
  • Cyberpunk 2077 has received updates and DLC that have addressed previous issues and polished the game to a fantastic state.
  • Talented mod authors have added new content and improvements to the game, such as character enhancements, pet options, and weapon mods.
  • The modding community has created a variety of options, including romanceable character expansions, new pet choices, and cosmetic enhancements for characters' appearance.

With Cyberpunk 2077's 2.1 update and a major DLC, new and old players are coming back to the futuristic RPG. Many issues that Cyberpunk 2077 might have had in the past are long gone, and most things have been polished to a fantastic state.

Cyberpunk 2077: Great Weapon Mods You Need To Try

With Cyberpunk 2077 all patched up and DLC on the way, fans are excited to jump back in. Adding these weapon mods can only add to the excitement.

But of course, even with the very best of titles, there is alwaysroom for improvement. From better textures to fan-made content to smaller quality-of-life improvements, talented mod authors all over the world have been adding more and more amazing options to the Nexus library. As always, it is very important to read the description of a mod to avoid possible collisions and crashes.

10 8ug8ear Romance

Endorsements - 1,057

8ug8ear Romance

Beatrice Ellen Trieste, better known by her netrunner handle, 8ug8ear, is a minor character that players will meet on one of the jobs given by the fixer Wakako Okada. She is a very interesting character, and enough people have been inquiring about her that it has clearly warranted this mod.

The mod fleshes out her story and adds new interactions between her and V. From texts to conversations to new cutscenes, the mod comes with all the nuances of a romanceable character in the game.

9 Cat Replacers for Nibbles

Endorsements - 1,262

Cat Replacers for Nibbles

Nibbles is an adorable cat that players can rescue, patiently waiting for food near V’s apartment. Not that there’s anything at all wrong with its appearance, but certain players enjoy having more options when it comes to their pets, and this mod does exactly that.

28 Pro Tips For Cyberpunk 2077 You Need To Know

Players should check out some pro tips for Cyberpunk 2077 before heading into the dangers of Night City.

With a new breed and more than seven different color variations, players can pick and choose their particular favorite. After all, pets are often a highlight in any RPG, and being able to add more personality and preference is always a great thing.

8 Piercing Edits

Endorsements - 1,273

Piercing Edits

The game has quite a few options when it comes to character customization. From different body sliders to countless makeup, tattoo, and augmentation options. And, of course, that includes piercings. While the vanilla versions don’t look particularly bad per se, the author added a lot of character to all the available options.

The modded piercings look bolder and much more emphasized, which is exactly what some people were looking for. It should be noted that the mod replaces the vanilla options. Therefore, players are encouraged to check out the collection beforehand.

7 Kala's Eyes Standalone V2

Endorsements - 2,248

Kala's Eyes Standalone V2

Eye mods are always among the more popular within any community. Partially because many other mods incorporate them and partially because players always want more iris options.

Mistakes In Cyberpunk 2077 That Will Cost You The Best Ending

From blasting everything in sight to failing to gear up, the player can make a lot of mistakes in Cyberpunk 2077 that can cost them the best ending!

The mod adds a lot of new options, surely satisfying the most meticulous of character artists. Aside from the new options, the default colors look so much more vibrant and lively, complementing pretty much any and every character. With over 39 new options, it is no wonder that the mod has garnered more than 80,000 downloads.

6 STRAPPED - Male and Female Pistol Harness

Endorsements - 2,388


While the mod doesn’t touch on any actual game mechanics, it does look epic. The mod does come in both body types, so every character can now enjoy the dashing and imposing look.

It’s also a great mod for players who enjoy “cosplaying” in the game, as the harness can be a part of many famous characters’ looks. The author continues to work on the mod and plans on adding more features and bug fixes in the future.

5 Remove the holes left by the injection

Endorsements - 2,449

Remove the holes

V is in for quite the journey, and along the way, they get help from trusted friends and partners. Among them is Victor, who brings V back from the brink of death more than once and can also work on augmentations and enhancements.

8 Open-World Games With Witty Dialogue

Aside from great gameplay, some open-world games are known for their humorous dialogue.

After a certain procedure, V might get a visible scar from such activities, which is very visible, especially on lighter clothes. The mod completely removes the blemish, leaving V’s arms completely clean and ready to cause more mayhem in Night City.

4 4K Detailed Complexion for Panam

Endorsements - 2,459

4K Detailed Complexion for Panam

Panam is one of the best romanceable characters in the game and definitely one of the most popular ones. As such, it is no wonder that a 4K texture upgrade is one of the most downloaded Character mods on the website.

The mod comes in 3 different variations, and players can choose whichever version they prefer. Besides the improved textures, the variations also differ in the smaller details, such as makeup on skin complexion.

3 Claire's Ponytail

Endorsements - 2,843

Claire's Ponytail

Claire is a charming bartender at the Afterlife bar and can become a trusty and supportive ally to V. In a place such as Night City, friends are few and far between, and having someone positive to talk to is even rarer.

Cyberpunk 2077: Best UI Mods You Should Install

These mods for Cyberpunk 2077 will provide players with alternate and great options to improve their UI.

But another detail that caught the players’ attention is her great hairstyle. Unfortunately, it isn’t at all available to V, or at least it wasn’t. The mod adds her dashing hairdo to character creation, allowing players to share their look with one of the best bartenders and people around.

2 Judy Beautified - 4K Complexion Makeup and Eyebrows

Endorsements - 3,302

Judy's Face Beautified

The same mod author that improved Panam’s textures also put the work into Judy’s model, and judging by over 200,000 downloads, people approved. Overall, she got a similar treatment, with improved textures, a different complexion, and touched-up makeup.

The only difference is that there aren’t several versions of it, but just one. The amount of detail is quite impressive, and the overall quality is fantastic. The author also posted several other character mods and options and has deservedly garnered a small following within the community.

cyberpunk 2077 poster

RPG , Action
December 10, 2020
CD Projekt Red