Johnny Silverhand is one of the best characters in Cyberpunk 2077 by a country mile. Many people might find some flaws in Keanu Reeves' performance, but there's no denying that Silverhand's charisma is neverending, and the fact that he undergoes a fair bit of character development after sticking around with V makes him a pretty compelling character. It's easy to see why so many people want Johnny Silverhand to live another life after learning from the mistakes he made in his past.

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Of course, it helps that Silverhand also has one of the most unique and memorable character designs of all time. Players love the way Keanu Reeves looks in Cyberpunk 2077, and this appearance can be customized even further with the use of mods. The best Johnny Silverhand alternate appearance mods can make a huge difference and are well worth checking out.

6 Johnny WhooshyHair

Johnny WhooshyHair mod for Cyberpunk 2077

Johnny Silverhand has a thick head of hair that's easily one of the most memorable parts of this character. His long, flowing hair is a dead giveaway and makes it pretty clear as to who Night City's most legendary rocker boy really is. That being said, there's no denying that this luscious coat of hair can feel pretty static at times, which might irk certain players who want their favorite character in Night City to look as realistic as can be.

This is where the Johnny WhooshyHair mod comes into the picture. It overhauls the physics of Johnny's hair to react more sensitively to the environment, leading to his hair flowing all over the place with the slightest movement. This might not be the most realistic mod around, but the simple yet noticeable change it makes to Johnny's look makes it quite engaging in its own right.

5 Thicker Beard For Johnny

Thicker Beard For Johnny mod for Cyberpunk 2077

Johnny's rich head of hair isn't the only iconic thing about this character. Most people would definitely recognize the get-up of this iconic character when they see his sunglasses and a copious amount of facial hair, although the latter isn't really as dense as most people would expect.

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For these players, the Thicker Beard for Johnny mod is a great way to make the look of this iconic rocker boy even more memorable. True to its name, Keanu Reeves gets a pretty thick beard that makes his facial features way more sharp and noticeable. It might seem like a simple mod, but players who are bored of Johnny's usual look will be pretty well-serviced by this particular mod.

4 Johnny Wick

Johnny Wick mod for Cyberpunk 2077

Keanu Reeves has played many notable roles over the course of his career, with Johnny Silverhand being another feather in the cap of one of the most prolific and beloved actors of all time. His role as Neo in The Matrix is legendary in every sense of the word, and one of his most recent acting gigs that made Keanu a household name once again is John Wick.

In fact, many people love John Wick so much that they decided to channel all this passion into a mod for Cyberpunk 2077. This led to the Johnny Wick mod becoming a reality, allowing players to live out their wildest dreams of having a mechanically-augmented John Wick invade their heads and slowly try to take over their minds.

3 PROJECT 2020 - The Second Edition - Table Top Johnny Silverhand Overhaul

PROJECT 2020 - The Second Edition - Table Top Johnny Silverhand Overhaul for Cyberpunk 2077

Most people aren't aware of the fact that Johnny Silverhand actually exists in the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020. This TTRPG is the reason why Cyberpunk 2077 exists in the first place, with Johnny Silverhand's bombing of Arasaka being a major event in the game as well. Of course, the main topic of discussion here is Silverhand's appearance in the TTRPG, and how it's almost completely different from his look in Cyberpunk 2077.

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A modder undertook the painstaking effort of finding as many pictures of Johnny's look as possible from Cyberpunk 2020 before integrating the same into Cyberpunk 2077. This version of Johnny Silverhand looks completely different and might take many people by surprise, but people who want to experience the story in an entirely fresh manner will be more than happy to check out this particular mod.

2 Cleaned Up Silverhand

Cleaned Up Silverhand mod for Cyberpunk 2077

Johnny Silverhand's bombing of Arasaka Tower turned him into one of the biggest legends in Night City. However, this came at the cost of his own life, with Saburo Arasaka turning Johnny into his very own guinea pig and wiping out his threat using Soulkiller. As a result, it's easy to see why Johnny appears dirty and scratched up — he did leave the living world in such a state, after all.

However, there are times when a player's idealism might take over the notion of accuracy and authenticity. This is where the Cleaned Up Silverhand mod comes into the picture, giving Johnny a cleaner look with no dirt or residual wounds on him whatsoever. It's a great mod for players who want Silverhand to look like he actually bothered to take a shower before being shoved into an engram.

1 Johnny Silverhand - Glitch Effect Removal

Johnny Silverhand - Glitch Effect Removal mod in Cyberpunk 2077

While this mod doesn't really affect Johnny's actual appearance, it does affect how a player views Silverhand. The regular appearances of Johnny in the game come with his avatar glitching out at times, which can be slightly grating after a point. Thankfully, mods can do away with this visual anomaly as well.

Players who want to see Silverhand's presence in all its glory without any glitchy effects can download this mod to facilitate the same. It's a pretty minor change, but players who want to behold Silverhand in all his glory without the glitched-out effects distracting from his visage will greatly benefit from this mod.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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