and Steel's sub-perks make it much more worthwhile – and even deal damage.


  • Bullet Time: Whenever time is slowed, Deflect costs no stamina and automatically deal Critical Hit damage
  • Bullet Deflect: When Stamina is above 33% filled, blocking automatically Deflects projectiles in the direction V is looking
  • Seeing Double: When using Blades, damage and Stun Chance for counter-attacks are increased
    • Flash & Thunderclap: Strong Attacks with Blades now make V leap to enemies, including in mid-air. Damage is increased up to 50% based on how far V leaps.

2 Slaughterhouse

Blades Attacks Gain Bleeding & Dismemberment ChanceCyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update Slaughterhouse

  • Attribute Requirement: Reflexes lvl 20
  • Other Prerequisites: Fully upgraded Slippery, Lead & Steel, and Finisher: Bladerunner perks

The Slaughterhouse perk is a max-level Reflexes perk that makes Blades builds especially deadly to humanoid and non-robot enemies. Slaughterhouse makes it so that all of V's attacks, counterattacks, and deflected projectiles (Lead and Steel perk) can cause Bleeding. Not only that, but all of these attacks also have a higher dismemberment chance, and enemies who are dismembered will restore 25 Stamina.

Cyberpunk 2077: Best Relic Skills, Ranked

The best Relic skills in Cyberpunk 2077 can change the tide of warfare in Night City, and help V to become a legend.

Slaughterhouse is a huge boost to Blades players' damage output, though it is worth noting that Bleeding cannot outright kill an enemy. Still, though, Slaughterhouse serves as an outright damage boost against humanoids, and sets up enemies for Finishing moves – like the Bladerunner perk.

1 Finisher: Blade Runner

An Awesome Finisher Preceded By Essential Buffs

Cyberpunk 2077 Best Perks 2.0 Update Blade Runner Finisher
  • Attribute Requirement: Reflexes lvl 15
  • Other Prerequisites: Fully upgraded Slippery and Lead & Steel perks

The Bladerunner perk is actually a pre-requisite for the Slaughterhouse perk, at Reflexes Level 15, but its one of the best Blades perks Cyberpunk 2077 players can get because it's more applicable to all enemy types, not just enemies that can Bleed. At Level 1, it costs 15% less Stamina to use Blades, while level 2 increases Blades Attack Speed by 20%.

Level 3 unlocks the eponymous Bladerunner finisher, which can be initiated against low-HP enemies or targets susceptible to Finishers (like through Quickhacks and related perks). When this finisher is done, V gains 25% HP – not 25 flat HP, a quarter of their total Health. The stamina, attack speed, and HP restoration of this perk are more than enough to make it the best Blade perk in Cyberpunk even without the brutal Finisher is also grants.


  • Going the Distance: Doubles the range of Finisher: Bladerunner
  • Flash of Steel: After performing any Finisher, V gains +25% Movement Speed and Attack Speed. Lasts for six seconds.
  • Opportunist: Enemies who are Staggered, Stunned, Blinded, or Bleeding can be more easily killed with any Finisher
cyberpunk 2077 poster
Cyberpunk 2077

December 10, 2020
CD Projekt Red
M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs and Alcohol