
  • Certain characters and dialogue options in Cyberpunk 2077 have a significant impact on the story and the fate of certain characters. The player must pay attention to make the best decisions.
  • In the Phantom Liberty DLC, players must make important choices that affect the story and the characters. Players should consider if they can trust Songbird and if helping her is the best choice for V.
  • Making specific choices in Cyberpunk 2077 can lead to new endings, secret endings, and even romantic relationships. Players should choose wisely to shape V's journey in Night City.

It’s no secret that living the best life in Night City is practically impossible. However, Cyberpunk 2077 is filled with actions and choices that directly impact V’s life and the lives of those around them. There are many ethical and moral decisions that V can make, and it all lies in the hands of the player. Cyberpunk 2077 holds many paths, and the player must choose their own.

Cyberpunk 2077: Best Starting Attributes and Perks

Night City can be dangerous for newcomers, so it's best to start with these Attributes and Perks to survive whatever Cyberpunk 2077 throws at V.

If the player is looking for the best decisions in Cyberpunk 2077, then they need to pay close attention to certain characters and dialogue options. Although life in Night City may not be the greatest dream, it can still harbor some good moments for those who make the right choices.

Updated February 17, 2024, by Jake Fillery: Choices matter in Cyberpunk 2077, and the most important decisions in the game will come back to haunt the player in unexpected ways, both in-game and in their own conscious for how they view the moral decisions that they face. Not every action in Cyberpunk 2077 needs to involve murder and cruelty, and some great decisions can provide Night City and V with some positives, despite Johnny Silverhand's narcissistic views. These are the best decisions to make in Cyberpunk 2077 to try and make the most out of Night City and keep people happy.

This Article contains spoilers for Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

15 Help Joshua Attone For His Sins

Don't Let His Sacrifice Be In Vain

Joshua Stephenson Praying

Joshua Stephenson was a bad man, and his death sentence is for a justified reason. Joshua has hurt and killed a lot of people, but the Sinnerman side quest shows that he's had a change of faith, and he now believes in God and that he is the new Messiah. As a result, Joshua wants to sacrifice himself, but this is being exploited by corporate greed to film it as a braindance so people can experience The Passion in all its glory.

Whilst some may want to save Joshua, they must know that it isn't possible, and the best way to proceed in this quest is to guide Joshua on his path, and to comfort him. If players doubt him or make him question his decision to sacrifice himself, then he will still go through with it, but with immense pain and suffering. Being gentle and affirming to Joshua will help make his sacrifice seem important, and will even move other people as he redeems himself for his past sins.

14 Saving Barry

Stop A Suicide From A Friend In Need

Cyberpunk 2077 Screenshot Of Barry From Side Job

Life in Night City isn't easy, and in Happy Together, V's neighbor Barry is having the hardest time there is. His friend has died, and not even his colleagues at the NCPD can get through to him. If players fail to investigate Barry's condition or give him a proper talk, then he will kill himself, and his friends at the NCPD will be distraught by another good man lost to the corruptible horrors of Night City.

There's a way to save Barry once players head to the Columbarium, and they will be able to find a memorial dedicated to Andrew, which is Barry's dead friend, who just so happens to be a turtle. Venturing here before talking to the cops after a conversation with Barry means that his life will be saved.

13 Rescue President Myers

Saving The NUSA President Opens Up The Phantom Liberty DLC

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Rosalind Myers

If players have purchased the Phantom Liberty expansion, then they should receive a phone call from Songbird about a contract to save the NUSA President, Rosalind Myers. If players take on this quest, then they best hurry, as it's a race against time to get to Myers once her shuttle crash lands in the dangerous zone of Dogtown.

Cyberpunk 2077's Gangs Ranked From Least To Most Powerful

In CD Projekt Red's Cyberpunk 2077, Night City is filled with incredibly dangerous gangs, although some are more powerful than others.

Failing to reach her in time will cause the game to continue, with Songbird kicking V to the dirt and vowing to never help them again. Players can reverse this decision by loading a past save, but it's still a bad idea to let Rosalind Myers die, as it will lock them out of the amazing story from Phantom Liberty.

12 Helping Reed

Reed Will Save V's Life But At The Cost Of Cyberware

A screenshot of Idris Elba as Solomon Reed against a red light in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty.

As players progress through Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, they will meet the tritagonist, Solomon Reed. Reed is vitally important to the story, and his allegiance to the FIA is above all else. Despite being killed for and by his country 7 years before the events of the game, it won’t stop his loyalty, and his promise to V: Solomon Reed will save their life.

