Across all of Night City, there is one gang in particular in Cyberpunk 2077 that it’s best to steer clear from. That would be Maelstrom, noted for their use of black leather and their addiction to chrome. These Cyberpunk 2077 gang members are obsessed with technology, and modifying their bodies with visible high-profile cyberware that will forever alter their appearances like fashion.

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Maelstrom members are violent, dangerous, and greedy, and the citizens of Night City should keep clear of these killers in Cyberpunk 2077. However, there are some members of the Maelstrom gang that are more well-known than others, for better or worse.

8 Simon “Royce” Randall

v pointing a gun at royce's face

One of the first Maelstrom members that V will have the displeasure of meeting is Royce, the new leader of Maelstrom. Royce is cold and calculating, but equally impatient and rageful. The hulking size of Royce makes him someone to fear, and his readiness to prove himself as the newest boss to the Maelstrom empire makes him quick on the trigger for anyone who gets on his bad side.

Royce is notable for his cyberware, in which the inside of his face is practically completely caved in for disturbing technology. He’s horrific to look at, and when he gets into his mech suit, who’s to say what limb he will rip off first? Royce is as tough as he is memorable.

7 Declan “Brick” Griffin

brick talking to a reporter with johnny silverhand standing behind them

The leader that players will want to hold in the reigns of Maelstrom is Brick. This leader was the original man that V was supposed to meet at the Maelstrom All Foods Plant base. However, Brick loses control of the Maelstrom members, and his leadership is questioned, presumably due to how he runs things less violently than what the others would like.

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Brick is a great ally to have, especially if V saves him from his fate of being surrounded by land mines. If Brick regains control of the Maelstrom gang, then perhaps a favor is owed to V. Make no mistake, Brick is still violent, and just as rude as one would expect from a Maelstrom member.

6 Dum Dum

dum dum in an elevator

A representative to the leader of Maelstrom, Dum Dum does his job well if one considers how messed up business can be in Night City. Dum Dum acts as a friendly face and immediately offers V some S-keef, a known drug within the Cyberpunk 2077 universe. Dum Dum’s kindness to share in his pleasures makes him a nice member of Maelstrom, until one realizes he is all about Royce and business, and won’t hesitate to stick some iron in V’s face to get what he wants.

Dum Dum is plenty talkative, and it seems like he’d enjoy a life outside of being in a gang, as he expresses enthusiasm for seeing V again once V makes it to the Totentanz nightclub in a Maelstrom gig. Dum Dum will talk to V with delight, and even warn them of any dangers that may be waiting for them in a meeting with Royce.

5 Ofella “Patricia” Sirawian

ofella patricia sirawian close up

One of the more elite members of Maelstrom is Ofelia. This high-ranking Maelstrom is described as “A woman like no other”, and for good reason. She’s the only one brave enough to stand up to Brick, and as she guards the entrance to the Totentanz club, she will berate V and often question Brick’s methods until the Maelstrom boss tells her that that’s enough.

In the case of Brick’s death, Ofelia is the new queen of Maelstrom, and thanks V for helping her take control of Maelstrom. However, in her control, Maelstrom becomes more violent than ever, and she tries to ensure that no one who crosses Maelstrom is left alive to tell about it.

4 Dietlinde

dietlinde totentanz nightclub bartender

If players are to wander into the Totentanz nightclub, they will find some familiar Maelstrom faces. This isn’t a place where players will want to try and start a shootout, as they will be completely outnumbered. Yet, it’s a place where players will want to keep their iron close, and their wallet closer. Inside Totentanz, players can find Dietlinde, the bartender.

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This bartender is Maelstrom. Not only from the way she looks with her chrome-infested flesh but from her personality. Dietlinde has no time for small talk and idle chit-chat, and will certainly make V feel unwelcome. She remains the bartender here and keeps her life secret.

3 Zaria Hughes

Enemy Cyberpsycho confronting V

Cyberpsychosis can affect anyone that overloads their flesh and synapses with too many cybernetic augmentations. Maelstrom members are especially prevalent to falling ill to Cyberpsychosis because they embed tech into their body like it’s a new piercing. Zaria Hughes is one of those victims that fell into Cyberpsychosis.

Zaria Hughes became a Cyberpsycho after she was involved with a Maelstrom ritual. Whilst embedded into the Net, she was stuck between life and death, and she hibernated in her icebox after killing all surrounding Maelstrom members. It’s a disturbing sight, but not an uncommon one to see in Night City.

2 Ellis Carter

ellis carter cyberpsycho

On the topic of Cyberpsychosis, Ellis Carter is another victim of this seemingly incurable disease. What makes Ellis so memorable, is not only how his face has a disgusting chunk of metal that replaces his eyes, nose and mouth, but his loyalty to the Maelstrom cause.

Ellis is noted as the last public supporter of Brick as the Maelstrom leader. After Royce took over, Ellis decided to start a one-man-war against the new Maelstrom. However, he was tortured by Royce's crew, and filled with cyberware and drugs that drove him over the edge.

1 Kaiser Herzog

kaiser herzog the surgeon

Known in Night City as “The Surgeon”, the name is as ominous as it sounds. Jauser Herzog is a Ripperdoc, known to service Maelstrom members. The reason for his alias comes from the fact that he was practicing without a license, which is a big no-no to the NCPD. It also doesn’t help that he has a first-degree murder charge against him.

Herzog is one of the creepiest Maelstrom members. Not only is his place of work crawling with all kinds of Maelstrom enforcers, but his physical appearance is something that makes V’s skin crawl. His limbs seem entirely composed of metal and wires, and all that remains of his face is his forehead and cheeks. Everything else is replaced with chrome, from his eyes, scalp, and mouth.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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