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There's a lot to love in Cyberpunk 2077's story, even if players don't like the rest of the game. But what things like the fan-made Cyberpunk 2077 movie, as well as discussions of the main story, don't cover, are the snags in the story and sidequests that can bring it all to a screeching halt.

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Take, for example, one of the most frustrating bosses in all of Cyberpunk 2077: Rhino. This member of the Animals gang is a brutally tough combatant, and V must defeat her in a straight-up fist fight for the mission Beat on the Brat. It's a notoriously difficult fight, so here's a guide to make it a little easier.

Updated on March 9, 2022, by Anastasia Maillot: The Beat on the Brat questline continues to be one major headache for players who didn't choose to go the route of body stats and hand-to-hand combat. Towards the end of the quest, V will face off against many tougher enemies, including Rhino, who has the ability to nearly one-shot down an unprepared V. With the 1.5 update now out, much hasn't changed in terms of this quest, and players will still need to be prepared before heading into the den of the Animals gang. However, more information on where to find helpful cyberware for the fight, as well as a secondary strategy on how to beat Rhino in Cyberpunk 2077 has been added to the guide.

Put Some Points Into The Right Body Stats

Cyberpunk 2077 Skill Tree Screen

When building their own personal V, many players will choose a couple of stats to be "dump" stats. This means they aren't focused on too much, with upgrades and perks being earned in more important traits.

While many players will be hunting for powerful Cyberdecks early to supplement powerful hacking builds, it's important to put some points into physical damage. This will help with Rhino, as well as other fights. Don't go nuts on health or defense, though, since the best defense against Rhino is to get hit as little as possible. Even the strongest V builds will still suffer when hit with her special move, so practicing hand-to-hand combat above all is important.

Get Some Gorilla Arms

Cyberpunk 2077 Gorilla Arms Description In Arasaka Catalogue

This one's essential: get a good pair of Gorilla Arms. These combat mods make V's arms strong enough to open steel doors, and in a boxing match against Rhino, they are absolutely essential. Don't worry about it being an unfair fight either: even with Gorilla Arms, she can take a long time to bring down. Go for legendary Gorilla Arms if possible to beat her faster: the fewer opportunities she has to end the fight in a few hits.

Players can find Gorilla Arms at clinics found at Rancho Coronado, Downtown, and Heywood. Finishing the main quest and receiving one of the game's endings will also reward the player with a pair of free Legendary Gorilla Arms.

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However, those hoping to get their hands on them faster than that should hit the ripperdocs at Downtown or Heywood, for a sum of 35,250 eddies. The Gorilla Arms at Legendary tier also come with three empty mod slots for additional modifications.

Get Reinforced Tendons

Cyberpunk 2077 Reinforced Tendons In Purchase Menu

If players have failed to invest in body stats and don't feel confident going head to head with Rhino using Gorilla Arms, there is an alternate strategy that works well in most of the Beat on the Brat quests, save for the last one. Players should invest in the Reinforced Tendons cyberware for legs, which essentially allows them to perform double jumps mid-air full-on ninja style.

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The double jump is a fantastic advantage to have because Rhino isn't able to reach V while they're in the air. It's also great for players to use if they feel uncomfortable with Cyberpunk 2077's dodging mechanics, which can at times feel a bit wonky and unreliable. The jump is a great secondary dodge option, and perfect for when players need to bide their time and look for an opening.

Players can find the Reinforced Tendons cyberware at Finger's (Japantown), Viktor's (Little China), and Cassius' clinics (Northside). The upgrade costs 30000 eddies, but it's money well spent, as it will help players in other quests and some of the other fights as well.

Avoid The Edges Of The Pit

Cyberpunk 2077 Beat The Brat Rhino Missing Her Blow

The fight takes place in an uncomfortably small, circular pit. There are spiked pillars all around the edge, and they will hurt V if they carelessly blunder into one, so be careful. The ladders are even worse: V can get stuck on one, which opens them up for an easy hit from Rhino. Stay away from the edges.

Back Away From The Shove

Cyberpunk 2077 Rhino Shoved

That said, Rhino has one move in particular players will need to watch out for. For the most part, going for heavy headshots will break Rhino's guard and stagger her, allowing players to rain down the punches. An unlimited money trick for some better Gorilla Arms will help with this and keep her on the defensive most of the time.

However, when she makes a shoving motion, players need to back up immediately. This is followed by a massive, unstoppable punch, and the best way to dodge it is to back far away from Rhino. Keep her against the wall and there should be enough space to step back without hitting a pillar or ladder.

Big Stats

Cyberpunk 2077 Street Kid V

Beyond the above advice, the best thing players can do is get big stats in physical, unarmed damage. Anyone looking to stat grind should try Pacifica. It's not quick and easy, but it will get the job done. Dedicating a build for hand-to-hand combat might be a big commitment for many players, but those with strong V's will have a definite advantage when it comes to beating Rhino.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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