By helping Solomon Reed, he will fulfill his promise to help V. Choosing the right dialogue options and making specific decisions will see Reed see V as more than just an FIA asset, and as a friend, whom he will desperately want to help, and choosing Solomon Reed will also open up a new secret ending for the base game.

11 Have Bennett And Jago Rule Dogtown

Mutual Co-operation Ensures Corpos Stay Out Of Dogtown

kurt hansen's wake, with jago and bennett watching V as Aguilar

Fatal consequences strike in Phantom Liberty, and there comes a point where a new ruler must be declared for Dogtown. In the quest Run This Town, players are tasked by Mr. Hands to provide Dogtown with a new, ruthless dictator, one on par with Kurt Hansen, but with a little more restraint thanks to a loyal accountant.

The quest is a lot of fun, but what’s vitally important is that players use their dialogue skills to make sure that Jago steps down from the race of Dogtown’s newest leader, and that Bennett rules supreme. However, if players are smart, they can make sure that Bennett rules and Jago lives, ensuring mutual cooperation for Dogtown to thrive under new leadership.

10 Killing Dodger

A Key Figure In The Drug Business, In & Out Of Dogtown

cyberpunk 2077 waiting for dodger walkthrough

Receiving the Gig Waiting for Dodger, players can head through a former NCPD station in Pacifica near the Grand Imperial Mall. The objective is clear, thanks to Stella’s direction, who will tell players that they need to infiltrate the NCPD station and find her husband and his friend, two cops who have gotten themselves in a fairly bad situation involving drugs.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty – Best New Areas, Ranked

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty brings many new interesting areas into the game, and here are the coolest of the bunch.

Once players have rescued Bill and Charles, they will be cornered by Dodger, a central character involved in Kurt Hansen’s Barghest unit. Although players can talk their way out of this, killing Dodger is a great choice, as not only does it give an iconic weapon, but it also takes out one of Kurt Hansen’s important men.

9 Give Paco and Babs To Panam Palmer

Save Two Innocent Barghest Soldiers From Execution

cyberpunk 2077 balls to the wall paco and babs

Players can save Paco and Babs in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty during the Balls to the Wall side job, as long as they call in some favors. Paco and Babs are in deep trouble with Barghest, thanks to Paco’s betrayal and desire for Eurodollars. However, Paco’s fate doesn’t need to resort to being a message to the traitors of Dogtown, and they can spare the character from his fate with a noose.

All players need to do is give Panam Palmer and the Aldecaldos a text on their phone, to which she will happily assist. Panam will help Paco and Babs sneak out of Dogtown, and then out of Night City, where they can start fresh and travel the world, free from being a Kurt Hansen soldier.

8 Send Jackie To His Mother

Pay Respects To A Dear Friend With Jackie's Ofrenda

jackie's ofrenda in cyberpunk 2077

One of the earliest tragedies in Cyberpunk 2077 is the death of Jackie Welles. Jackie was V’s best friend, and his life was taken during The Heist mission. When Jackie has passed, V has the decision to send his body somewhere. Players should always send Jackie home, to his mother, so that he can have a proper passing.

If Jackie is sent to his mother, then players can engage in the emotional mission in which they are involved in Jackie’s Ofrenda. Not only is the funeral upsetting character building, but players can obtain Jackie’s iconic gold dual-wield pistols afterward. Sending his body elsewhere means that Jackie’s mind is trapped in Soulkiller, and he will never be at peace.

7 Diving With Judy

Give Judy The Goodbye She Deserves

judy in her diving suit

Judy is another occupant of Night City who doesn’t exactly live the easiest life. She has been through a lot and has seen even worse. Night City is no friend to Judy, and the city has taken more than she could afford to give. Even when Judy tries to do good and make Clouds a place for Dolls, matters simply worsen as the Tyger Claws retaliate, killing even more people.

Judy will ask V to go diving with her to help take her mind off things. Johnny objects, but this is one of the times when players should ignore him. It’s an intimate mission, and female Vs will be able to have a romantic relationship with Jud. Male Vs, on the other hand, will be able to get closure on Judy’s missions, as she will leave Night City forever afterward.

6 Siding With NetWatch

The Voodoo Boys Cannot Be Trusted

netwatch officer in cyberpunk 2077

Siding with Corpos is usually never a good idea, but when it comes to the better of two evils, players should certainly side with NetWatch when the time comes. V will be infected by Placide and the Voodoo Boys with a virus that will kill the NetWatch officer, and V, to free the Voodoo Boy agents trapped in the net. Thanks to Johnny’s chip, V will survive the attack, an attack that proves just how selfish and evil the Voodoo Boys are.

With this in mind, players should side with NetWatch to eliminate all of the Voodoo Boys, and finally engage in a boss fight with the rude and disrespectful Placide. The Voodoo Boys are more of a threat than NetWatch, as the latter is simply trying to keep Rogue AIs out of the world, whereas the Voodoo Boys want to join their side for the inevitable war, making them the true enemy.

5 Helping Panam And The Aldecaldos

Panam Is A Loyal Ally, And The Aldecaldos Can Be Family

panam palmer cyberpunk 2077

Panam is a great character in Cyberpunk 2077, and players should do what they can to help her, whether that’s in a revenge quest or mending her relationship with the nomad clan the Aldecaldos. In doing so, not only are players given a fun set of missions that help players and V explore a life outside of Night City, but it also opens up future opportunities.

Cyberpunk 2077: Most Disturbing Shards In the Game

The shards in Cyberpunk 2077 allow players to read about a variety of interesting things. Here are the most disturbing ones in the game.

In completing the Aldecaldos missions and siding with Panam whenever possible, players will unlock a new ending for the game, as well as a romantic relationship with Panam for male Vs. Panam is a great addition and could be a great ally to all genders of V for her loyalty and determination.

4 The Guy Who Saved My Life

Create An Inseparable Friendship With Johnny Silverhand

johnny silverhand in the oil fields

Players who develop a friendship and trust with Johnny Silverhand will find themselves in the side mission Chippin’ In. This side mission can be accessed by letting Johnny go on his date with Rogue and onwards. During this mission, Adam Smasher’s lackey, Jeremiah Grayson, will tell V where Johnny is buried. Going to the Oil Fields with Johnny is an emotional experience. It's also a spiritual awakening for Johnny Silverhand, who realizes he never had a true friend like V.

V needs to make the right dialogue choices at this point. Players need to start on the right path by writing on Johnny’s gravestone:

  • The guy who saved my life.”
  • Nah, f***ed that up too.”
  • What do you want from me?
  • OK. But as second chances go, this is your last.”
  • You were a real d*ck in the beginning.
  • When you said you let down your friends…
  • Yeah, I’ll call Rogue.”

This is the only way players will get a 70% friendship with Johnny Silverhand and unlock the secret ending with their favorite dead choom.

3 Investigating Peter Pan

Save A Serial Killer's Child Victims

creepy peter pan video in cyberpunk 2077

The instinct for Johnny Silverhand may be to not trust cops, but River Ward makes a good case of why he needs help. River’s nephew is missing and is one of the comatose victims of serial killer Peter Pan. V and River should team up to solve this detective mystery, embarking on a true and unexpected thriller in Cyberpunk 2077.

This mission is like no other, and it’s a delicate matter of child victims that V and the players should try their hardest to solve with River. By choosing to investigate the case with River, players will be able to save kidnapped boys and build a good relationship with River.

2 Incapacitating The Cyberpsychos

Incapacitate, Don't Kill, To Try And Find A Cyberpsycho Cure

cyberpsycho in cyberpunk 2077

There are plenty of Cyberpsychos in Night City thanks to the indulgence of chrome. Cyberpsychosis is an illness given to people who have too many body modifications. It causes them to lose their minds and commit themselves to a murderous rampage. There is no known cure for Cyberpsychosis, but that doesn’t mean that Regina Jones isn’t trying to solve the case herself.

For Regina to gather the appropriate data and help these poor victims of circumstance, V needs to incapacitate all Cyberpsychos. It may not be easy, but it’s the moral thing to do. Beating up Cyberpsychos or using stealth for non-lethal takedowns means that Regina and her team can further research ways to cure these poor victims.

1 Saving Takemura

Takemura Is Essential To Fight For Arasaka

takemura having a coffee in cyberpunk 2077

Although Takemura and V started as less than friends, their circumstances made them valuable allies, and eventually friends. Takemura and V kidnap Hanako Arasaka to tell her about her brother’s crimes and that Saburo was murdered by her brother, Yorinobu. However, Arasaka agents flood the hotel and attempt to kill V and Takemura.

If V wants to save Takemura, players can climb up the hotel to save Takemura from the overwhelming Arasaka forces. If they leave him behind, Takemura will die and his friendship will be lost, thus ending the possibility of him appearing in several of Cyberpunk 2077's many endings.

cyberpunk 2077 poster
Cyberpunk 2077

December 10, 2020
CD Projekt Red
RPG , Action